
    Automation and operations

    Automation and operations encompass the tools and processes that streamline and manage data transformation workflows in CloverDX. This section provides guidance on automating tasks, scheduling workflows, monitoring performance, and managing server operations.

    • Automation: Learn how to automate repetitive tasks and processes to improve efficiency.

      • Tasks: Discover the different types of tasks available in CloverDX and how to create and manage them.

      • Scheduling: Explore options for scheduling workflows to run automatically at specific times or intervals.

      • Listeners: Understand how to use listeners to trigger actions based on workflow events.

      • Manual task execution: Learn how to manually execute tasks and workflows.

      • Data Services: Discover how to deploy and manage reusable Data Services for common data transformations.

      • Data Apps: Explore the concept of Data Apps and how to create and deploy them.

      • Alerts and notifications: Learn how to set up alerts and notifications to be notified of important workflow events.

    • Operations: Learn how to monitor server resources as well as monitor and troubleshoot the performance of your data transformation workflows:

      • Monitoring: Explore tools and techniques for monitoring workflow performance and identifying issues.

      • Server logs & troubleshooting: Learn how to analyze server logs and troubleshoot problems.

      • Execution History: Discover how to view and analyze the execution history of workflows.

    • Server management APIs: Understand how to use APIs (REST API or SOAP API) to manage CloverDX servers programmatically.

    • Libraries & sandboxes: Learn about deploying and managing libraries, as well as working with and managing sandboxes.

    This guide refers to CloverDX 6.6.0 release.

    Copyright © 2010-2024 CloverDX a.s. All rights reserved.

    Do not copy or distribute without express permission of CloverDX a.s.

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