
    43. Others

    Common Properties of Others

    Some of the components are slightly different from those previously described. We call this group of components: Others.

    Others serve to perform multiple and heterogeneous tasks.

    As Others are heterogeneous group of components, they have no common properties.

    • CheckForeignKey checks foreign key values and replaces those invalid by default values.

    • CustomJavaComponent executes user-defined java transformation.

    • DBExecute executes SQL/DML/DDL statements against database.

    • HTTPConnector sends HTTP requests and receives responses from web server.

    • LookupTableReaderWriter reads data from a lookup table and/or writes data to a lookup table.

    • RESTConnector simplifies the integration of RESTful APIs into data processing workflows by pre-loading settings from OpenAPI documentation.

    • SequenceChecker checks whether input data records are sorted.

    • WebServiceClient calls a web-service and maps response to output ports.