Jobflow Component
Short description
KillGraph aborts specified graphs and passes their final status to the output port.
Same input metadata | Sorted inputs | Inputs | Outputs | Each to all outputs | Java | CTL | Auto-propagated metadata |
⨯ |
⨯ |
0-1 |
0-1 |
✓ |
⨯ |
✓ |
✓ |
Port type | Number | Required | Description | Metadata |
Input |
0 |
⨯ |
Input tokens with identifications of interrupted graphs. |
Any |
Output |
0 |
⨯ |
Final graph execution status. |
Any |
KillGraph does not propagate metadata from left to right or from right to left.
This component has metadata templates. The templates are described in Details. General details on metadata templates are available in metadata templates.
KillGraph attributes
Attribute | Req | Description | Possible values |
Basic |
Run ID |
no |
Specifies the run ID of an interrupted graph. Has higher priority than the Execution group attribute. This attribute can be overridden in input mapping. |
long |
Execution group |
no |
All graphs belonging to the specified execution group are interrupted. The Run ID attribute has higher priority. This attribute can be overridden in input mapping. |
string |
Kill daemon children |
no |
Specifies whether even daemon children are interrupted. Non-daemon children are aborted in any case. This attribute can be overridden in input mapping. |
false (default) | true |
Input mapping |
no |
Input mapping defines how to extract Run ID or Execution group to be interrupted from incoming token. See Input mapping. |
CTL transformation |
Output mapping |
no |
Output mapping defines how to populate the output token by final graph status of interrupted graph. See Output mapping. |
CTL transformation |
The KillGraph component aborts graphs specified by Run ID or by Execution group (all graphs belonging to the Execution group are aborted). Final execution status of interrupted graphs is passed to the output port or just printed out to a log. Moreover, you can choose if even daemon children of interrupted graphs are aborted (non-daemon children are interrupted in any case) - see the Execute graph as daemon attribute of ExecuteGraph.
The component reads an input token, extracts Run ID or Execution group from incoming data (see the Input mapping attribute), interrupts the requested graphs and writes final status of the interrupted graph to the output port (see the Output mapping attribute).
In case the input port is not attached, just the graphs specified in the Run ID attribute or in Execution group attribute are interrupted.
Input mapping
Input mapping is regular CTL transformation which is executed for each input token to extract Run ID or Execution group to be interrupted. Output record has following structure:
Field Name | Type | Description |
runId |
long |
Overrides component attribute Run ID |
executionGroup |
string |
Overrides component attribute Execution group |
killDaemonChildren |
boolean |
Overrides component attribute Kill daemon children |
Output mapping
Output mapping is regular CTL transformation which is executed for interrupted graph to populate the output token. Available input data has following structure:
Field Name | Type | Description |
runId |
long |
run ID of interrupted graph |
originalJobURL |
string |
path to interrupted graph |
version |
string |
version of interrupted graph |
submitTime |
long |
time when the graph execution was requested. The graph can be enqueued and started later, see |
startTime |
date |
time of graph startup. If the graph was enqueued, this is the time when the graph was taken from the queue and started. See Job queue for more details about job queue. |
endTime |
date |
time of graph finish |
duration |
long |
graph run execution time in milliseconds (endTime - startTime) |
status |
string |
final graph execution status (FINISHED_OK | ERROR | ABORTED | TIMEOUT) |
errException |
string |
cause exception for failed graphs |
errMessage |
string |
error message for failed graphs |
errComponent |
string |
component ID which caused the graph to fail |
errComponentType |
string |
type of component which caused the graph to fail |