Example configuration file

Below is an example configuration file including the most commonly used configuration properties. You can use this configuration file as a template and uncomment and modify the desired properties. See Properties details below for more information on the properties used in this file. For a full list of all configuration properties, see List of configuration properties. For cluster-specific properties, see Mandatory Cluster Properties and Optional cluster properties.

Changes in the configuration file will take effect after CloverDX Server is restarted.

##The following properties are primarily used in the sandboxes root path specification.

##CloverDX libraries home

##CloverDX Wrangler workspaces home

## Uncomment and modify the properties below to change the default user lockout values.

## Number of failed login attempts after which a next failed login attempt will lock the user.
## 0 means feature is switched off
## Default value is 5

## Period of time during which the failed login attempts are counted.
## Default value is 300s (5 min)

## Period of time after which a successful login attempt will unlock a previously locked user.
## Default value is 300s (5 min)

## Comma separated list of emails which will be notified when a user is locked out.

## Uncomment lines bellow to enable the cluster mode.

## Instance indicator
## Modify the color and label of your environment. Colors can be: green, blue, yellow, or red.

## Uncomment and tweak one of the following sections to use a
## separate database instead of the embedded Derby. This is
## recommended practice for production deployments.

## Example configuration for MySQL database.
## Modify the url, username and password for your environment.

## Example configuration for DB2 database.
## Modify the url, username and password for your environment.
#jdbc.url= jdbc:db2://hostname:50000/clover

## Example configuration for Oracle database.
## Modify the url, username and password for your environment.

## Example configuration for MSSQL database.
## Modify the url, username and password for your environment.

## Example configuration for PostgreSQL database.
## Modify the url, username and password for your environment.
Properties details
Property Description


Directory where sandbox contents are stored.


Used in cluster environments only; path to a local sandbox which is to be accessible only to a certain cluster node.


Used in cluster environments only; path to a partitioned sandbox directory.


Directory for installed libraries.


Directory for Wrangler workspaces.


Number of login attempts until a user is locked. See user lockout for more information.


Period during which login attempts are counted. See user lockout for more information.


Period after which a successful login releases the lock. See user lockout for more information.


Comma separated list of emails which will be notified when a user is locked out.







Mandatory properties to enable clustering. See Cluster mandatory properties for more information.


Changes the color of the instance indicator in the left upper corner in CloverDX console. See server instance indicator for more information.


Changes the label of the instance indicator in the left upper corner in CloverDX console. See server instance indicator for more information.

system database connection examples

For more information on system database installation and configuration, see system database configuration. When setting up a connection to a system database, remember to place the appropriate JDBC driver in the application server classpath (e.g., for Tomcat: <TOMCAT_INSTALL_DIR>/LIB).