32. Language reference

This chapter describes the syntax of CloverDX Transformation Language - CTL. CTL can be used to define transformations in many components.

This section describes the following areas:

Program structure

Each program written in CTL must contain the following parts:


All of them may be interspersed; however, there are some principles that are valid for them:

  • If an import statement is defined, it must be situated at the beginning of the code.

  • Variables and functions must be declared before use.

  • Declarations of variables and functions, statements and mappings may also be mutually interspersed.

In CTL2, variables and functions may be declared in any place of the transformation code and may be preceded by other code. However, remember that each variable and function must always be declared before it is used.

This is one of the differences between the two versions of CloverDX Transformation Language.

Example 17. Example of CTL2 syntax (Rollup)

string[] customers;
integer Length;

function void initGroup(VoidMetadata groupAccumulator) {

function boolean updateGroup(VoidMetadata groupAccumulator) {
     customers = split($in.0.customers," - ");
     Length = length(customers);

     return true;

function boolean finishGroup(VoidMetadata groupAccumulator) {
     return true;

function integer updateTransform(integer counter, VoidMetadata groupAccumulator) {
     if (counter >= Length) {

          return SKIP;

     $out.0.customers = customers[counter];
     $out.0.EmployeeID = $in.0.EmployeeID;

     return ALL;

function integer transform(integer counter, VoidMetadata groupAccumulator) {
     return ALL;

Note the //#CTL2 header.

You can enable the CTL compiled mode by changing the header to //#CTL2:COMPILE. For more information, see Compiled mode.


Comments are lines or parts of lines not being processed. They serve to describe what happens within the program or to disable program statements.

The comments are of two types - end of line comments or multiline comments. See the following two options:

// This is an end line comment.
// Everything following the slashes until end of line is a comment.

integer count = 0; // Comment can follow the code

/* This is a multiline comment.
   Everything between starting and ending symbol is a comment. */


Import makes accessible functions from other .ctl files. It is similar to import statement in Java or include statement in C/C++. Files to be included must be defined at the beginning before any other declaration(s) and/or statement(s).

  • import 'fileURL';
  • import "fileURL";

You must decide whether you want to use single or double quotes. Single quotes do not escape so called escape sequences. For more details see Literals below. For these fileURL, you must type the URL of some existing source code file.

Example 18. Example of an import of a CTL file

import "trans/filterFunctions.ctl";

function integer transform() {
    $out.0.field1 = filterChars($in.0.field1);

    return ALL;

You can use graph parameters to define the name of the imported file.

Example 19. Example of importing a CTL file with a graph parameter

import "${FUNCTION_DIR}/filterFunctions.ctl";

function integer transform() {
    $out.0.field1 = filterChars($in.0.field1);

    return ALL;

Metadata import in CTL2

Since CloverDX 5.6, it is also possible to import metadata from an external .fmt file, similarly to importing external .ctl files. Then you can use these metadata definitions in CTL when creating record structures. This enables you to use metadata that are unavailable in the current graph. Note that imported metadata can overlay metadata with the same name that already exist in the current graph.

import metadata "<path>";


import metadata "<path>" <new name>;

The scope of these new metadata definitions is limited just to the current CTL script, so other components don’t see them.

Example 20. CTL metadata import

import metadata "${META_DIR}/OrderItem.fmt"; // import OrderItem

// import metadata from Person.fmt and rename it to "Customer"
import metadata "${META_DIR}/Person.fmt" Customer;

OrderItem item;
item.productId = 12345;
item.quantity = 5;

Customer c;
c.firstName = "John";

Data types in CTL2

For basic information about data types used in metadata, see Data types in metadata.

In any program, you can use some variables. Data types in CTL are the following:








number (double)







The boolean data type contains values of logical expressions.

The default value is false.

It can be either true or false.

Its declaration looks like this: boolean identifier;

Example 21. Declaration of boolean variable
boolean b;        // declaration
boolean b = true; // declaration with assignment


This data type stores binary data of a length that can be up to Integer.MAX_VALUE as a maximum.

The default value is null.

Its declaration looks like this: byte identifier;

Example 22. Declaration of byte variable
byte b;
// declaration of variable with assignment
byte b = hex2byte("414243");


This data type is a compressed representation of byte data type to reduce runtime memory footprint. Compressed size of the data can be up to Integer.MAX_VALUE as a maximum.

The default value is null.

Its declaration looks like this: cbyte identifier;

Example 23. Declaration of cbyte variable
cbyte c1;
cbyte c2 = hex2byte("61"); // declaration with assignment

The date data type contains date and time.

The default value is 1970-01-01 00:00:00 GMT.

Its declaration looks like this: date identifier;

Example 24. Declaration of date variable
// declaration of variable
date d;
// declaration of variable with assignment from function
date d = str2date("1600-01-31", "yyyy-MM-dd");

If you work with date, you should be aware of time zone of the data.


The decimal data type serves to store decimal numbers.

Calculations with the decimal data type are performed in fixed point arithmetic. It makes decimal data type suitable for calculations with money.

The default value is 0.

Its declaration looks like this: decimal identifier;

By default, any decimal may have up to 32 significant digits. If you want to have different Length or Scale, you need to set these properties of decimal field in metadata.

Example 25. Usage of decimal data type in CTL2

If you assign 100.0 / 3 to a decimal variable, its value might for example be 33.333333333333335701809119200333. As 100.0 is double and 3 is integer, the both operands were firstly converted to double, then the value has been calculated and finally the result value has been converted to decimal. Assigning it to a decimal field (with default Length and Scale, which are 12 and 2, respectively), it will be converted to 33.33D.

You can cast any float number to the decimal data type by appending the d letter to its end.

Any numeric data type (integer, long, number/double) can be converted to decimal.

Example 26. Declaration of decimal variable
decimal d;
decimal d2 = 4.56D; // declaration of variable with assignment


The integer data type can contain integral values.

CTL2 integer can store values from -2147483648 to 2147483647.

The integer data type can overflow (i.e. adding 1 to the maximum value returns -2147483648; similarly, subtracting 1 from the minimum value returns 2147483647) which may lead to errors and/or incorrect results.

The default value is 0.

Its declaration looks like this: integer identifier;

The value -2147483648 can be stored in CTL2 variable but cannot be stored in an integer field of record metadata (value of the field would be null). If the value -2147483648 is expected to arise, consider usage of data type with wider range of values in metadata; e.g. long.

If you append the L letter to the end of any integer number, you can cast it to the long data type.

Integer can be converted to long, double or decimal using automatic conversions.

Example 27. Declaration of integer variable
integer i1;
integer i2 = 1241;


long is an integral data type allowing to store greater values than the integer data type.

CTL2 long can store values from -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807.

The long data type can overflow (i.e. adding 1 to the maximum value returns -92233720368547758088; similarly, subtracting 1 from the minimum value returns 9223372036854775807) which may lead to errors and/or incorrect results.

The default value is 0.

Its declaration looks like this: long identifier;

The value -9223372036854775808 can be stored in CTL2 variable but the value is used in long field in record metadata for null value. If the value -9223372036854775808 is expected to arise, consider usage of data type with wider range of values in metadata; e.g. decimal.

Any integer number can be cast to long data type by appending the l letter to its end.

Long data type can be converted to number/double or decimal without explicit casting.

Example 28. Declaration of long variable
long myLong;
long myLong2 = 2141L;

number (double)

The number data type is used for floating point number.

The default value is 0.0.

Its declaration looks like this: number identifier;

If you need a data type for money amount, we advise using decimal instead of number (double).

The integer and long data types can be converted to double using automatic conversions. If long is being converted to number (double), lost of precision may occur.

Number(double) can be converted to decimal without explicit casting.

Example 29. Declaration of number (double) variable
double d;
double d2 = 1.5e2;


This data type serves to store sequences of characters.

The default value is empty string.

The declaration looks like this: string identifier;

Example 30. Declaration of string variable
string s;
string s2 = "Hello world!";

Since CloverDX 5.6, the type of elements of a list may be any other data type, including nested lists or maps.

The elements of a list are indexed by integers starting from 0.

Its declaration can look like this: string[] identifier;

For nested lists or maps, use the following syntax instead: listtype of elements>] identifier;

The default list is an empty list.

Example 31. List
integer[] myIntegerList;
myIntegerList[5] = 123;

// Customer is metadata record name
Customer JohnSmith;
Customer PeterBrown;
Customer[] CompanyCustomers;
CompanyCustomers[0] = JohnSmith;
CompanyCustomers[1] = PeterBrown;

// Nested lists and maps:
list[list[string]] listOfLists;
list[map[string, integer]] listOfMaps;
  • myStringList[3] = "abc";

    The string "abc" is put to the fourth position in the string list. The preceding items are filled with null as follows:

    myStringList is [null,null,null,"abc"]

  • myList1 = myList2;

    Assigns a copy of myList2 to myList1. It means that both lists will contain the same elements.

  • myList1 = myList1 + myList2;

    Adds all elements of myList2 to the end of myList1.

    Both lists must be based on the same primitive data type.

  • myList = [];

    Assigns an empty list to myList.

  • myList = ["a", "b", "c"];

    Assigns a list containing three strings to myList.

  • myList = null;

    Discards the previous value of myList.


This data type is a container of pairs of a key and a value.

Its declaration looks like this: maptype of key>, <type of value>]identifier;

Since CloverDX 5.6, the Value can be any of the other data types, including records, nested lists or other maps, but the Key can only be a primitive data type: boolean, date, decimal, integer, long, number or string.

The default map is an empty map.

Example 32. Map
map[string, boolean] map1;
map1["abc"] = true;

// Customer is the name of record
Customer JohnSmith;
Customer PeterBrown;

map[integer, Customer] CompanyCustomersMap;
CompanyCustomersMap[JohnSmith.ID] = JohnSmith;
CompanyCustomersMap[PeterBrown.ID] = PeterBrown;

// Nested maps and lists:
map[string, map[string, integer]] mapOfMaps;
map[integer, list[string]] mapOfLists;

The assignments are similar to those valid for a list:

  • myMap["abc"] = 7;

    Puts the value 7 into myMap under the key "abc".

  • myMap2 = myMap1;

    Assigns a copy of myMap1 to myMap2.

  • myMap = {};

    Assigns an empty map to myMap.

  • myMap = { "a" -> 20, "b" -> 10, "c" -> 30 };

    Assigns a map containing three key-value pairs to myMap.

  • myMap = null;

    Discards the previous value of myMap.


Variant is a data type added in CloverDX 5.6. Variables of this type can be assigned values of any other type - no type checking is performed. In particular, variant can contain nested lists and maps, so it can be used for tree-like data with unknown structure, such as JSON.

Its declaration looks like this: variant identifier;

Since CloverDX 5.11 variant data type is supported in data records too.

$out.0.myVariantField = myVariantVariable;

Variant can be used like lists and maps, allowing to access inner values using square brackets [ ]. The operation will fail unless the variable contains a list or a map at runtime.

The default value is null, so the variable must be initialized to an empty list or map before inserting inner values.

Functions with arguments of type variant can be passed any value. However, they may throw runtime exceptions if the value is not valid for the function. For example, "append(variant list, variant element)" can be passed any value as the first argument, but it will throw an exception unless the value really is a list.

The type supports only a few basic operations (== and != comparison, toString, etc.). In order to perform type-specific operations, the values must be explicitly type-cast to a more specific type. See typeof operator and cast and getType functions.

Example 33. Variant
variant myVariant = {};
myVariant["one"] = 1;
myVariant["string"] = "not a number";
myVariant["two"] = 2;

// working with unknown structures:
integer sum = 0;
if ( myVariant typeof list ) {
    for  ( integer index = 0; index < length(myVariant); index++) { // iterate through the list
        variant element = myVariant[index]; // get list element by the index
        string type = getType(element); // get the type of the element
        printLog(info, "List element " + index + ": " + element + " " + type);
        if (element typeof integer) { // test the type of the element
            sum += cast(element, integer); // cast to integer and add to the sum
} else if ( myVariant typeof map ) {
    variant keys = getKeys(myVariant); // returns the keys as a list
    for ( integer i = 0; i < length(keys); i++) { // iterate through the list of keys
        variant key = keys[i]; // get the key by the index
        variant value = myVariant[key]; // get the value by the key
        string type = getType(value); // get the type of the value
        printLog(info, "Map entry " + key + " = " + value + " " + type);
        if (value typeof integer) { // test the type of the value
            sum += cast(value, integer); // cast to integer and add to the sum
printLog(info, "Sum: " + sum);

The assignments are similar to those valid for a list or a map:

  • variant varMap = {};

    Assigns an empty map to varMap.

  • varMap["abc"] = 7;

    If varMap contains a map, puts the value 7 into varMap under the key "abc". Throws an exception otherwise.

  • variant varList = [];

    Assigns an empty list to varList.

  • varList[5] = "abc"

    If varList contains a list with at least 6 elements, sets the list element at index 5 to "abc". Unlike with list data type, variant is not expanded automatically, so if varList contains fewer than 6 elements, the assignment fails. Use append to expand the list. If varList is actually a map, puts "abc" into the map under the key 5. Otherwise, throws an exception.

  • var2 = var1;

    Assigns a copy of var1 to var2.

  • varMap = {
        "name" -> "John Doe",
        "weight" -> 75.3,
        "valid" -> true

    Assigns a JSON-like map containing three key-value pairs to varMap. Note that the values are of mixed types: string, number and boolean, respectively.

  • varMap = null;

    Discards the previous value of varMap.


Record is a container that can contain different primitive data types.

The structure of record is based on metadata. Any metadata item represents a data type.

Declaration of a record looks like this: <metadata name> identifier;

Metadata names must be unique in a graph. Different metadata must have different names.

For more detailed information about possible expressions and records usage, see Accessing Data Records and Fields.

Record does not have a default value.

It can be indexed by both integer numbers and strings (field names). If indexed by numbers, fields are indexed starting from 0.


Literals serve to write values of any data type.

Literal Description Declaration syntax Example
Table 31. Literals


digits representing integer number



long integer

digits representing an integer number with absolute value even greater than 231, but less than 263


257L, or 9562307813123123L

hexadecimal integer

digits and letters representing an integer number in hexadecimal form



octal integer

digits representing an integer number in octal form



number (double)

a floating point number represented by 64bits in double precision format




digits representing a decimal number



double quoted string

string value/literal enclosed in double quotes; escaped characters [\n,\r,\t, \\, \", \b] get translated into corresponding control chars

"…​anything except ["]…​"


single quoted string

string value/literal enclosed in single quotes; only one escaped character [\'] gets translated into corresponding char [']

'…​anything except [']…​'


multi-line string

string value/literal enclosed in triple quotes; escaped characters are not translated into corresponding chars

"""…​anything …​"""

""" This is multi- line string """


list of expressions where all elements are of the same data type

[ <element> (, <element>)* ]

[] for an empty list

[10, 16 + 1, 31] or ['hello', "world" ]


list of key-value mappings where all keys and all values are expressions of the same data type

{ <key> → <value> (, <key> → <value>)* }

{} for an empty map

{ "a" → 1, "bb" → 2 }


date value

this mask is expected: yyyy-MM-dd



datetime value

this mask is expected: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss

2008-01-01 18:55:00

You cannot use any literal for the byte data type. If you want to write a byte value, you must use any of the conversion functions that return byte and apply it on an argument value.

For information on these conversion functions, see Conversion Functions.

Remember that if you need to assign a decimal value to a decimal field, you should use decimal literal. Otherwise, such number would not be decimal, it would be a double number.

For example:

  1. Decimal value to a decimal field (correct and accurate)

    // correct - assign decimal value to decimal field

    myRecord.decimalField = 123.56d;

  2. Double value to a decimal field (possibly inaccurate)

    // possibly inaccurate - assign double value to decimal field

    myRecord.decimalField = 123.56;

The latter might produce inaccurate results.


To define a variable, type the data type of the variable followed by a white space, the name of the variable and a semicolon.

Such a variable can be initialized later, but it can also be initialized in the declaration itself. Of course, the value of the expression must be of the same data type as the variable.

Both cases of variable declaration and initialization are shown below:

  • dataType variable;
    variable = expression;
  • dataType variable = expression;
Example 34. Variables
int a;
a = 27;
int b = 32;
int c = a;


Adding const modifier to a variable declaration will protect it from being accidentally modified later in the code. CTL validator will report an error on any attempt to assign a value to a constant. Note that modifications via function calls, e.g. clear(), are not checked.

Example 35. Constants
const integer INT_CONSTANT = 10;
const string MY_ID = "ABC";
const string[] LIST_CONSTANT = ["a", "b", "c"];

INT_CONSTANT = 11; // error
MY_ID = ""; // error
LIST_CONSTANT[0] = "x"; // error
clear(LIST_CONSTANT); // not checked

Dictionary in CTL2

To use a dictionary in your graph, define the dictionary first, see Dictionary.

To access the entries from CTL2, use the dot syntax as follows:

dictionary.<dictionary entry>

This expression can be used to

  • define the value of the entry:

    dictionary.customer = "John Smith";
  • get the value of the entry:

    myCustomer = dictionary.customer;
  • map the value of the entry to an output field:

    $out.0.myCustomerField = dictionary.customer;
  • serve as the argument of a function:

    myCustomerID = isInteger(dictionary.customer);


The operators serve to perform operations in the same way as functions do, but using operators, your code is more compact and legible.

Operators can be arithmetic, relational and logical. The arithmetic operators can be used in all expressions, not only the logical ones. The relational and logical operators serve to create expressions with resulting boolean value.

All operators can be grouped into four categories:

Arithmetic operators

The arithmetic operators perform basic mathematical operation (addition, subtraction, etc.), concatenate strings or lists or merge content of two maps.

The operators can be used more times in one expression. The result depends on the order of operators within the expressions. In such a case, you can express priority of operations by parentheses.

If you are unsure about priority of operators or associativity, the safest way is to use parentheses.


Subtraction and unitary minus -

Multiplication *

Division /

Modulus %

Incrementing ++

Decrementing — 

numeric type +( numeric type left, numeric type right );
string +( string left, string right );
list +( list left, list right );
map +( map left, map right );

The operator + serves to sum the values of two expressions, concatenate two string values, concatenate two lists or merge content of two maps.

Nevertheless, if you want to add any data type to a string, the second data type is converted to a string automatically and it is concatenated with the first (string) summand. But remember that the string must be on the first place.

Naturally, two strings can be summed in the same way.

Note also that the concat() function is faster than +. You should use this function instead of adding any summand to a string. See concat.

The addition of two boolean values or two date data types is not possible. To create a new value from two boolean values, you must use logical operators instead.

integer in01 = 1;
integer in02 = 2;
integer in03 = in02 + in01; // 3

// string concatenation
string s1 = "Hello";
string s2 = " World!";
string s3 = s1 + s2; // Hello World!

decimal price = 1.50d;
string order = "turnip " + price; // turnip 1.50

variant mapVar = {1 -> {2 -> 3}, 4 -> {5 -> 6}};
printLog(info, "mapVar = " + mapVar); // prints "mapVar = {1={2=3}, 4={5=6}}"

// concatenation of two lists
integer [] il1 = [2];
integer [] il2 = [3,5];
integer [] il3 = il1 + il2; // [2,3,5]

// merge of two maps
map[string,string] m1;
map[string,string] m2;
map[string,string] m3;
m1["d"] = "Delta";
m1["f"] = "Foxtrot";
m2["e"] = "Echo";
m3 = m1 + m2;

If you concatenate several strings, use the following approach instead of the plus sign:

string[] buffer;

buffer.append("<title>String concatenation example</title>\n");

// append multiple strings at once
buffer.copy(["<body>", "\n", "Sample content", "\n", "</body>", "\n"]);

// concatenates the list into a single string, null list elements are converted to the string "null"
string result = join("", buffer);

This example is analogous to using a java.lang.StringBuilder.

Avoid Schlemiel the Painter’s algorithm for concatenation of a large number of strings.

You can also use concat or concatWithSeparator to concatenate strings. The difference is that join allows storing intermediate results in a list of strings, while concat requires that all operands are passed as parameters simultaneously.

Subtraction and unitary minus
numeric type -( numeric type left, numeric type right );

The operator - subtracts one numeric data type from another.

If the numeric types of operands differ, firstly, automatic conversions are applied and then subtraction is performed.

integer i1 = 5 - 3;
numeric type *( numeric type left, numeric type right );

The operator * multiplies two numbers.

Numbers can be of different data types. If data types of operands differ, automatic conversion is applied.

integer i1 = 2 * 3;
decimal d1 = 1.5 * 3.5;
double  d2 = 2.5 * 2;
numeric type /( numeric type left, numeric type right );

Operator / serves to divide two numeric data types. Remember that you must not divide by zero. Division by zero throws TransformLangExecutorRuntimeException or returns Infinity (in the case of double (number) data type).

integer i1 = 7  / 2;      // i1 == 3
long    l2 = 9L / 4L;     // l2 == 2L
decimal d3 = 6.75D / 1.5D // d3 == 4.5D
double d4  = 6.25  / 2.5  // d4 == 2.5
numeric type %( numeric type left, numeric type right );

Operator % returns the remainder of division. The operator can be used for floating-point, fixed-point and integral data types.

integer in1 = 7 % 3;         // in1 == 1
long    lo1 = 8 % 5;         // lo1 == 3
decimal de1 = 15.75D % 3.5D  // de1 == 1.75D
double  do1 = 6.25 % 2.5     // do1 == 1.25

Operator ++ serves to increment numeric data type value by one. The operator can be used for both floating-point data types and integer data types.

If it is used as a prefix, the number is incremented first and then it is used in the expression.

If it is used as a postfix, first, the number is used in the expression and then it is incremented.

Remember that the incrementing operator cannot be applied on literals, record fields, map, or list values of integer data type.

integer i1 = 20;
integer i2 = ++i1; // i1 = i1 + 1; i2 = i1;     i1 == 21 and i2 == 21
integer i3 = i++   // i3 = i1;     i1 = i1 + 1; i1 == 22 and i3 == 21

Operator -- serves to decrement numeric data type value by one.

The operator can be used for floating-point, fixed-point and integral data types.

If it is used as a prefix, the number is decremented first and then it is used in the expression.

If it is used as a postfix, first, the number is used in the expression and then it is decremented.

Remember that the decrementing operator cannot be applied on literals, record fields, map, or list values of integer data type.

integer i1 = 20;
integer i2 = --i1; // i1 = i1 - 1; i2 = i1;     i1 == 19 and i2 == 19
integer i3 = i1--; // i3 = i1;     i1 = i1 - 1; i1 == 18 and i3 == 19

Relational operators

The following operators serve to compare some subexpressions when you want to obtain a boolean value result. Each of the mentioned signs can be used. These signs can be used more times in one expression. In such a case you can express priority of comparisons by parentheses.

If you choose the .operator. syntax, operator must be surrounded by white spaces. Example syntax for the eq operator:

Code Working?

5 .eq. 3

5 == 3

5 eq 3


  • Greater than

    Each of the two signs below can be used to compare expressions consisting of numeric, date and string data types. Both data types in the expressions must be comparable. The result can depend on the order of the two expressions if they are of different data types.

    • >
    • .gt.
    boolean a = 4 > 3;
    a = "dog" > "cat";
    if ( date1 > date2 ) {}
  • Greater than or equal to

    Each of the three signs below can be used to compare expressions consisting of the numeric, date and string data types. Both data types in the expressions must be comparable. The result can depend on the order of the two expressions if they are of different data types.

    • >=
    • =>
    • .ge.
    boolean a = 3.5 >= 3.5;
    a = "ls" >= "lsof";
    a = date1 >= date2;
  • Less than

    Each of the two signs below can be used to compare expressions consisting of numeric, date and string data types. Both data types in the expressions must be comparable. The result can depend on the order of the two expressions if they are of different data types.

    • <
    • .lt.
  • Less than or equal to

    Each of the three signs below can be used to compare expressions consisting of the numeric, date and string data types. Both data types in the expressions must be comparable. The result can depend on the order of the two expressions if they are of different data types.

    • <=
    • =<
    • .le.
    int a = 7L < 8L;
    if ( "awk" < "java" ) {}
    a = date1 < date2;
  • Equal to

    Each of the two signs below can be used to compare expressions of any data type. Both data types in the expressions must be comparable. The result can depend on the order of the two expressions if they are of different data types.

    • ==
    • .eq.
    if( 5 == 5 ) {}
  • Not equal to

    Each of the three signs below can be used to compare expressions of any data type. Both data types in the expressions must be comparable. The result can depend on the order of the two expressions if they are of different data types.

    • !=
    • <>
    • .ne.
    if ( 9 != 8 ) {}
  • Matches regular expression

    The operator serves to compare string and some regular expression. It returns true, if the whole string matches the regular expression, otherwise returns false. If the right operand is null, operator fails.

    boolean b = "cat" ~= "[a-z]{3}";
    • ~=
    • .regex.
    boolean b1 = "new bookcase" ~= ".*book.*";  // true
    boolean b2 = "new bookcase" ~= "book";      // false
    boolean b3 = "new bookcase" ~= null;        // fails
  • Contains regular expression

    The operator serves to compare string and some regular expression. It returns true, if the string contains a substring that matches the regular expression, otherwise returns false.

    • ?=
    boolean b = "miredo" ?= "redo";
"typeof" Operator

boolean <value> typeof <type or metadata name>

Tests if a value (left operand) is of the specified type (right operand).

Returns false if the value is null.

For lists and maps, does not check the type of elements.

Example 36. Usage of typeof
variant myVariant = 5;
if (myVariant typeof integer) { } // TRUE
if (myVariant typeof number) { } // FALSE
if (myVariant typeof string) { } // FALSE

variant someObject = {"a" -> 1, true -> false};
if (someObject typeof map) { // TRUE
     // handle map
} else if (someObject typeof list) { // FALSE
     // handle list

variant nullVariant = null;
if (nullVariant typeof string) { } // null returns FALSE for all types

myMetadata myRecord;
variant recordVariant = myRecord;
if (recordVariant typeof record) { } // TRUE - generic record
if (recordVariant typeof myMetadata) { } // TRUE - specific metadata
if (recordVariant typeof otherMetadata) { } // FALSE - specific metadata

See also: variant, cast, getType

Logical operators

If the expression whose value must be of boolean data type is complex, it can consist of some subexpressions (see above) that are put together by logical conjunctions (AND, OR, NOT, .EQUAL TO, NOT EQUAL TO). If you want to express priority in such an expression, you can use parentheses. From the conjunctions mentioned below, you can choose either form (for example, && or and, etc.).

Every sign of the form .operator. must be surrounded by a white space.

  • Logical AND

    • &&
    • and
  • Logical OR

    • ||
    • or
  • Logical NOT

    • !
    • not
  • Logical EQUAL TO

    • ==
    • .eq.
  • Logical NOT EQUAL TO

    • !=
    • <>
    • .ne.

Assignment operator

Assignment operator assigns a value of expression on the right side of the operator to a variable on the left side of the operator.

int i = 5;
Compound operators

Compound operators allow you to use a variable as an accumulator.

Since CloverETL 4.1.0-M1, CTL2 supports the following compound assignment operators: += (addition, string concatenation, list concatenation and map union), -= (subtraction), *= (multiplication), /= (division), and %= (modulus).

If the original value of the left-hand side variable is null, the default value for the target type (0, empty string, empty list, empty map) is used for the evaluation instead. See variables ns and ns2 in the example below.

Example 37. Compound assignment operators
  integer i = 5;
  i += 4; // i == 9

  integer ni = null;
  ni += 5; // ni == 5

  string s = "hello ";
  s += "world "; // s == "hello world "
  s += 123; // s == "hello world 123"

  string ns = null;
  ns += "hello"; // ns == "hello"

  string ns2 = null;
  ns2 = ns2 + "hello"; // ns2 == "nullhello"

  integer[] list1 = [1, 2, 3];
  integer[] list2 = [4, 5];
  list1 += list2; // list1 == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

  map[string, integer] map1;
  map1["1"] = 1;
  map1["2"] = 2;
  map[string, integer] map2;
  map2["2"] = 22;
  map2["3"] = 3;
  map1 += map2; // map1: "1"->1, "2"->22, "3"->3

  long l = 10L;
  l -= 4; // l == 6L;

  decimal d = 12.34D;
  d *= 2; // d == 24.68D;

  number n = 6.15;
  n /= 1.5; // n ~ 4.1

  long r = 27;
  r %= 10; // r == 7L

CTL2 does not perform any counter-intuitive conversion of the right operand of +=. If you need to add double to integer, you should convert it explicitly:

integer i = 3;
i += double2integer(1.0);

It works with -=, *=, /= and %= as well.

As of CloverETL 3.3, the = operator does not just pass object references, but performs a deep copy of values. That is of course more demanding in terms of performance. Deep copy is only performed for mutable data types, i.e. lists, maps, records and dates. Other types are considered immutable, as CTL2 does not provide any means of changing the state of an existing object (even though the object is mutable in Java). Therefore it is safe to pass a reference instead of copying the value. Note that this assumption may not be valid for custom CTL2 function libraries.

Example 38. Modification of a copied list, map and record
  integer[] list1 = [1, 2, 3];
  integer[] list2;
  list2 = list1;

  list1.clear(); //  only list1 is cleared (older implementation: list2 was cleared, too)

  map[string, integer] map1;
  map1["1"] = 1;
  map1["2"] = 2;
  map[string, integer] map2;
  map2 = map1;

  map1.clear(); //  only map1 is cleared (older implementation: map2 was cleared, too)

  myMetadata record1;
  record1.field1 = "original value";
  myMetadata record2;
  record2 = record1;

  record1.field1 = "updated value"; // only record1 will be updated (older implementation: record2 was updated, too)

Ternary operator

Ternary operator is a compact conditional assignment.

It serves to set a value of a variable depending on a boolean expression or a boolean variable.

a = b ? c : d;

The expression above is same as:

if ( b ) {
    a = c;
} else {
    a = d;

The a, c and d variables must be of the same data type (or type of c and d must be convertible to type of a using automatic conversion). The b variable is boolean.

b, c or d do not have to be variables. They may be constants or expressions. a has to be a variable.

For example, you can use a ternary operator to assign minimum of c and d into a in a compact way:

a = c < d ? c : d;

Conditional fail expression

The conditional fail expression allows the user to conditionally execute a piece of code depending on a failure occurred in the previous part of the code. variable = expr1 : expr2 : …​ : exprN;

integer count = getCachedValue() : refreshCacheAndGetCachedValue() : defaultValue;

Conditional expression is available only in an interpreted mode. It is not available in a compiled mode.

Simple statement and block of statements

All statements can be divided into two groups:

  • Simple statement is an expression terminated by a semicolon.

    For example:

    integer MyVariable;
  • Block of statements is a series of simple statements (each of them is terminated by a semicolon). The statements in a block can follow each other in one line or they can be written in more lines. They are surrounded by curled braces. No semicolon is used after the closing curled brace.

    For example:

    while (MyInteger<100) {
      Sum = Sum + MyInteger;

Control statements

Some statements serve to control the processing flow.

All control statements can be grouped into the following categories:

Conditional statements

These statements serve to perform different set of statements depending on condition value.

If statement

On the basis of the Condition value, this statement decides whether the Statement should be executed. If the Condition is true, the Statement is executed. If it is false, the Statement is ignored and the process continues next after the if statement. The Statement is either a simple statement or a block of statements:

  • if (Condition) Statement

Unlike the previous version of the if statement (in which the Statementis executed only if the Condition is true), other Statements that should be executed even if the Condition value is false can be added to the if statement. Thus, if the Condition is true, the Statement1 is executed, if it is false, the Statement2 is executed. See below:

  • if (Condition) Statement1 else Statement2

The Statement2 can even be another if statement, and also with an else branch:

  • if (Condition1) Statement1
        else if (Condition2) Statement3
            else Statement4
Example 39. If statement
integer a = 123;
if ( a < 0 ) {
    a = -a;
Switch statement

Sometimes you would have very complicated statement if you created the statement of more branched out if statement. In this case, it is much more convenient to use the switch statement.

Now, instead of the Condition as in the if statement with only two values (true or false), an Expression is evaluated and its value is compared with the Constants specified in the switch statement.

Only the Constant that equals to the value of the Expression decides which of the Statements is executed.

If the Expression value is Constant1, the Statement1 will be executed, etc.

Remember that literals must be unique in the Switch statement.

  • switch(Expression) {
        case Constant1 : Statement1 StatementA [break;]
        case Constant2 : Statement2 StatementB [break;]
        case ConstantN : StatementN StatementW [break;]

The optional break; statements ensure that only the statements corresponding to a constant will be executed. Otherwise, all below them would be executed as well.

In the following case, even if the value of the Expression does not equal the values of the Constant1,…​,ConstantN, the default statement (StatementN+1) is executed.

  • switch (Expression) {
        case Constant1 : Statement1 StatementA [break;]
        case Constant2 : Statement2 StatementB [break;]
        case ConstantN : StatementN StatementW [break;]
        default : StatementN+1 StatementZ
Example 40. Switch statement
integer ok = 0;
switch ( response ) {
    case "yes":
    case "ok":
        a = 1;
    case "no":
        a = 0;
        a = -1;

Iteration statements

Iteration statements repeat some processes during which some inner Statements are executed repeatedly until the Condition that limits the execution cycle becomes false or they are executed for all values of the same data type.

For loop

Firstly, the Initialization is set up. Secondly, the Condition is evaluated and if its value is true, the Statement is executed. Finally, the Iteration is made.

During the next cycle of the loop, the Condition is evaluated again and if it is true, Statement is executed and Iteration is made. This way the process repeats until the Condition becomes false. Then the loop is terminated and the process continues with the other part of the program.

If the Condition is false at the beginning, the process jumps over the Statement out of the loop.

  • for (Initialization;Condition;Iteration)

Remember that the Initialization part of the For Loop may also contain the declaration of the variable that is used in the loop.

Initialization, Condition and Iteration are optional.

Example 41. For loop
integer result = 1;
integer limit = 5;
for(integer i = 1; i <= limit; ++i) {
    result = result * i;
Do-while loop

Firstly, the Statement is executed. Secondly, the value of the Condition is evaluated. If its value is true, the Statement is executed again and then the Condition is evaluated again and the loop either continues (if it is true again) or stops and jumps to the next or higher level subprocesses (if it is false).

Since the Condition is at the end of the loop, even if it is false at the beginning of the subprocess, the Statement is executed at least once.

  • do Statement while (Condition)
integer a = 5;
integer sum = 0;
do {
    sum = sum + a;
} while (a > 3);
While loop

The processing depends on the value of the Condition. If its value is true, the Statements is executed and then the Condition is evaluated again and the processing either continues (if it is true again) or stops and jumps to the statement following the cycle (if it is false).

Since the Condition is at the beginning of the loop, if it is false before entrance to the loop, the Statements is not executed at all and the loop is jumped over.

  • while (Condition) Statement
integer a = 5;
integer sum = 0;
while ( a > 3 ) {
    sum = sum + a;
For-each loop

The foreach statement is executed on all fields of the same data type within a container. Its syntax is as follows:

  • foreach (<data type> myVariable : iterableVariable) Statement

All elements of the same data type (data type is declared in this statement) are searched in the iterableVariable container. The iterableVariable can be a list, map, record or variant. For each variable of the same data type, specified Statement is executed. It can be either a simple statement or a block of statements.

Thus, for example, the same Statement can be executed for all string fields of a record, etc.

It is possible to iterate over values of a map (i.e. not whole <entries>). The type of the loop variable has to match the type of map’s values:

map[string, integer] myMap = {'first' -> 1, 'second' -> 2};
foreach(integer value: myMap) {
    printErr(value); // prints 1 and 2

To obtain map’s keys as a list[], use the getKeys() function.

When iterating over a variant (if it contains a list, map or a record), use variant as the loop control variable type: foreach (variant v: …​)

variant myVariant = [1, 'hello', true, today()];
foreach(variant value: myVariant ) {
    printErr(value); // 1, 'hello', true and actual date

Jump statements

Sometimes you need to control the process in a different way than by decision based on the Condition value. To do that, you have the following options:

Break statement

If you want to jump out of a loop or of a switch, you can use the following statement in the program:

  • break;

The processing of a loop (or switch) is relinquished and it continues with Statements following the loop or switch.

Continue statement

If you want to stop processing of some iteration and go to next one, you can use the following statement in the program:

  • continue;

The processing jumps to the end of a loop, iteration is performed (in for loop) and the processing continues with next iteration step.

Return statement

In the functions, you can use the return word either alone or along with an expression. (See the following two options below.)

The return statement can be in any place within the function. There may also be multiple return statements among which a specific one is executed depending on a condition, etc.

  • return;
  • return expression;

Error handling

Sometimes the code throws a runtime exception (e.g. unexpected null value, invalid number format, …​). Such exceptions can be handled using one of the following approaches:

Try-catch statement

Since CloverDX 5.6, you may use the try-catch statement to handle runtime errors.

For every try statement, there can be only one catch block as there is only one type of exception: CTLException. Additionally, there is no finally block. In CTL, there are two parts to try-catch statement:

  • try block allows you to define a code to be tested for errors

  • catch block’s purpose is to handle errors that might occur within the try block

Depending on whether the try block encounters an error or not, the execution of the statement may lead to two alternatives:

  • If the try block executes without errors, the following catch block is skipped, and the whole try-catch statement completes successfully.

  • If the code inside the try block is erroneous, the execution jumps to the beginning of the respective catch block and executes the code within it.

The implementation of how to handle the error is up to you. For example, you can throw a custom error using the raiseError() function, log the exception and have the execution finish successfully, or execute a custom code as a workaround for the exception. You can access some details about the exceptions via the CTLException data structure.

try-catch statements can be nested.

Example 42. Try-catch statement
integer a = 123;
integer b = 0;
integer c;

try {
    c = a / b; // throws ArithmeticException
    printLog(info, c); // skipped
} catch (CTLException ex) {
    c = -1; // workaround: set the variable to -1 to indicate error
    printLog(warn, ex); // log a warning

CTLException is actually a data record with the following fields:

sourceRow: integer

the row of the CTL source code where the exception occurred

sourceColumn: integer

the column of the CTL source code where the exception occurred

message: string

the error message of the innermost exception - the original cause of the failure

cause: string

the type of the innermost exception, e.g. java.lang.ArithmeticException

stackTrace: list[string]

the cascade of function calls that caused the failure

exceptionTrace: list[string]

the list of exception types from the outermost to the innermost

OnError() functions

Alternatively to the Try-catch statement introduced in CloverDX 5.6, you can use a set of optional OnError() functions that exist to each required transformation function.

For example, for required functions (e.g. append(), transform(), etc.), there exist following optional functions:

appendOnError(), transformOnError(), etc.

Each of these required functions may have its (optional) counterpart whose name differs from the original (required) by adding the OnError suffix.

Moreover, every <required ctl template function>OnError() function returns the same values as the original required function.

This way, any exception that is thrown by the original required function causes call of its <required ctl template function>OnError() counterpart (e.g. transform() fail may call transformOnError(), etc.).

In this transformOnError(), any incorrect code can be fixed, an error message can be printed to the Console, etc.

Remember that these OnError() functions are not called when the original required functions return Error codes (values less then -1).

If you want some OnError() function to be called, you need to use the raiseError(string arg) function. Or (as stated before) any exception thrown by original required function calls its OnError() counterpart as well.


You can define your own functions in the following way:

function returnType functionName (type1 arg1, type2 arg2,..., typeN argN) {
        return [expression];

You must put the return statement at the end. For more information about the return statement, see Return Statement. Inside some functions, there can be Mappings. These may be in any place inside the function.

In addition to any other data type mentioned above, the function can also return void.

function integer add (integer i1, integer i2) {
    return i1 + i2;

Message function

Since CloverETL 2.8.0, you can also define a function for your own error messages.

function string getMessage() {
    return message;

This message variable should be declared as a global string variable and defined anywhere in the code so as to be used in the place where the getMessage() function is located. The message will be written to the console.

Conditional fail expression

You can also use conditional fail expressions.

They look like this:

expression1 : expression2 : expression3 : ... : expressionN;

This conditional fail expression may be used for mapping, assignment to a variable and as an argument of a function too.

The expressions are evaluated one by one, starting from the first expression and going from left to right.

  1. As soon as one of these expressions is successfully evaluated, it is used and the other expressions are not evaluated.

  2. If none of these expressions may be used (assigned to a variable, mapped to the output field, or used as an argument), the graph fails.

This expression may be used in multiple ways: for assigning to a variable, mapping to an output field, or argument of a function.

Accessing data records and fields

This section describes the way how the record fields should be worked with. As you know, each component can have ports. Both input and output ports are numbered starting from 0.

Metadata of connected edges must be identified by their names. Different metadata must have different names.

Working with records and variables

Since CloverETL 3.2, the syntax has changed to:

$in.portID.fieldID and $out.portID.fieldID

e.g., $in.0.* = $out.0.*;

That way, you can clearly distinguish input and output metadata.

Transformations you have written before will be compatible with the old syntax.

Now we suppose that Customers is the ID of metadata, their name is customers, and their third field (field 2) is firstname.

Following expressions represent the value of the third field (field 2) of the specified metadata:

  • $in.<port number>.<field number>

    Example: $in.0.2

    $in.0.* means all fields on the first port (port 0).

  • $in.<port number>.<field name>

    Example: $in.0.firstname

  • $<metadata name>.<field number>

    Example: $customers.2

    $customers.* means all fields on the first port (port 0).

  • $<metadata name>.<field name>

    Example: $customers.firstname

You can also define records in CTL code. Such definitions can look like these:

  • <metadata name> MyCTLRecord;

    Example: customers myCustomers;

  • After that, you can use the following expressions:

    <record variable name>.<field name>

    Example: myCustomers.firstname;

Mapping of records to variables looks like this:

  • myVariable = $in.<port number>.<field number>;

    Example: FirstName = $in.0.2;

  • myVariable = $in.<port number>.<field name>;

    Example: FirstName = $in.0.firstname;

  • myVariable = $<metadata name>.<field number>;

    Example: FirstName = $customers.2;

  • myVariable = $<metadata name>.<field name>;

    Example: FirstName = $customers.firstname;

  • myVariable = <record variable name>.<field name>;

    Example: FirstName = myCustomers.firstname;

    Mapping of variables to records can look like this:

  • $out.<port number>.<field number> = myVariable;

    Example: $out.0.2 = FirstName;

  • $out.<port number>.<field name> = myVariable;

    Example: $out.0.firstname = FirstName;

  • $<metadata name>.<field number> = myVariable;

    Example: $customers.2 = FirstName;

  • $<metadata name>.<field name> = myVariable;

    Example: $customers.firstname = FirstName;

  • <record variable name>.<field name> = myVariable;

    Example: myCustomers.firstname = FirstName;

Remember that if the component has a single input port or single output port, you can use the syntax as follows:


Generally, the syntax is:

$<field name>

You can assign input to an internal CTL record using the following syntax:

MyCTLRecord.* = $in.0.*;

Also, you can map values of an internal record to the output using the following syntax:

$out.0.* = MyCTLRecord.*;


Mapping is a part of each transformation defined in some of the CloverDX components.

Calculated or generated values or values of input fields are assigned (mapped) to output fields.

  1. Mapping assigns a value to an output field.

  2. Mapping operator is the following:


  3. Mapping must always be defined inside a function.

  4. Mapping may be defined in any place inside a function.

    In CTL2, mapping may be in any place of the transformation code and may be followed by any code. This is one of the differences between the two versions of CloverDX Transformation Language.

    (In CTL1, mapping had to be at the end of the function and could only be followed by one return statement.)

    In CTL2, mapping operator is simply the equal sign.

  5. Remember that you can also wrap a mapping in a user-defined function which would be subsequently used inside another function.

  6. You can also map different input metadata to different output metadata by field names or by field positions. See examples below.

Mapping of different metadata (by name)

When you map input to output like this:

$out.0.* = $in.0.*;

input metadata may even differ from those on the output.

In the expression above, fields of the input are mapped to the fields of the output that have the same name and type as those of the input. The order in which they are contained in respective metadata and the number of all fields in either metadata is not important.

When you have input metadata in which the first two fields are firstname and lastname, each of these two fields is mapped to its counterpart on the output. Such output firstname field may even be the fifth and lastname field be the third, but those two fields of the input will be mapped to these two output fields.

Even if both input metadata and output metadata had more fields, such fields would not be mapped to each other if an output field did not exist with the same name as one of the input (independently on the mutual position of the fields in corresponding metadata).

In addition to the simple mapping as shown above ($out.0.* = $in.0.*;), you can also use the following function:

void copyByName( record to, record from );
Example 43. Mapping of metadata by name (using the copyByName() function)
recordName2 myOutputRecord;
$in.0.* = myOutputRecord.*;

Metadata fields are mapped from input to output by name and data type independently on their order and on the number of all fields.

Following syntax may also be used: myOutputRecord.copyByName($in.0.*);

Mapping of different metadata (by position)

Sometimes you need to map input to output, but names of input fields are different from those of output fields. In such a case, you can map input to output by position.

To achieve this, you must use the following function:

void copyByPosition( record to, record from );
Example 44. Mapping of metadata by position
recordName2 myOutputRecord;
$out.0.* = myOutputRecord.*;

Metadata fields may be mapped from input to output by position (as shown in the example above).

Following syntax may also be used: myOutputRecord.copyByPosition($in.0.*);

Use Case 1 - one string field to upper case

To show in more details how mapping works, we provide here a few examples of mappings.

We have a graph with the Map component. Metadata on its input and output are identical. First two fields (field1 and field2) are of string data type, the third (field3) is of integer data type.

  1. We want to change the letters of field1 values to upper case while passing the other two fields unchanged to the output.

  2. We also want to distribute records according to the value of field3. Those records in which the value of field3 is less than 5 should be sent to the output port 0, the others to the output port 1.

Examples of mapping

As the first possibility, we have the mapping for both ports and all fields defined inside the transform() function of CTL template.

Example 45. Example of mapping with individual fields

Note that the mappings will be performed for all records. In other words, even when the record goes to the output port 1, the mapping for output port 0 will be performed, and vice versa.

Moreover, mapping consists of individual fields, which may be complex in case there are many fields in a record. In the next examples, we will see how this can be solved in a better way.

function integer transform() {

    // mapping input port records to output port records
    // each field is mapped separately
    $out.0.field1 = upperCase($in.0.field1);
    $out.0.field2 = $in.0.field2;
    $out.0.field3 = $in.0.field3;
    $out.1.field1 = upperCase($in.0.field1);
    $out.1.field2 = $in.0.field2;
    $out.1.field3 = $in.0.field3;

    // output port number returned
    if ($out.0.field3 < 5) return 0; else return 1;

As CTL2 allows to use any code after the mapping, here we have used the if statement with two return statements after the mapping.

In CTL2, mapping may be in any place of the transformation code and may be followed by any code.

As the second possibility, we also have the mapping for both ports and all fields defined inside the transform() function of CTL template. But now there are wild cards used in the mapping. These pass the records unchanged to the outputs and, after this wildcard mapping, the fields that should be changed are specified.

Example 46. Example of mapping with wild cards

Note that mappings will be performed for all records. In other words, even when the record goes to the output port 1, the mapping for output port 0 will be performed, and vice versa.

However, now the mapping uses wild cards at first, which passes the records unchanged to the output, but the first field is changed below the mapping with wild cards.

This is useful when there are many unchanged fields and a few that will be changed.

function integer transform() {

    // mapping input port records to output port records
    // wild cards for mapping unchanged records
     // transformed records mapped additionally
     $out.0.* = $in.0.*;
     $out.0.field1 = upperCase($in.0.field1);
     $out.1.* = $in.0.*;
     $out.1.field1 = upperCase($in.0.field1);

     // return the number of output port
     if ($out.0.field3 < 5) return 0; else return 1;

As CTL2 allows to use any code after the mapping, here we have used the if statement with two return statements after the mapping.

In CTL2, mapping may be in any place of the transformation code and may be followed by any code.

As the third possibility, we have the mapping for both ports and all fields defined outside the transform() function of CTL template. Each output port has its own mapping.

Wild cards are used here as well.

The mapping that is defined in a separate function for each output port allows the following improvements:

  • Mapping is performed only for a respective output port. In other words, now there is no need to map the record to the port 1 when it will go to the port 0, and vice versa.

Example 47. Example of mapping with wild cards in separate user-defined functions

Moreover, mapping uses wild cards at first, which pass the records unchanged to the output. The first field is changed below the mapping with wild card. This is useful when there are many unchanged fields and a few that will be changed.

// mapping input port records to output port records
    // inside separate functions
    // wild cards for mapping unchanged records
    // transformed records mapped additionally
    function void mapToPort0 () {
        $out.0.* = $in.0.*;
        $out.0.field1 = upperCase($in.0.field1);

    function void mapToPort1 () {
        $out.1.* = $in.0.*;
        $out.1.field1 = upperCase($in.0.field1);

    // use mapping functions for all ports in the if statement
    function integer transform() {
        if ($in.0.field3 < 5) {
            return 0;
        else {
            return 1;


Parameters are described in Parameters.

The parameters can be used in CloverDX transformation language in the following way: ${nameOfTheParameter}.

If you want such a parameter to be considered as a string data type, you must surround it by single or double quotes: '${nameOfTheParameter}' or "${nameOfTheParameter}".

  1. Remember that escape sequences are always resolved as soon as they are assigned to parameters. For this reason, if you want them not to be resolved, type double backslashes in these strings instead of single ones.

  2. Also remember that you can get the values of environment variables using parameters. To learn how to do it, see Environment variables.

Regular expressions

Regular expressions, often abbreviated as regex, are a powerful tool used to search and manipulate text (string) data. They provide a concise way to define patterns within strings, allowing for efficient matching and extraction of specific information. While the underlying syntax might appear complex, understanding the core concepts empowers even non-technical users to leverage this valuable technique.

Regex basics

Due to the complexity and variability of regular expressions, it is not possible to cover every single nuance within our documentation. For this reason, this documentation will focus on the most fundamental regex tokens and their core functionalities. This ensures a solid foundation for understanding basic pattern matching and provides a springboard for further exploration of regex’s capabilities.

If you encounter specific use cases beyond the covered tokens, we recommend referring to advanced online regex resources, e.g. https://regex101.com/. Since our regex implementation is Java-based, make sure to use the Java-based regex flavor to ensure desired results.

Regex searches are case-sensitive by default. Also, your search might match parts of other words. Bear this in mind and write your search exactly how you want it to match, covering all the needed scenarios. If you don’t care about uppercase or lowercase, you can use the (?i) flag to make the search case insensitive.
Regex token Purpose Description Example Explanation

Find exact match

Matches the exact form of the word.


It will match product, products, or productive but not Product or PRODUCT.


0 or 1

A question mark (?) specifies that the preceding element can appear 0 or 1 time.


It will match both color and colour. It will not match coloor or colouur.


0 or more

An asterisk (*) specifies that the preceding element can appear 0 or more times.


It will match color, colour, or colouur.


1 or more

A plus sign (+) specifies that the preceding element can appear 1 or more times.


It will match colour or colouur.


Wildcard dot

A dot (.) matches any single character.


It will match bit, bat, but, but also b-t, b t, or b*t.



The pipe (|) functions as the OR operator.


It will match USA or UK.



Parentheses () act like brackets in math. They group a set of characters or elements into a single unit.


col(our|or) will match colour or color.

Without parentheses, colour|or will match colour or or.


Character classes

Square brackets [] enclose a group of characters, indicating a match with any character within the set.

Can also be used to exclude a group of characters when preceded by a caret (^).

  • [0-9]

  • [a-z]

  • [A-Z]

  • [a-zA-Z]

  • [aeiou]

  • [^aeiou]

  • [0-9] will match any digit.

  • [a-z] and [A-Z] will match any lower-case or upper-case letter, respectively.

  • [a-zA-Z] will match any lower-case or upper-case letter.

  • [aeiou] will match any instance of a, e, i, o, u.

  • [^aeiou] will match any character except for a, e, i, o, u.


Repeating characters

Curly braces {} specify the number of repetitions of the preceding element. Combine it with parentheses to apply to a string of characters.

  • {number} - exact number of repetitions

  • {number,} - minimum number of repetitions

  • {number,number} - range of repetitions

  • who{1}p

  • who{1,}p

  • who{1,2}p

  • (mur){1,2}

  • who{1}p will match whop only.

  • who{1,}p will match whop, whoop, or whooop.

  • who{1,2}p will match whop or whoop, but not whooop.

  • (mur){1,2} will match both mur and murmur.

\s and \S

Whitespace-related tokens

  • \s - any whitespace character

  • \S - any non-whitespace character

" Hello "

  • \s will match 2 whitespace characters (two spaces).

  • \S will match 5 characters (letters in the word Hello).

\d and \D

Digit-related tokens

  • \d - matches any digit

  • \D - matches any non-digit character, including whitespace characters

123 Main Street, Anytown, CA 94108

  • \d will match 8 characters: 123 and 94108.

  • \D will match 26 characters, including all whitespace characters and commas:  Main Street, Anytown, CA .

\w and \W

Word-related tokens

  • \w - matches any word character (equivalent to [a-zA-Z0-9_]).

  • \W - matches any non-word character (equivalent to [^a-zA-Z0-9_]).

123 Main Street, Anytown, CA 94108

  • \w will match 27 characters: 123MainStreetAnytownCA94108.

  • \W will match 7 characters (all whitespace characters and commas).

^ and $

Start and end of strings

Caret (^) or dollar signs ($) can be used to limit your search to the start or end of a string.

  • ^SH7890

  • SH7890$

  • ^SH7890$

  • ^SH7890 will match product codes begging with SH7890, e.g., SH7890456 or SH7890BA1.

  • SH7890$ will match product codes ending in SH7890, e.g., 415YSH7890 or 464SH7890.

  • ^SH7890$ will match SH7890 only.

Regular expressions use examples
Example 48. Matching dates

Create a basic formula that would find dates in the format DD/MM/YYYY (format matching 2 digits/2 digits/4 digits).

Click to reveal the formula and explanation

The regex formula would be: \d{2}/\d{2}/\d{4}.


  • \d{2}: This matches exactly two digits (\d represents any single digit, and {2} specifies it must occur twice consecutively).

  • /: This matches a literal forward slash character ("/").

  • \d{2}: Similar to the first part, this matches exactly two digits again.

  • /: Another literal forward slash match.

  • \d{4}: This matches exactly four digits. This captures the year (e.g., 2024).

Example 50. Validating US postal codes

Postal codes need to be in the format ##### (basic 5-digit zip code) or #####-#### (ZIP+4 code).

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The regex formula would be: ^\d{5}(-\d{4})?$.


  • ^: Matches the beginning of the string.

  • \d{5}: Matches exactly five digits.

  • (-: Matches a literal hyphen character (-) but only if it appears after the first five digits.

  • \d{4})?: Matches an optional group containing four digits (0-9). The question mark ? makes the entire group optional, allowing the hyphen and four digits to be absent.

  • $: Matches the end of the string.

Example 52. Validating shipping address format

Create a basic validation that would match the following format: 123 Main Street, Anytown, USA 12345, i.e., it:

  • Starts with a house number (one or more digits).

  • Includes a street name containing letters and spaces.

  • Has a city name containing letters (and optionally also spaces).

  • Specifies the country as "USA" (case-sensitive).

  • Ends with a five-digit zip code.

Click to reveal the formula and explanation

The regex formula would be: ^(\d+)\s+([A-Za-z\s]+),\s+([A-Za-z\s]+),\s+USA\s+(\d{5})$


  • ^: Matches the beginning of the string.

  • (\d+): Captures one or more digits for the house number.

  • \s+: Matches one or more whitespace characters (space, tab, etc.).

  • ([A-Za-z\s]+): Captures the street name, allowing for one or more words separated by spaces.

  • ,: Matches a comma.

  • \s+: Matches one or more whitespace characters again.

  • ([A-Za-z\s]+): Captures the city name, allowing for one or more words separated by spaces.

  • ,: Matches another comma.

  • \s+: Matches one or more whitespace characters again.

  • USA: Matches the literal string "USA" (case-sensitive).

  • \s+: Matches one or more whitespace characters again.

  • (\d{5}): Captures exactly five digits for the ZIP code.

  • $: Matches the end of the string.

Example 54. Validating email addresses

Identify email addresses that adhere to the following rules:

  • The local part can contain letters, numbers, underscores, hyphens, and dots.

  • The domain name can have one or more subdomains.

  • Subdomains can contain letters, numbers, and hyphens.

  • The Top-level domain (TLD) must be 2 to 4 characters long and can contain letters only.

Click to reveal the formula and explanation

The regex formula would be:



  • ^: Matches the beginning of the string (entire email address).

  • [\w-\.]+: Matches one or more occurrences of the following characters in the local part:

    • \w: Word characters (letters, numbers, and underscores).

    • -: Hyphen.

    • \.: Dot (period).

  • @: Matches the "@" symbol, separating the local part from the domain name.

  • ([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)*): Matches one or more repetitions of the subdomain pattern:

    • [a-zA-Z0-9\-]+: Matches one or more letters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9), and hyphens (-) for a subdomain (excluding underscores).

    • (?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)*: Matches zero or more repetitions of a literal dot (.) followed by another subdomain following the same pattern.

  • \.: Matches a literal dot (.) separating the subdomains from the TLD.

  • [a-zA-Z]{2,4}: Matches the Top-Level Domain (TLD) containing:

    • [a-zA-Z]: Letters (a-z, A-Z).

    • {2,4}: Quantifier specifying a length of 2 to 4 characters.

  • $: Matches the end of the string (entire email address).

Regex for advanced users

Since the implementation of regular expressions comes from the Java standard library, the syntax of expressions is the same as in Java: see http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/regex/Pattern.html.

For a more detailed explanation of how to use regular expressions, see the Java documentation for java.util.regex.Pattern.

The meaning of regular expressions can be modified using embedded flag expressions. The expressions include the following:


Enables case-insensitive matching.


In dotall mode, the dot . matches any character, including line terminators.


In multiline mode, you can use ^ and $ to express the beginning and end of the line, respectively (this includes at the beginning and end of the entire expression).

Further reading and description of other flags can be found at http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/regex/pattern.html.