System database configuration

The CloverDX Server license, as well as user’s information, event listeners and other services, are saved in a database. For stability and performance reasons, the default Apache Derby database is not supported for production environment, it is supported for evaluation purposes with Tomcat 9 application container only; therefore, you should choose one of the supported DB systems.

Since CloverDX Server stores important data in a database, you should create a system database and set up a working connection before you activate the Server with license and configure it.

For details on how to set up a connection to an external system database, see the list of examples below. The examples contain details on creating databases in DB systems supported by CloverDX Server and configuring a working connection between the database and the Server.

It is possible to specify common JDBC DB connection properties (see below) or a JNDI location of DB Datasource.

Clustered Deployment

In a Clustered deployment, each node must have a direct connection to a shared database specified. For more information, see Cluster configuration.

Setting up a CloverDX Server’s system database

  1. Create a database

    • Choose one of the supported database systems and create a database dedicated to CloverDX Server. Add a user/role for Clover and grant it required rights/privileges.

  2. Configure common JDBC connection properties

    • Some JDBC connection properties are common for all supported database systems. If you use a properties file for configuration, specify these properties:

  3. Add a JDBC 4 compliant driver on the classpath.

    • As the last step, add a JDBC 4 compliant driver on the classpath. A JDBC Driver which doesn’t meet JDBC 4 won’t work properly.

Below is a list of examples of individual database systems configurations.

Examples of database configurations

For officially supported versions of particular database systems, see Supported stacks.