Short description
JavaBeanReader reads a JavaBeans hierarchical structure which is stored in a dictionary. This allows dynamic data interchange between CloverDX graphs and external environment, such as the cloud. The dictionary you are reading to serves as an interface between the outer (e.g. the cloud) and inner worlds (CloverDX).
Data source | Input ports | Output ports | Each to all outputs | Different to different outputs | Transformation | Transf. req. | Java | CTL | Auto-propagated metadata |
Dictionary |
0 |
1-n |
⨯ |
✓ |
⨯ |
⨯ |
⨯ |
⨯ |
✓ |
Port type | Number | Required | Description | Metadata |
Output |
0 |
✓ |
Successfully read records. |
Any |
1-n |
Connect other output ports if your mapping requires it. |
Successfully read records. |
Any. Each port can have different metadata. |
JavaBeanReader does not propagate metadata.
JavaBeanReader has no metadata template.
JavaBeanReader attributes
Attribute | Req | Description | Possible values |
Basic |
Dictionary source |
yes |
The dictionary you want to read JavaBeans from. |
The name of a dictionary you have previously defined. |
Data policy |
Determines the action after an error on reading occurs. For more information, see Data policy. |
Strict (default) | Controlled | Lenient |
Mapping |
Mapping the input JavaBeans structure to output ports. For more information, see JavaBeanReader mapping definition. |
Mapping URL |
The external text file containing the mapping definition. |
Implicit mapping |
By default, you have to manually map input elements even to Clover fields of the same name.
If you switch to |
false (default) | true |
JavaBeanReader reads data from JavaBeans through a dictionary. It maps Java attributes / collection elements to output records based on a mapping you define. You do not have to map the whole input file - you use XPath expressions to select only the data you need. The component sends data to different connected output records as defined by your mapping.
The mapping process is similar to the one in XMLReader.
JavaBeanReader mapping definition
Every Mapping definition consists of
tags which also contain some attributes and allow mapping of element names to Clover fields. Nested structure of<Context>
tags is similar to the nested structure of elements in input JavaBeans. -
tag can surround a serie of nested<Mapping>
tags. These allow to rename JavaBeans elements to Clover fields. However, Mapping does not need to copy the whole input structure, it can start at an arbitrary depth in the tree. -
Each of these
tags contains some JavaBeanReader context tag attributes and JavaBeanReader mapping tag attributes, respectively.Example 366. Example Mapping in JavaBeanReader<Context xpath="/employees" outPort="0" sequenceId="empSeq" sequenceField="id"> <Mapping xpath="firstName" cloverField="firstName"/> <Mapping xpath="lastName" cloverField="lastName"/> <Mapping xpath="salary" cloverField="salary"/> <Mapping xpath="jobTitle" cloverField="jobTitle"/> <Context xpath="children" outPort="1" parentKey="id" generatedKey="empID"> <Mapping xpath="name" cloverField="chname"/> <Mapping xpath="age" cloverField="age"/> </Context> <Context xpath="benefits" outPort="2" parentKey="id" generatedKey="empID"> <Mapping xpath="car" cloverField="car"/> <Mapping xpath="cellPhone" cloverField="mobilephone"/> <Mapping xpath="monthlyBonus" cloverField="monthlyBonus"/> <Mapping xpath="yearlyBonus" cloverField="yearlyBonus"/> </Context> <Context xpath="projects" outPort="3" parentKey="id" generatedKey="empID"> <Mapping xpath="name" cloverField="projName"/> <Mapping xpath="manager" cloverField="projManager"/> <Mapping xpath="start" cloverField="Start"/> <Mapping xpath="end" cloverField="End"/> <Mapping xpath="customers" cloverField="customers"/> </Context> </Context>
If you switch Implicit mapping to
, the elements (e.g.salary
) will be automatically mapped onto fields of the same name (salary
) and you do not have to write:<Mapping xpath="salary" cloverField="salary"/>
and you map explicitly only to populate fields with data from distinct elements.
JavaBeanReader Context Tags and Mapping Tags
Empty Context Tag (Without a Child)
<Context xpath="xpathexpression"
JavaBeanReader context tag attributes/>
Non-Empty Context Tag (Parent with a Child)
<Context xpath="xpathexpression"
JavaBeanReader context tag attributes>
(nested Context and Mapping elements (only children, parents with one or more children, etc.)
Empty Mapping Tag (Renaming Tag)
is used:<Mapping xpath="xpathexpression"
JavaBeanReader mapping tag attributes/>
is used:<Mapping nodeName="elementname"
JavaBeanReader mapping tag attributes/>
JavaBeanReader context tag and mapping tag attributes
The xpath expression can be any XPath query.
The number of output port to which data is sent. If not defined, no data from this level of Mapping is sent out using such level of Mapping.
must be specified.A sequence of metadata fields on the next parent level separated by a semicolon, colon, or pipe. The number and data types of all these fields must be the same in the
attribute or all values are concatenated to create a unique string value. In such a case, the key has only one field.Example:
Equal values of these attributes assure that such records can be joined in the future.
must be specified.A sequence of metadata fields on the specified level separated by a semicolon, colon, or pipe. The number and data types of all these fields must be the same in the
attribute or all values are concatenated to create a unique string value. In such a case, the key has only one field.Example:
Equal values of these attributes assure that such records can be joined in the future.
When a pair of
does not insure unique identification of records, a sequence can be defined and used.Id of the sequence.
When a pair of
does not insure unique identification of records, a sequence can be defined and used.A metadata field on the specified level in which the sequence values are written. Can serve as
for the next nested level.Example:
must be specified in the<Mapping>
tag.XPath query.
must be specified in the<Mapping>
tag. UsingnodeName
is faster than usingxpath
.The JavaBeans node that should be mapped to Clover field.
Clover field to which the JavaBeans node should be mapped.
The name of the field in the corresponding level.
Reading multivalue fields
As of CloverDX 3.3, reading multivalue fields is supported - you can read only lists, however (see Multivalue fields).
Reading maps is handled as reading pure |
An example input file containing a list of three elements: John, Vicky, Brian
can be read back by the component with this mapping:
<Mapping xpath="attendees" cloverField="attendanceList"/>
where attendanceList
is a field of your metadata.
The metadata has to be assigned to the component’s output edge.
After you run the graph, the field will get populated by data like this (what appears in View data):
Data conversions in JavaBeanReader
The possible conversions of Java data types to CTL2 data types are described in the following table.
The list in the table means a list of corresponding data type.
Java data types |
CTL2 data types |
Numeric data types |
boolean |
date |
byte |
cbyte |
String |
list |
map |
integer |
long |
number (double) |
decimal |
int |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
- |
⨯ |
- |
- |
✓ |
✓ |
⨯ |
long |
- |
✓ |
✓ |
- |
- |
✓ |
- |
- |
✓ |
✓ |
⨯ |
float |
- |
- |
✓ |
- |
⨯ |
⨯ |
- |
- |
✓ |
✓ |
⨯ |
double |
- |
- |
✓ |
- |
⨯ |
⨯ |
- |
- |
✓ |
✓ |
⨯ |
boolean |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
⨯ |
✓ |
⨯ |
- |
- |
✓ |
✓ |
⨯ |
java.util.Date |
⨯ |
✓ |
⨯ |
⨯ |
⨯ |
✓ |
- |
- |
✓ |
✓ |
⨯ |
String |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
⨯ |
- |
- |
✓ |
✓ |
⨯ |
array [] |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
⨯ |
- |
- |
- |
- |
⨯ |
java.util.Collection |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
⨯ |
- |
- |
- |
✓ |
⨯ |
Conversions are explained below:
Java int to CTL2 boolean
Value 0 is converted to false
, 1 is converted to true
If Java int
contains other value, the graph fails.
Java int to CTL2 byte or cbyte
The value of the int
variable is converted either to a character or to an empty string.
Java long to CTL2 integer
The value of the Java bean long
variable can be read to the integer
field provided the value is within the range of CTL2 integer
If the value is out of the range of CTL2 integer
, the graph fails.
Java long to CTL2 decimal
The decimal
needs to have a sufficient length to contain a value from long
data type.
The default length (12) might not be enough for all cases.
Java long to CTL2 boolean
The conversion from Java long
to CTL2 boolean
works in the same way as conversion from Java int
to CTL2 boolean
0 is converted to false
, 1 is converted to true
, other values cause a failure.
Java long to CTL2 byte or cbyte
See: Java int
to CTL2 byte
or cbyte
Java float to CTL2 integer
Value of the Java float
variable can be converted to CTL2 integer
The value of the float
number is being truncated in the conversion.
If the value in float
variable is out of range of integer
, the conversion fails.
Java float to CTL2 long
The value of the Java float
variable can be converted to CTL2 long
. The value of the float
number is being truncated.
If the value stored in the float variable is positive and out of range of the long
data type, the nearest long
value is used.
If the value stored in the float variable is negative and out of range of the long
data type, the result is null
Java float to CTL2 decimal
CTL2 decimal
needs to have a sufficient length.
If not, the conversion from Java float
Java float to CTL2 byte and cbyte
The value of Java float
is trimmed to its integral part and the result value is converted to a character.
If the value is out of range of byte
, an empty string is used.
Java double to CTL2 integer
The value of Java double
needs to be within range of CTL2 integer
The value of Java double
is truncated to its integral part towards zero.
If the value is out of range, the conversion fails.
Java double to CTL2 long
If the value of Java double
is within range of CTL2 long
, the value is truncated to the nearest integral value towards zero.
If the value of Java double
is positive and out of range of CTL2 long
, the result is the largest long
number (Long.MAX_VALUE
). If the value of Java double
is negative and out of range of CTL long
, the result is null
Java double to CTL2 decimal
The CTL2 decimal
needs to have a sufficient length to contain the value of Java double
In the case of insufficient length of CTL2 decimal
, the conversion fails.
Java double to CTL2 byte and cbyte
The value of Java double
is trimmed to its integral part and the result is converted to a character.
If the value is out of range of byte
, an empty string is used.
Java boolean to CTL2 byte and cbyte
The value of Java boolean
converted to CTL2 byte
or cbyte
is a single unprintable character.
The character has the code 0
if the input is false
or 1
if the input is true
Java Date to CTL2 byte and cbyte
The value of Java Date
converted to byte
or cbyte
results in an empty string.
Java String to CTL2 integer or long
If the Java String
variable contains integral value within range of integer
, the number will be converted.
Otherwise the conversion fails.
If the java String
variable contains integral value within range of long
, the number will be converted to long
Otherwise the conversion fails.
Java String to CTL2 number (double) or decimal
If the Java String
contains a numeric value, the value is converted to number
) or decimal
If the Java String
does not contain a numeric value, the conversion fails.
Java String to CTL2 boolean
If the Java String
contains the value 1
, true
, True
, CTL2 boolean
will hold true
If Java String
contains the value 0
, false
, False
, CTL2 boolean
will hold false
If any other value is present in the Java String
, the conversion fails.
Java String to CTL2 byte or cbyte
Java String
to byte
or cbyte
conversion has an empty string as a result.
Java array to CTL2
The conversion of a Java bean array to integer
, long
, number
) and decimal
has zero as a result.
The result of the conversion from a Java array CTL2 boolean
is false
Java array converted to byte
and cbyte
is null
Java Collection to CTL2
The conversion from Java Collection
to integer
, long
, double
, decimal
, String
returns first item of collection.
to byte
and cbyte
conversion has an empty string as a result.