String functions

List of functions



















































































Some functions work with strings.

In the functions that work with strings, sometimes a format pattern of a date or any number must be defined.

  • For detailed information about date formatting and/or parsing, see Date and Time Format.

  • For detailed information about formatting and/or parsing of any numeric data type see Numeric Format.

  • For detailed information about locale see Locale.

Remember that numeric and date formats are displayed using the system value Locale or Locale specified in the defaultProperties file, unless other Locale is explicitly specified.

For more information on how Locale may be changed in the defaultProperties, see Engine configuration.

Here we provide the list of the functions:


 integer byteAt( byte arg, integer index );

The function byteAt returns the byte on the specified position.

The arg is an input byte array.

The index defines the position in the arg. The first item has index equal to 0.

If the index is out of bound, the function fails.

If any of the arguments is null, the function fails.


The byteAt() function is available since CloverETL 4.0.0.

Example 156. Usage of byteAt

Let b = hex2byte("6d75736b726174"). The function byteAt(b, 0) returns 0x6d, which corresponds to 109.

The function byteAt(b, -1) fails.

The function byteAt(b, null) fails.

The function byteAt(null, 0) fails.


string charAt( string arg, integer index );

The charAt() function returns the character from arg which is located at the given index.

The function works only for indexes between 0 and length of input - 1, otherwise it fails with an error.

For null input and empty string input the function fails with an error.


The charAt(string,integer) function is available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

Example 157. Usage of charAt

The function charAt("ABC", 1) returns B.

The function charAt("ABC", 0) returns A.

The function charAt("ABC", -1) fails with an error.

The function charAt("ABC", 3) fails with an error.


string chop( string arg );
string chop( string arg, string regexp );

The chop() function removes the line feed and the carriage return characters or characters corresponding to the provided regular pattern from the string.

For null input the function fails with an error.

If the input is empty string, the function returns empty string.

If the regexp is null, the function fails with an error.


The chop(string) and chop(string,string) function is available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

Example 158. Usage of chop

The function chop("ab\n z") returns ab z. The \n means line feed (char 0x0A). The character 0x0A can be added to string either from string read by any of readers, or set up using functions hex2byte and byte2str.

The function chop("book and pencil", "and") returns book pencil.

The function chop("A quick brown fox jumps.", "[a-y]{5}") returns A fox.


integer codePointAt( string str, integer index );

The function codePointAt() returns code of a Unicode character from the given position in the string str.

The str parameter contains string with Unicode characters. If str is null, the function fails.

The index parameter specifies a position of the character in the string str. The first character has index 0.

If the index parameter is null, the function fails. If the index parameter is out of range of the string (negative or greater than or equal to length of string), the function fails.


The codePointAt(string,integer) function is available since CloverETL 4.0.0-M1.

Example 159. Usage of codePointAt

The function codePointAt("enseñar", 0) returns 101.

The function codePointAt("enseñar", 4) returns 241.

The function codePointAt("enseñar", -1) fails.

The function codePointAt("enseñar", 10) fails.

The function codePointAt("enseñar", null) fails.

The function codePointAt(null, 2) fails.


integer codePointLength(  integer code );

The function codePointLength() returns number of char values needed to encode the Unicode character code.

If code is greater than or equal to 0x10000, the function returns 2. Otherwise returns 1. Invalid codes are not checked. If validation is needed, use the isValidCodePoint function.

The parameter code is Unicode code point. If the code is null, the function fails.


The codePointLength(integer) function is available since CloverETL 4.0.0-M1.

Example 160. Usage of codePointLength

The function codePointLength(0x41) returns 1.

The function codePointLength(0x10300) returns 2.


string codePointToChar( integer code );

The function codePointToChar() converts Unicode code to character.

The parameter contains code of the character.

If the code is null, negative or greater than 0x10FFFF, the function fails.


The codePointToChar(integer) function is available since CloverETL 4.0.0-M1.

Example 161. Usage of codePointToChar

The function codePointToChar(65) returns A.

The function codePointToChar(0x3B1) returns α.

The function codePointToChar(0x10300) returns 𐌀.

The function codePointToChar(-1) fails.

The function codePointToChar(null) fails.

The function codePointToChar(0x110000) fails.


string concat( string arg1, string ..., string argN );

The function concat() returns concatenation of the strings.

The concat function accepts unlimited number of arguments of the string data type. You can also concatenate these arguments using plus signs, but this function is faster for more than two arguments.

Null value of arguments are replaced with string 'null' in concatenated string.

Concatenation of more strings with the concat() function is faster than concatenation with + operator.


The concat(string, …​) function is available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

Example 162. Usage of concat

The function concat("abc", "def", "ghi") returns abcdefghi.

The function concat("abc", null, "ghi") returns abcnullghi.


string concatWithSeparator( string separator, string arg1, string ..., string argN );

The function concatWithSeparator() joins parameters arg1 to argN using separator.

The separator parameter defines a string to be used as a separator in the concatenated string. If the separator parameter is null, the function fails.

The parameters arg1 to argN contain strings to be concatenated. Parameters to be concatenated having null values are omitted.

The functions concat() and concatWithSeparator handles null string differently.


The concatWithSeparator(string,string,…​) function is available since CloverETL 4.0.0-M1.

Example 163. Usage of concatWithSeparator

The function concatWithSeparator(",", "coffee", "milk", "chocolate") returns coffee,milk,chocolate.

The function concatWithSeparator("", "bottle", "neck") returns bottleneck.

The function concatWithSeparator("_", "bash", null, "tcsh") returns bash_tcsh.

The function concatWithSeparator(null, "") fails.

The function concatWithSeparator(" ", "tabular", "itemize") returns tabular itemize.

The function concatWithSeparator("-", null) returns empty string.

See also: concat, join, split


boolean contains( string input, string substring );

The function contains() returns true if the input string contains a substring. Otherwise the function returns false.

If the parameter input is null, the function returns false.

If the parameter substring is null, the function fails.


The contains(string,string) function is available since CloverETL 4.0.0-M1.

Example 164. Usage of contains

The function contains("woodcutting", "wood") returns true.

The function contains("elm", "coffee") returns false.

The function contains(null, "pine") returns false.

The function contains("oak", "") returns true.

The function contains("", "") returns true.

The function contains("spruce", null) fails.


integer countChar( string arg, string character );

The countChar() returns the number of occurrences of the character specified as the second argument in the string specified as the first argument.

If one of the given arguments is null or an empty string, the function fails with an error.


The countChar(string,string) function is available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

Example 165. Usage of countChar

The function countChar("ALABAMA", "A") returns 4.

The function countChar("Alabama", "a") returns 3

See also: length(string)


string[] cut( string arg, integer[] indices );

The cut() function returns a list of strings which are substrings of the original string specified in the first argument.

The second argument (indices) specifies rules on how the first argument is cut. The number of elements of the list specified as the second argument must be even. The integers in the list serve as position (each number in the odd position) and length (each number in the even position). Substrings of the specified length are taken from the string specified as the first argument starting from the specified position (excluding the character at the specified position).

If the first argument is null or an empty string, the function fails with an error.


The cut(string,integer[]) function is available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

Example 166. Usage of cut
The function cut("somestringasanexample",[2,3,1,5]) returns ["mes","omest"].

See also: matchGroups


integer editDistance( string arg1, string arg2 );
integer editDistance( string arg1, string arg2, string locale );
integer editDistance( string arg1, string arg2, integer strength );
integer editDistance( string arg1, string arg2, integer strength, string locale );
integer editDistance( string arg1, string arg2, integer strength, integer maxDifference );
integer editDistance( string arg1, string arg2, integer strength, integer maxDifference );
integer editDistance( string arg1, string arg2, integer strength, string locale, integer maxDifference );

The editDistance() function compares two string arguments to each other.

integer editDistance( string arg1, string arg2 );

The strength of comparison is 4 by default, the default value of locale for comparison is the system value and the maximum difference is 3 by default.

The function returns the number of letters that should be changed to transform one of the two arguments to the other. However, when the function is being executed, if it counts that the number of letters that should be changed is at least the number specified as the maximum difference, the execution terminates and the function returns maxDifference + 1 as the return value.

For more details, see another version of the editDistance() function below - the "editDistance (string, string, integer, string, integer)" function.

If one or both of the input strings to compare are empty strings or null, the function fails with an error.


The editDistance() function is available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

Example 167. Usage of editDistance 1

The function editDistance("see", "sea") returns 1.

The function editDistance("bike", "bill") returns 2.

The function editDistance("age", "get") returns 2.

The function editDistance("computer", "preposition") returns 4.

See also: metaphone, NYSIIS, soundex

integer editDistance( string arg1, string arg2, string locale );

The editDistance() compares two string arguments to each other using the specified locale.

The function accepts two strings that will be compared to each other and the third argument that is the Locale that will be used for comparison. The default strength of comparison is 4. The maximum difference is 3 by default.

The function returns the number of letters that should be changed to transform one of the first two arguments to the other. However, when the function is being executed, if it finds that the number of letters that should be changed is at least the number specified as the maximum difference, the execution terminates and the function returns maxDifference + 1 as the return value.

For more details, see another version of the editDistance() function below - the "editDistance (string, string, integer, string, integer)" function.

If one or both of the input strings to compare are empty strings or null function fails with an error.

Example 168. Usage of editDistance 2

The function editDistance("âgé", "âge", "en.US") returns 1.

The function editDistance("âgé", "âge", "fr.FR") returns 1.

integer editDistance( string arg1, string arg2, integer strength );

The editDistance() compare two string to each other using the specified strength of comparison.

The function accepts two strings that will be compared to each other and the third (integer) that is the strength of comparison. The default locale that will be used for comparison is the system value. The maximum difference is 3 by default.

The function returns the number of letters that should be changed to transform one of the first two arguments to the other. However, when the function is being executed, if it counts that the number of letters that should be changed is at least the number specified as the maximum difference, the execution terminates and the function returns maxDifference + 1 as the return value.

For more details, see another version of the editDistance() function below - the "editDistance (string, string, integer, string, integer)" function.

If one or both of the input strings to compare are empty strings or null, the function fails with an error.

Example 169. Usage of editDistance 3

The function editDistance("computer", "preposition", 4) returns 4.

The function editDistance("computer", "preposition", 7) fails.

The function editDistance("âgé", "âge", 2) returns 0.

The function editDistance("âgé", "âge", 3) returns 1.

integer editDistance( string arg1, string arg2, integer strength, string locale );

The editDistance() function compares two strings to each other using specified strength of comparison and locale.

The function accepts two strings that will be compared to each other, the third argument that is the strength of comparison and the fourth argument that is the Locale that will be used for comparison. The maximum difference is 3 by default.

The function returns the number of letters that should be changed to transform one of the first two arguments to the other. However, when the function is being executed, if it finds that the number of letters that should be changed is at least the number specified as the maximum difference, the execution terminates and the function returns maxDifference + 1 as the return value.

For more details, see another version of the editDistance() function below - the "editDistance (string, string, integer, string, integer)" function.

If one or both of the input strings to compare are empty strings or null, the function fails with an error.

Example 170. Usage of editDistance 4

The function editDistance("âgé", "âge", 2, "en.US") returns 1.

The function editDistance("âgé", "âge", 2, "fr.FR") returns 0.

integer editDistance( string arg1, string arg2, string locale, integer maxDifference );

The editDistance() compares two strings to each other using specified locale and maxDifference.

The function accepts two strings that will be compared to each other, the third argument that is the Locale that will be used for comparison and the fourth argument that is the maximum difference. The strength of comparison is 4 by default.

The function returns the number of letters that should be changed to transform one of the first two arguments to the other. However, when the function is being executed, if it finds that the number of letters that should be changed is at least the number specified as the maximum difference, the execution terminates and the function returns maxDifference + 1 as the return value.

For more details, see another version of the editDistance() function below - the "editDistance (string, string, integer, string, integer)" function.

If one or both of the input strings to compare are empty strings or null, the function fails with an error.

Example 171. Usage of editDistance 5
The function editDistance("bike", "bicycle", "en.US", 2) returns 2.
integer editDistance( string arg1, string arg2, integer strength, integer maxDifference );

The editDistance() compares two strings to each other using specified strength of comparison and maximum difference.

The function accepts two strings that will be compared to each other and two others. These are the strength of comparison (third argument) and the maximum difference (fourth argument). The locale is the default system value.

The function returns the number of letters that should be changed to transform one of the first two arguments to the other. However, when the function is being executed, if it finds that the number of letters that should be changed is at least the number specified as the maximum difference, the execution terminates and the function returns maxDifference + 1 as the return value.

For more details, see another version of the editDistance() function below - the "editDistance (string, string, integer, string, integer)" function.

If one or both of the input strings to compare are empty strings or null, the function fails with an error.

Example 172. Usage of editDistance 6

editDistance("OAK", "oak", 3, 1) returns 0.

editDistance("OAK", "oak", 4, 3) returns 3.

editDistance("OAK", "oak", 4, 4) returns 3

integer editDistance( string arg1, string arg2, integer strength, string locale, integer maxDifference );

The editDistance() function compares two strings using the specified strength of comparison, locale and maximum difference.

The first two arguments are strings to be compared.

The third argument (integer number) specifies the strength of comparison. It can have any value from 1 to 4.

If it is 4 (identical comparison), it means that only identical letters are considered equal. In the case of 3 (tertiary comparison), it means that upper and lower cases are considered equal. If it is 2 (secondary comparison), it means that letters with diacritical marks are considered equal. Lastly, if the strength of comparison is 1 (primary comparison), it means that even the letters with some specific signs are considered equal. In other versions of the editDistance() function where this strength of comparison is not specified, the number 4 is used as the default strength (see above).

The fourth argument is the string data type. It is the Locale that serves for comparison. If no locale is specified in other versions of the editDistance() function, its default value is the system value (see above).

The fifth argument (integer number) means the number of letters that should be changed to transform one of the first two arguments to the other. If another version of the editDistance() function does not specify this maximum difference, the default maximum difference is number 3 (see above).

The function returns the number of letters that should be changed to transform one of the first two arguments to the other. However, when the function is being executed, if it counts that the number of letters that should be changed is at least the number specified as the maximum difference, the execution terminates and the function returns maxDifference + 1 as the return value.

Actually the function is implemented for the following locales: CA, CZ, ES, DA, DE, ET, FI, FR, HR, HU, IS, IT, LT, LV, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, SK, SL, SQ, SV, TR. These locales have one thing in common: they all contain language-specific characters. A complete list of these characters can be examined in CTL2 Appendix - List of National-specific Characters.

If one or both of the input strings to compare are empty strings or null, the function fails with an error.

Example 173. Usage of editDistance 7
The function editDistance("OAK", "oak", 4, "en.US", 1) returns 2.


boolean endsWith( string str, string substr );

The function endsWith() checks whether the string str ends with the substr string.

If the parameter str is null, the function returns false.

If the parameter substr is null, the function fails.


The endsWith(string,string) function is available since CloverETL 4.0.0-M1.

Example 174. Usage of endsWith

The function endsWith("products.txt", ".txt") returns true.

The function endsWith("tree.png", ".ico") returns false.

The function endsWith(null, ".pdf") returns false.

The function endsWith("dog.ogg", null) fails.

See also: contains, startsWith


string escapeUrl( string arg );

The escapeUrl() function escapes illegal characters within components of a specified URL (for the URL component description, see isUrl). Illegal characters must be escaped by a percent (%) symbol, followed by the two-digit hexadecimal representation (case-insensitive) of the ISO-Latin code point for the character, e.g. %20 is the escaped encoding for the US-ASCII space character.

The function accepts a valid URL only. For an invalid URL, empty string or null input, the function fails with an error.


The escapeUrl(string) function is available since CloverETL 3.1.0.

Example 175. Usage of escapeUrl
The function escapeUrl(" URL") returns


string escapeUrlFragment( string input );
string escapeUrlFragment( string input, string encoding );

The escapeUrlFragment function escapes potentially obtrusive characters.

The input parameter is a string to be escaped. If the input is null, the null is returned.

The optional parameter encoding enables to change encoding of the result string. The default encoding is UTF-8. If the encoding is null function fails.


The escapeUrlFragment(string) function is available since CloverETL 4.0.0-M1.

Example 176. Usage of escapeUrlFragment

The function escapeUrlFragment("The URL") returns The+URL.

The function escapeUrlFragment("Žlutý kůň") returns %C5%BDlut%C3%BD+k%C5%AF%C5%88.

The function escapeUrlFragment("1+1=2") returns 1%2B1%3D2.

The function escapeUrlFragment(null) returns null.

The function escapeUrlFragment("Žlutý kůň", "utf-8") returns %C5%BDlut%C3%BD+k%C5%AF%C5%88.

The function escapeUrlFragment("Žlutý kůň", "iso-8859-2") returns %AElut%FD+k%F9%F2.

The function escapeUrlFragment("abc", null) fails with an error.


string escapeXML( string input );

The escapeXML function replaces all occurence of XML special entities with their escaped alternatives (XML entities).

By using the escapeXML function, you can safely incorporate user-generated content, external data, or any other string values into your XML documents without worrying about invalid XML syntax or potential security issues like XML injection attacks.

List of reserved characters: ' , ", &, <, >


The escapeXML(string) function is available since CloverDX 6.4.0.

Example 177. Usage of escapeXML

The function escapeXML(<element name="&myname;">) returns &lt;element name=&quot;&amp;myname;&quot;&gt;.

The following example:

  string nameOfCustomer = "Progress & Prosperity, Co. > Expectations";

  string xml = "<company><name>"+escapeXML(nameOfCustomer)+"</name></company>"


  <company><name>Progress &amp; Prosperity, Co. &gt; Expectations&#39; </name></company>

See also: unescapeXML


string[] find( string arg, string regex );
string[] find( string arg, string regex, integer group_number );

The find() function returns a list of substrings corresponding to the regular expression pattern that is found in the second argument.

If the second argument is an empty string, the function returns a list of empty strings. The sum of empty strings in the list is same as the length of the original string plus one; e.g. the string 'mark' results in the list of five empty strings.

If one or both of the two arguments are null value, the function fails with an error.

The third argument specifies which regular expression group to use.


The find(string,string) function is available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

The find(string,string,integer) function is available since CloverETL 3.4.x.

Example 178. Usage of find

The function find("A quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.", " [a-z]") returns [ q, b, f, j, o, t, l, d].

The function find("A quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.", " [a-z]*") returns [ quick, brown, fox, jumps, over, the, lazy, dog].

The function find("A quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.", "( )([a-z]*)([a-z])", 2) returns [quic, brow, fo, jump, ove, th, laz, do].

See also: matchGroups


string formatMessage( string template, variant param1, variant ..., variant paramN  );
string formatMessageWithLocale( string locale, string template, variant param1, variant ..., variant paramN );

The formatMessage(string template, variant param1, variant …​, variant paramN) function returns a formatted message where the parameters referenced in the input template are replaced with their corresponding values. This function is useful for constructing messages with dynamic content in a structured and readable manner. The template argument can also incorporate multi-line strings. This allows for the creation of more complex message formats that span multiple lines.

A basic example:

formatMessage("Name of the applicant is {0}. He is {1} years old.", "John Doe", 32) returns "Name of the applicant is John Doe. He is 32 years old."

Where {0} references the first input parameter and {1} the second.

The parameters can be of any type supported by the variant data type.

In the message template string, placeholders are enclosed in curly braces {}. The format of a placeholder can be as simple as a number indicating the position of the parameter, like {0}, {1}, etc. However, the placeholders can also include additional formatting information, such as data type, style, or custom patterns.

Here’s a breakdown of the placeholder format:


  1. argument_index: A non-negative integer indicating the position of the parameter in the input parameters. The index is 0-based, so the first parameter is referenced as {0}, the second as {1}, and so on.

  2. format_type (optional): A string indicating the data type of the parameter. Supported types include number, date, time, and choice. If not specified, the parameter is treated as a plain string.

  3. format_style (optional): A string indicating the formatting style for the specified data type. For example, short, medium, long, full, integer, currency, percent, or SubformatPattern. For more information refer to Oracle’s documentation on the Java java.text.MessageFormat syntax here,

Here are some examples of placeholders with different formats:

  1. {0}: A simple placeholder that references the first parameter.

  2. {1, number, integer}: A placeholder that formats the second parameter as an integer number.

  3. {2, date, short}: A placeholder that formats the third parameter as a short date.

  4. {3, time, medium}: A placeholder that formats the fourth parameter as a medium-style time.

  5. {4, number,$'#',##}: A placeholder that formats the fifth parameter with the pound sign quoted.

By understanding the Java java.text.MessageFormat syntax and the various formatting options available, you can create more sophisticated and customized message templates for your applications.

The formatMessage and formatMessageWithLocale functions support using multi-line strings strings as the template, which can help improve the readability and formatting of complex templates.

Example 179. Usage of formatMessage() usage with a multi-line string:
  <h1>Order Summary</h1>
  <p>Order ID: {0}</p>
  <p>Date: {1, date, long}</p>
  <p>Account Type: {2, choice, 0#Free|1#Premium|2#Enterprise}</p>
  <p>Total Amount: {3, number, currency}</p>
""", 1234L, today(), 1, 154.52D)

It produces the following result:

  <h1>Order Summary</h1>
  <p>Order ID: 1,234</p>
  <p>Date: March 12, 2024</p>
  <p>Account Type: Premium</p>
  <p>Total Amount: $154.52</p>

The formatMessageWithLocale(locale, template, parameters) function extends the functionality of the formatMessage function by allowing you to specify a locale for the formatting process. This is particularly useful when you need to format messages according to specific language or regional settings, such as date, time, or number formatting.

Example 180. Usage of formatMessageWithLocale() usage with a multi-line string:
formatMessageWithLocale(“es.ES”, """
  <h1>Order Summary</h1>
  <p>Order ID: {0}</p>
  <p>Date: {1, date, long}</p>
  <p>Account Type: {2, choice, 0#Free|1#Premium|2#Enterprise}</p>
  <p>Total Amount: {3, number, currency}</p>
""", 1234L, today(), 1, 154.52D)

It produces the following result:

  <h1>Order Summary</h1>
  <p>Order ID: 1.234</p>
  <p>Date: 12 de marzo de 2024</p>
  <p>Account Type: Premium</p>
  <p>Total Amount: 154,52 €</p>


The formatMessage(string,variant) and formatMessageWithLocale(string,string,variant) functions are available since CloverDX 6.4.0.


string getAlphanumericChars( string arg );
string getAlphanumericChars( string arg, boolean takeAlpha, boolean takeNumeric );

The getAlphanumericChars() function returns only letters and digits contained in a given argument in the order of their appearance in the string. The other characters are removed.

For an empty string input, the function returns an empty string. For null input, the function returns null.

If the takeAlpha is present and set to true and takeNumeric is set to false, the function will return letters only.

If the takeNumeric is present and set to true and takeAlpha is set to false, the function will return numbers only.


The getAlphanumericChars(string) and getAlphanumericChars(string,boolean,boolean) functions are available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

Example 181. Usage of getAlphanumericChars

The function getAlphanumericChars("34% of books")returns 34ofbooks.

The function getAlphanumericChars("(8+4)*2")returns 842.

The function getAlphanumericChars("gâteau") returns gâteau.

The function getAlphanumericChars("123 books", true, false) returns books.

The function getAlphanumericChars("123 books", false, true) returns 123.

The function getAlphanumericChars("123 books", false, false) returns 123 books.


string getComponentProperty( string propertyName );

The function getComponentProperty() returns value of a component attribute.

The propertyName argument is a name of an attribute of a component.

If propertyName is null, the function getComponentProperty() returns null.

If propertyName does not match the name of any existing attribute, the function returns null.


The getComponentProperty() function is available since CloverETL 4.0.

Example 182. Usage of getComponentProperty

The function getComponentProperty("type") returns DATA_GENERATOR in DataGenerator.

The function getComponentProperty("id") returns MAP2 in the third Map.

The function getComponentProperty(null) returns null.

The function getComponentProperty("AQuickBrownFoxJumpsOverTheLazyDog") returns null.

See also: toProjectUrl


string getFileExtension( string arg );

The getFileExtension() function extracts a file extension from a specified path or URL.

Returns the textual part of the file name after the last dot. There must be no directory separator after the dot. If extension is not present in the argument, returns an empty string.

The function returns null value for null input.


The getFileExtension(decimal) and log(number) functions are available since CloverETL 4.1.0-M1.

Example 183. Usage of getFileExtension

The function getFileExtension("theDir/") returns zip.

The function getFileExtension("") returns empty string.


string getFileName( string arg );

The getFileName() function extracts a file name from a specified path or URL.

Returns the text after the last forward or backslash. If the file name is not present in the argument, returns an empty string.

The function returns null value for null input.


The getFileName(string) function is available since CloverETL 4.1.0-M1.

Example 184. Usage of getFileName

The function getFileName("") returns theExample.html.

The function getFileName("C:/Users/Public/Desktop/January") returns January.

The function getFileName("file:///home/user1/documents/") returns empty string.


string getFileNameWithoutExtension( string arg );

The getFileNameWithoutExtension() function extracts a base file name from a specified path or URL.

Returns the text after the last forward or backslash and before the last dot. If the base name is not present in the argument, returns an empty string.

The function returns null value for null input.


The getFileNameWithoutExtension(string) function is available since CloverETL 4.1.0-M1.

Example 185. Usage of getFileNameWithoutExtension

The function getFileNameWithoutExtension("") returns library.src.

The function getFileNameWithoutExtension("sandbox://shared/data-in/documents/.index") returns empty string.


string getFilePath( string arg );

The getFilePath() function extracts a file path (without the file name) from a specified full path or URL.

Returns the text before and including the last forward or backslash. Also replaces backslashes with forward slashes. If the path is not present in the argument, returns an empty string.

The function returns null value for null input.


The getFilePath(string) function is available since CloverETL 4.1.0-M1.

Example 186. Usage of getFilePath

The function getFilePath("C:\\Program Files\\.\\Java\\") returns C:/Program Files/./Java/.

The function getFilePath("index.html") returns empty string.


string getUrlHost( string arg );

The getUrlHost() function parses out a host name from a specified URL.

If the hostname part is not present in the URL argument, an empty string is returned. If the URL is not valid, null is returned. For the scheme, see isUrl.

The function returns null value for an empty string and null input.


The getUrlHost(string) function is available since CloverETL 3.1.0.

Example 187. Usage of getUrlHost

The function getUrlHost("") returns

The function getUrlHost("file:///home/user1/documents/cat.png") returns empty string.


string getUrlPath( string arg );

The getUrlPath() function parses out a path from a specified URL.

If the path part is not present in the URL argument, an empty string is returned. If the URL is not valid, null is returned. For the scheme, see isUrl.

The function returns null value for an empty string and null input.


The getUrlPath(string) function is available since CloverETL 3.1.0.

Example 188. Usage of getUrlPath
The function getUrlPath("") returns /theDir/theExample.html


integer getUrlPort( string arg );

The getUrlPort() function parses out a port number from a specified URL.

If the port part is not present in the URL argument, -1 is returned. If the URL has invalid syntax, -2 is returned. For the scheme, see isUrl.

The function returns -2 value for an empty string and null input.


The getUrlPort(string) function is available since CloverETL 3.1.0.

Example 189. Usage of getUrlPort

The function getUrlPort("") returns -1.

The function getUrlPort("") returns 8080.


string getUrlProtocol( string arg );

The getUrlProtocol() function parses out a protocol name from a specified URL.

If the protocol part is not present in the URL argument, an empty string is returned. If the URL is not valid, null is returned. For the scheme, see isUrl.

The function returns null value for the empty string and null input.


The getUrlProtocol(string) function is available since CloverETL 3.1.0.

Example 190. Usage of getUrlProtocol
The function getUrlProtocol("") returns http.


string getUrlQuery( string arg );

The getUrlQuery() function parses out a query (parameters) from a specified URL.

If the query part is not present in the URL argument, an empty string is returned. If the URL syntax is invalid, null is returned. For the scheme, see isUrl.

The function returns null value for the empty string and null input.


The getUrlQuery(string) function is available since CloverETL 3.1.0.

Example 191. Usage of getUrlQuery

The function getUrlQuery("") returns empty string.

The function getUrlQuery("") returns a=file&name=thefile.txt.


string getUrlRef( string arg );

The getUrlRef() function parses out the fragment after # character, also known as ref, reference or anchor, from a specified URL.

If the fragment part is not present in the URL argument, an empty string is returned. If the URL syntax is invalid, null is returned. For the URL scheme, see isUrl.

The function returns null value for the empty string and null input.


The getUrlRef(string) function is available since CloverETL 3.1.0.

Example 192. Usage of getUrlRef

The function getUrlRef("") returns empty string.

The function getUrlRef("") returns abc014.


string getUrlUserInfo( string arg );

The getUrlUserInfo() function parses out a username and password from a specified URL.

If the userinfo part is not present in the URL argument, an empty string is returned. If the URL syntax is invalid, null is returned. For the scheme, see isUrl.

The function returns null value for the empty string and null input.


The getUrlUserInfo(string) function is available since CloverETL 3.1.0.

Example 193. Usage of getUrlUserInfo

The function getUrlUserInfo("") returns empty string.

The function getUrlUserInfo("") returns user1:passwor123.


integer indexOf( string arg, string substring );
integer indexOf( string arg, string substring, integer fromIndex );

The indexOf() function returns the index (zero-based) of the first occurrence of substring in the string. Returns -1 if no occurrence is found.

If the parameter arg is null, the function returns -1. See compatibility notice.

If the second argument is null, the function fails with an error. If the second argument is an empty string, the function returns 0.

Start position for search is set up using parameter fromIndex.


The indexOf(string,string) and indexOf(string,string,integer) functions are available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

In CloverETL 3.5.x and earlier the function fails with an error if the arg argument is null.

For example indexOf(null, "chair") in CloverETL 3.5.x and earlier fails.

Example 194. Usage of indexOf

The function indexOf("Hello world!", "world") returns 6.

The function indexOf("Hello world", "o") returns 4.

The function indexOf("Hello world", "o", 6) returns 7

The function indexOf("Hello world", "book") returns -1.

The function indexOf("Hello world", "") returns 0.

The function indexOf(null, "chair") returns -1. See compatibility notice.

See also: indexOf, matches


boolean isAscii( string arg );

The isAscii() checks the string for occurrence of non-ASCII characters.

The function takes one string argument and returns a boolean value depending on whether the string can be encoded as an ASCII string (true) or not (false).

If the input is null or empty string, the function returns true.


The isAscii(string) function is available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

Example 195. Usage of isAscii

The function isAscii("Hello world! ") returns true.

The function isAscii("voilà") returns false.


boolean isBlank( string arg );

The isBlank() function takes one string argument and returns a boolean value depending on whether the string contains only white space characters (true) or not (false).

If the input is null or an empty string, the function returns true.


The isAscii(string) function is available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

Example 196. Usage of isBlank

The function isBlank(" ") returns true. There are 3 space chars (char 0x20) between quotes.

The function isBlank(" ") returns true. Hard space character (0xA0) has been used between the quotes.

The function isBlank(" bc") returns false.

See also: removeBlankSpace


boolean isDate( string input, string pattern );
boolean isDate( string input, string pattern, boolean strict );
boolean isDate( string input, string pattern, string locale );
boolean isDate( string input, string pattern, string locale, boolean strict );
boolean isDate( string input, string pattern, string locale, string timeZone );
boolean isDate( string input, string pattern, string locale, string timeZone, boolean strict );

The isDate() function returns true if the input matches the date pattern. Returns false otherwise.

If the input is null, the function returns false.

If the pattern is null or an empty string, the default date format is used.

If the parameter locale is missing, default Locale is used.

If the parameter timeZone is missing, default Time Zone is used.

If strict is true, the date format is checked using a conversion from string to date, conversion from date to string and subsequent comparison of the input string and result string. If the input string and result string differ, the function returns false. This way you can enforce a required number of digits in the date.

If strict is null or the function does not have the argument strict, it works the same way as if set to false - the format is not checked in the strict way.


The isDate(string,string) and isDate(string,string,string) functions are available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

The isDate(string,string,string,string) is available since CloverETL 3.5.0-M1.

The functions isDate(string, string, boolean), isDate(string, string, string, boolean) and isDate(string, string, string, string, boolean) are available since CloverETL 4.1.0.

Example 197. Usage of isDate

The function isDate("2012-06-11", "yyyy-MM-dd") returns true.

The function isDate("2012-06-11", "yyyy-MM-dd H:m:s") returns false.

The function isDate("2014-03-30 2:30 +1000", "yyyy-MM-dd H:m Z", "en.US") returns true.

The function isDate("2014-03-30 2:30", "yyyy-MM-dd H:m", "en.US", "GMT-5") returns true.

The function isDate("6.007.2015", "dd.MM.yyyy", false) returns true whereas the function isDate("6.007.2015", "dd.MM.yyyy", true) returns false.


boolean isDecimal( string arg );
boolean isDecimal( string arg, string format );
boolean isDecimal( string arg, string format, string locale );

The isDecimal function checks a possibility to convert a string to a decimal data type.

The format determines the data conversion. See Numeric Format. If format is not used, the function checks that arg is compatible with java BigDecimal.

The locale parameter is described in Locale. If the function is called without the locale parameter, the default locale is used.

The parameter arg is the string to be checked. If the parameter arg can be converted to decimal, the function returns true, otherwise it returns false. It the parameter is null, the function returns false.


The isDecimal(string) function is available since CloverETL 4.0.0-M1.

The isDecimal(string, format) and isDecimal(string, format, locale) functions are available since CloverETL 4.9.0.

Since CloverDX 6.4.0 the whole string argument must be successfully parsed according to the format. If any part of the argument does not match format, the function returns false.

Example 198. Usage of isDecimal

The function isDecimal(null) returns false.

The function isDecimal("") returns false.

The function isDecimal("half") returns false.

The function isDecimal("4096") returns true.

The function isDecimal("2.71828") returns true.

The function isDecimal("2.147483648e9") returns true.

The function isDecimal("123,456.78", "###,###.##") returns true.

The function isDecimal("123 456,78", "###,###.##", "fr.FR") returns true. There should be a hard space (character 160) between 3 and 4.


boolean isEmpty( string arg );

The isEmpty() function checks whether a given string is null or of zero length.

If arg is null, function returns true.


The isEmpty() function is available since CloverETL 4.1.0-M1.

Example 199. Usage of isEmpty

isEmpty("") returns true.

string s = null; isEmpty(s); returns true.

isEmpty("cup of tea") returns false.

See also: Container functions: isEmpty(container)


boolean isInteger( string arg );
boolean isInteger( string arg, string format );
boolean isInteger( string arg, string format, string locale );

The isInteger() function checks a possibility to convert a string to an integer.

The parameter arg is the string to be checked. The function returns a boolean value depending on whether the string can be converted to an integer number (true) or not (false). If the parameter is an empty string or null, the function returns false.

The format parameter is described in Numeric Format.

The locale parameter is described in Locale. If the function is called without the locale parameter, the default locale is used.


The isInteger(string) function is available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

The isInteger(string, format) and isInteger(string, format, locale) functions are available since CloverDX 6.4.0.

Example 200. Usage of isInteger

The function isInteger("141592654") returns true.

The function isInteger("-718281828") returns true.

The function isInteger("999999999") returns true.

The function isInteger("12345.6") returns false.

The function isInteger("1234567890123") returns false.

The function isInteger("spruce") returns false.


boolean isLong( string arg );
boolean isLong( string arg, string format );
boolean isLong( string arg, string format, string locale );

The isLong() function checks a possibility to convert a string to a long number.

The parameter arg is the string to be checked. The function returns a boolean value depending on whether the string can be converted to a long number (true) or not (false). If the parameter is an empty string or null, the function returns false.

The format parameter is described in Numeric Format.

The locale parameter is described in Locale. If the function is called without the locale parameter, the default locale is used.


The isLong(string) function is available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

The isLong(string, format) and isLong(string, format, locale) functions are available since CloverDX 6.4.0.

Example 201. Usage of isLong

The function isLong("732050807568877293") returns true.

The function isLong("-236067977499789696") returns true.

The function isLong("999999999999999999") returns true.

The function isLong("12345.6") returns false.

The function isLong("12345678901234567890") returns false.

The function isLong("oak") returns false.


boolean isNumber( string arg );
boolean isNumber( string arg, string format );
boolean isNumber( string arg, string format, string locale );

The isNumber() function checks the possibility to convert a string to a number (double).

The parameter arg is the string to be checked. The function returns a boolean value depending on whether the string can be converted to a double (true) or not (false). If the parameter is an empty string or null, the function returns false.

The format parameter is described in Numeric Format.

The locale parameter is described in Locale. If the function is called without the locale parameter, the default locale is used.


The isNumber(string) function is available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

The isNumber(string, format) and isNumber(string, format, locale) functions are available since CloverDX 6.4.0.

Example 202. Usage of isNumber

The function isNumber("41421356237") returns true.

The function isNumber("-12345.6") returns true.

The function isNumber("12345.6e3") returns true.

The function isNumber("larch") returns false.


boolean isUnicodeNormalized( string str, string form );

Determine whether the str input string is Unicode normalized according to the given form.

The parameter str is a string to be checked for accordance with the normalized form. If the parameter str is null, the function returns true.

The parameter form contains identification of the Unicode normalization form. Following normalization forms are available:

  • NFD: Canonical Decomposition

  • NFC: Canonical Decomposition followed by Canonical Composition

  • NFKD: Compatibility Decomposition

  • NFKC: Compatibility Decomposition followed by Canonical Composition

If the parameter form is null, the function fails.


The isUnicodeNormalized(string) function is available since CloverETL 4.0.0-M1.

Example 203. Usage of isUnicodeNormalized

The function isUnicodeNormalized("\u0041"+"\u030A", "NFD") returns true.

The function isUnicodeNormalized("\u00C5", "NFD") returns false.

The function isUnicodeNormalized(null, "NFD") returns true.

The function isUnicodeNormalized("seashore", null) fails.

The function isUnicodeNormalized("\u0041"+"\u030A", "NFC") returns false.

The function isUnicodeNormalized("\u00C5", "NFC") returns true.

The function isUnicodeNormalized("\uFB01", "NFKD") returns false.

The function isUnicodeNormalized("\u0066\u0069", "NFKD") returns true.

The function isUnicodeNormalized("\u0073\u0323\u0307", "NFKC") returns false.

The function isUnicodeNormalized("\u1E69", "NFKC") returns true.


boolean isUrl( string arg );

The isUrl() function checks whether a specified string is a valid URL of the following syntax

\_/   \____________/ \______/ \__/\______________/ \__________________/ \__/
 |           |          |      |         |                  |             |
protocol  userinfo     host   port      path               query         ref

For more information about the URI standards, see

If the input is empty string or null, the function returns false.


The isUrl() function is available since CloverETL 3.1.0.

Example 204. Usage of isUrl
The function isUrl("") returns true.


boolean isValidCodePoint( integer code );

The function isValidCodePoint() returns true if the code value is valid Unicode code point.

If the parameter code is null, the function returns false.


The isValidCodePoint(integer) function is available since CloverETL 4.0.0-M1.

Example 205. Usage of isValidCodePoint

The function isValidCodePoint(-1) returns false.

The function isValidCodePoint(0) returns true.

The function isValidCodePoint(0x03B1) returns true.

The function isValidCodePoint(0x10300) returns true.

The function isValidCodePoint(0x110000) returns false.

The function isValidCodePoint(null) fails.


string join( string delimiter, <element type>[] arg );
string join( string delimiter, map[<type of key>,<type of value>] arg );

The join() converts elements from the list or map of elements to their string representation and puts them together with the first argument as a delimiter.

If the delimiter is null, the function joins string representations of elements from the list with the empty string.


The join() function is available since CloverETL Designer 3.0.0.

Example 206. Usage of join

Let’s call a list containing values a, b and c as myString. The function join(":", myString) returns a:b:c.

The function join(null, myString) using the list from previous example returns abc.

Let’s call map[integer, string] as theMap and insert values into the map theMap[0] = "cat", theMap[1] = "grep" and theMap[3] = "head". The function join(" ", theMap) returns 0=cat 1=grep 3=head.

The function join(null, theMap) using the theMap from previous example returns 0=cat 1=grep 3=head.


integer lastIndexOf( string input, string substr );
integer lastIndexOf( string input, string substr, integer index );

The function lastIndexOf returns an index of the last occurrence of the substr substring within the given string input, searching backwards from the given position or from the end.

The parameter input is a string in which the occurrence of the substr string is searched. If input is null, the function returns -1.

The parameter substr is a substring to be searched. If the parameter substr is null, the function fails.

The parameter index denotes the position in the input, where the substring matching process starts. If the parameter is negative, the function returns -1. If the parameter is null, the function fails.


The lastIndexOf(string,string) and lastIndexOf(string,string,integer) functions are available since CloverETL 4.0.0-M1.

Example 207. Usage of lastIndexOf

The function lastIndexOf(null, "quad") returns -1.

The function lastIndexOf(null, "quad", 5) returns -1.

The function lastIndexOf("data", "a") returns 3.

The function lastIndexOf("fabricable", "ab", 5) returns 1.

The function lastIndexOf("fabricable", "ab", 6) returns 6.

The function lastIndexOf("fabricable", "ab", -1) returns -1.

The function lastIndexOf("fabricable", "ab", 20) returns 6.

The function lastIndexOf("fabricable", null, 0) fails.

The function lastIndexOf("fabricable", "ab", null) fails.

See also: indexOf


string left( string input, integer length );
string left( string input, integer length, boolean spacePad );

The left() function returns a substring of input with the specified length.

If the input is shorter than length, the function returns the input unmodified. The result may be padded with spaces, based on the value of spacePad.

If the input is null, the function returns null.

If spacePad is set to false, the function behaves the same way as the left(string, integer) function. If spacePad is set to true and the input is shorter than length, the function pads the input with blank spaces from the right side.


The left(string,integer) function is available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

The left(string,integer,boolean) function is available since CloverETL 3.1.0.

Example 208. Usage of left

The function left("A very long text", 6) returns A very.

The function left("A very long text", 20) returns A very long text.

The function left("text", 10, true) returns text . There are 6 space chars appended after the text.

See also: right, substring


integer length( structuredtype arg );

The length() function accepts a structured data type as its argument: string, <element type>[], map[<type of key>,<type of value>] or record. It takes the argument and returns a number of elements forming the structured data type.

If the argument is null or empty string, the function returns 0.


The length(string) function is available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

Example 209. Usage of length

The function length("string") returns 6.

Let’s call a list containing values ab, bc and cd as myString. The function length(myString) returns 3.

See also: Container functions: length(container), Record functions: length(record)


string lowerCase( string input );

The lowerCase() function returns the input string with letters converted to lower case only.

If the input is null, the function returns null.


The lowerCase(string) function is available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

Example 210. Usage of lowerCase
The function lowerCase("Some string") returns some string.

See also: upperCase, properCase


string lpad( string input, integer length );
string lpad( string input, integer length, string filler );

The lpad() function pads input string from left using specified characters.

If the parameter input is null the function returns null.

The parameter length is minimal length of an output string. If the string length is lower than the parameter length, the string is padded from left using space or using filler. Otherwise the input string is returned.

If the parameter length is negative or null, the function fails.

It the filler parameter is null, empty string or longer than one character, function fails.


The lpad(string,integer,string) and lpad(string,integer,string) functions are available since CloverETL 4.0.0-M1.

Example 211. Usage of lpad

The function lpad("256", 0) returns 256.

The function lpad("256", 5) returns " 256".

The function lpad("256", -1) fails.

The function lpad(null, 2) returns null.

The function lpad("", 0) returns "".

The function lpad("", 2) returns " ".

The function lpad("256", 5, "0") returns 00256.

The function lpad("Great Dipper", 20, "") fails.

The function lpad("Little Dipper", 20, null) fails.

The function lpad("Little Dipper", 17, "The ") fails.

See also: left, right, rpad


boolean matches( string text, string regex );

The matches() function checks the string to match the provided regular pattern.

The function returns true, if the text matches the regular expression regex. Otherwise it returns false.

If the text is null, the function returns false. If the regex is null, the function fails with an error.


The matches(string,string) function is available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

Example 212. Usage of matches

The function matches("abc", "[a-c]{3}") returns true.

The function matches("abc", "[A-Z]{3}") returns false.


string[] matchGroups( string text, string regex );

The matchGroups() function returns the list of group matches (the substrings matched by the capturing groups of the regex) if text matches the regular expression regex.

The list is zero-based and the element with index 0 is the match for the entire expression. The following elements (1, …​) correspond with the capturing groups indexed from left to right, starting at one. The returned list is unmodifiable. If text does not match regex, null is returned.

If the text argument is null, the function returns null. If the regex is null, the function fails with an error.


The matchGroups(string,string) function is available since CloverETL 3.4.x.

Example 213. Usage of matchGroups

The function matchGroups("A fox", "([A-Z]) ([a-z]*)") returns [A fox, A, fox]. The first group is a whole pattern, patterns enclosed in parentheses follow.

The function matchGroups("A quick brown fox jumps", "[A-Z] [a-z]{5} [a-z]{5} ([a-z]*) ([a-z]{5})") returns [A quick brown fox jumps, fox, jumps].

See also: cut, split, substring


string metaphone( string arg );
string metaphone( string arg, integer maxLength );

The metaphone() function returns the metaphone code of the first argument.

For more information, see the following site:

The default maximum length of the metaphone code is 4.

The function returns null value for the null input.


The metaphone(string) and metaphone(string,integer) function is available since CloverETL 3.2.1 or earlier.

Example 214. Usage of metaphone

The function metaphone("cheep") returns XP.

The function metaphone("sheep") returns XP.

The function metaphone("international") returns INTR.

The function metaphone("cheep", 1) returns X.

The function metaphone("sheep", 2) returns XP.

The function metaphone("bookworm", 3) returns BKW.

The function metaphone("international", 7) returns INTRNXN.


string normalizeDecimal( string arg );

The normalizeDecimal() function preprocesses decimal number strings and removes non-numeric characters, standardizes decimal separators, and eliminates thousand separators and currency symbols. By scanning the input string from right to left, it identifies the first occurrence of either a comma or a period, assuming it to be the decimal separator. While this approach offers a basic level of normalization, it’s important to note that it relies on a simple heuristic and may not be suitable for all scenarios, e.g., when your data includes integers with commas used as thousand separators (1,000). In such scenarios, more sophisticated parsing techniques may be necessary to accurately identify and handle different number formats.


The normalizeDecimal(string) function is available since CloverDX 6.7.0.

Example 215. Usage of normalizeDecimal

The function normalizeDecimal("1,035") returns 1.035.

The function normalizeDecimal("1,035.24") returns 1035.24.

The function normalizeDecimal("1,000") returns 1.000.

The function normalizeDecimal("EUR451") returns 451.

The function normalizeDecimal("€127") returns 127.

The function normalizeDecimal("23$56") returns 2356.

The function normalizeDecimal("123,456.789") returns 123456.789.

The function normalizeDecimal("123 456,789") returns 123456.789.

The function normalizeDecimal("123.456,789") returns 123456.789.

The function normalizeDecimal(null) returns null.


string normalizePath( string arg );

The normalizePath() function normalizes a specified path or URL to a standard format, removing single and double dot path segments. Also replaces backslashes with forward slashes.

If normalization fails because there is a double dot path segment that is not preceded by a removable parent path segment, the function returns null.

The function returns a null value for a null input.


The normalizePath(string) function is available since CloverETL 4.1.0-M1.

Example 216. Usage of normalizePath

The function normalizePath("zip:(C:\\Data\\..\\") returns zip:(C:/

The function normalizePath("home/../../data") returns null.


string normalizeWhitespaces( string arg );

The normalizeWhitespaces() function takes one string argument and returns another string with all white space characters replaced with a single space. Leading and trailing white spaces are removed altogether (trimmed).

Following Unicode character categories are considered as white space by the function:

The function returns a null value for a null input.


The normalizeWhitespaces(string) function is available since CloverETL 6.1.0.

Example 217. Usage of normalizeWhitespaces

The function normalizeWhitespaces("   many   spaces   ") returns many spaces.

The function normalizeWhitespaces("name:\t\tvalue") returns name: value.

See also: trim, normalizeDecimal


string NYSIIS( string arg );

The NYSIIS() function returns the New York State Identification and Intelligence System Phonetic Code of the argument.

For more information, see the following site: This implementation works with numbers. Input string which contains numbers will result in unchanged string. E.g. input '1234' results in string '1234'.

If the input of function is null, the function returns null. If the input of function is empty string, the function returns empty string.


The NYSIIS(string) function is available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

Example 218. Usage of NYSIIS

The function NYSIIS("cheep") returns CAP.

The function NYSIIS("sheep") returns SAP.

The function NYSIIS("international") returns INTARNATANAL.


string properCase( string arg );
string properCase( string arg, string locale );

The properCase() function takes one string argument and returns another string with all words converted to proper case. Proper case is text that is written with each of the first letters of every word being capitalized.

Specifying locale allows you to apply specifics of any language. For example, in English the proper case of word "iceland" is "Iceland" but in Dutch the proper case of word "ijsland" is "IJsland" because of the "ij" digraph present in the Dutch language.

If the locale is null or an empty string, the respective default value is used instead.

If the input is null, the function returns null.


The properCase(string) function is available since CloverETL 6.1.0.

Example 219. Usage of properCase

The function properCase("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog") returns The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog.

The function properCase("ijsland") returns Ijsland.

The function properCase("ijsland", "nl.NL") returns IJsland.

See also: lowerCase, upperCase


string randomString( integer minLength, integer maxLength );

The randomString() function returns a string consisting of lowercase letters.

Its length is between <minLength; maxLength>. Characters in the generated string always belong to ['a'-'z'] (no special symbols).

If one of the given arguments is null, the function fails with an error.


The randomString(integer,integer) function is available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

Example 220. Usage of randomString
The function randomString(3, 5) returns for example qjfxq.


string randomUUID(  );

The function randomUUID() generates a random universally unique identifier (UUID).

The generated string has this format:


where h belongs to [0-9a-f]. In other words, you generate hexadecimal code of a random 128bit number.

For more details on the algorithm used, see the Java documentation.


The randomUUID() function is available since CloverETL 3.2.0.

Example 221. Usage of randomUUID
The function randomUUID returns, for example, cee188a3-aa67-4a68-bcd2-52f3ec0329e6.


string removeBlankSpace( string arg );

The removeBlankSpace() function takes one string argument and returns another string with white characters removed.

The function removes chars 0x09, 0x0A, 0x0B, 0x0C, 0x0D, 0x1C, 0x1D, 0x1E and 0x1F. The function does not remove chars 0x00A0 (hard space), 0x2007 and 0x202F.

If the input is null, the function returns null.


The removeBlankSpace() function is available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

Example 222. Usage of removeBlankSpace

The function removeBlankSpace("a quick brown fox") returns aquickbrownfox.

The function removeBlankSpace("1 000 000") returns 1 000 000, provided the string contains hard space (char 0xA0).


string removeDiacritic( string arg );

The removeDiacritic() function takes one string argument and returns another string with diacritical marks removed.

If the input is null, the function returns null.


The removeDiacritic(string) function is available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

Example 223. Usage of removeDiacritic

The function removeDiacritic("Voyez le brick géant que j’examine.") returns Voyez le brick geant que j’examine.

The function removeDiacritic("Küchen") returns Kuchen.

The function removeDiacritic("Příšerný žluťoučký kůň úpěl ďábelské ódy.") returns Priserny zlutoucky kun upel dabelske ody.


string removeNonAscii( string arg );

The removeNonAscii() function returns string with non-ASCII characters removed.

If the input is null, the function returns null.


The removeNonAscii(string) function is available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

Example 224. Usage of removeNonAscii

The function removeNonAscii("Voyez le brick géant que j’examine.") returns Voyez le brick gant que j’examine.

The function removeNonAscii("Příšerný žluťoučký kůň úpěl ďábelské ódy.") returns Pern luouk k pl belsk dy.


string removeNonPrintable( string arg );

The removeNonPrintable() function takes one string argument and returns another string with non-printable characters removed.

If the input is null, the function returns null.

For the list of characters considered as non-printable, see

The function is not dependent on character encoding.

Note that since CloverETL 3.5, the function does not remove non-ASCII characters anymore. If you need to have them removed, please use the removeNonAscii(string) function in addition.


The removeNonPrintable(string) function is available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

Example 225. Usage of removeNonPrintable
Let’s call a string containing chars A (code 0x41), B (code 0x42), bell (code 0x07) and C (code 0x43) as myString. The function removeNonPrintable(myString) returns ABC.


string replace( string arg, string regex, string replacement );

The replace() function replaces characters from the input string matching the regexp with the specified replacement string.

The function takes three string arguments - a string, a regular expression and a replacement.

All parts of the string that match the regex are replaced. The user can also reference the matched text using a backreference in the replacement string. A backreference to the entire match is indicated as $0. If there are capturing parentheses, specifics groups as $1, $2, $3, etc. can be referenced.

Important - please beware of similar syntax of $0, $1, etc. While used inside the replacement string, it refers to matching regular expression parenthesis (in order). If used outside a string, it means a reference to an input field. See the examples.

A modifier can be used at the start of the regular expression: (?i) for case-insensitive search, (?m) for multiline mode or (?s) for "dotall" mode where a dot (".") matches even a newline character.

If the first argument of the function is null, the function returns null. If the regexp pattern is null, the function fails with an error. If the third argument is null, the function fails with an error, unless the specified regexp does not match the first input.


The replace(string,string,string) function is available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

Example 226. Usage of replace

The function replace("Hello","[Ll]","t") returns "Hetto".

The function replace("Hello", "e(l+)", "a$1") returns "Hallo".

The function replace("Hello", "e(l+)", $ returns HJohno if input field name on port 0 contains the name John.

The function replace("Hello", "(?i)L", "t") will produce Hetto while replace("Hello", "L", "t") will just produce Hello.

The function replace("cornerstone", "(corner)([a-z]*)", "$2 $1") returns stone corner.


string reverse( string arg );

The reverse() function reverses the order of characters of a given string and returns the reverted string.

If the given string is null, the function returns null.


The reverse(string) function is available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

Example 227. Usage of reverse
Function reverse("knot") returns tonk.

See also: Record functions: reverse(list)


string right( string arg, integer length );
string right( string arg, integer length, boolean spacePad );

The right() function returns the substring of the length specified as the second argument counted from the end of the string specified as the first argument.

If the input string is shorter than the length parameter, the function returns the original string.

If the input is null, the function returns null.

If the spacePad argument is set to true, the new string is padded. Whereas if it is false or the function does not have the argument spacePad, the input string is returned as the result with no space added.


The right(string,integer) function is available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

The right(string,integer,boolean) function is available since CloverETL 3.1.0.

Example 228. Usage of right

The function right("A very long string", 4) returns ring.

The function right("A very long string", 20) returns A very long string.

The function right("text", 10, true) returns text.

See also: left, substring


string rpad( string input, integer length );
string rpad( string input, integer length, string filler );

The function rpad pads a string from right side to specified length using space or user-defined character.

The parameter input contains a string to be padded. If the input is shorter than specified in the parameter length, the input is padded from the right side using filler. The input with sufficient length is returned unmodified.

If the parameter input is null, the function returns null.

The parameter length defines the minimal length of the result string. If the parameter length is negative, the function fails.

The optional parameter filler defines the character used for pad. The function rpad(string, integer) uses space character as a filler. If the filler is null, empty string or a string having more than 1 character, the function fails.


The rpad(string,integer) and rpad(string,integer,string) functions are available since CloverETL 4.0.0-M1.

Example 229. Usage of rpad

The function rpad("A quick brown fox", 2)returns "A quick brown fox".

The function rpad("A quick brown fox", 20) returns "A quick brown fox ".

The function rpad(null, 0) returns null.

The function rpad("A quick fox", -1) fails.

The function rpad("A quick fox", null) fails.

The function rpad("A quick brown fox", 20, ".") returns "A quick brown fox…​".

The function rpad("A quick brown fox", 20, null) fails.

The function rpad("A quick brown fox", 20, "") fails.

The function rpad("A quick brown fox", 20, " jumps") fails.

See also: left, lpad, right


string soundex( string arg );

The soundex() function takes one string argument and converts the string to another.

The resulting string consists of the first letter of the string specified as the argument and three digits. The three digits are based on the consonants contained in the string when similar numbers correspond to similarly sounding consonants.

If the input of the function is null, the function returns null.

If the input is an empty string, the function returns an empty string.


The soundex(string) function is available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

Example 230. Usage of soundex

The function soundex("cheep") returns C100.

The function soundex("sheep") returns S100.

The function soundex("book") returns B200.

The function soundex("bookworm") returns B265.

The function soundex("international") returns I536.


string[] split( string arg, string regex );
string[] split( string arg, string regex, integer limit );

The split() function splits a string from the first argument, based on a regular expression given as the second argument.

The function searches in the first argument for substrings matching the regexp. If any substring matching the regexp exists, it is used as a delimiter and the arg is split up using the delimiter. The resulting parts of the string are returned as a list of strings. If the regular pattern does not match any character in the string arg, a list containing one item (the string arg) is returned.

The function split() removes terminating empty list items from the result. See the function split("cuckoo","o") in examples.

If the input parameter arg is an empty string, the function returns a list with one empty string.

If the input arg is null, the function returns an empty list.

If the regexp argument is null, the function fails with an error.

The limit parameter limits the number of items in the list to be returned. If the limit is positive, at most the specified number of items will be returned. The unsplit residue of input string is the last item of the list. If the limit is zero, the limit is not applied and the function works as without the limit parameter: The trailing empty list items are trimmed. If the limit parameter is negative, the limit is not applied and trailing empty fields are not trimmed. If the function is called without the limit parameter, it works in the same way as with limit set to 0.


The split(string,string) function is available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

If the input (arg) of the function is null, the function returns a list with one null string in CloverETL 3.5.x and earlier.

The split(string,string,integer) is available since CloverETL 4.0.0-M1.

Example 231. Usage of split

The function split("anaconda", "a") returns [, n, cond].

The function split("abcdefg", "[ce]") returns ["ab", "d", "fg"].

The function split("cuckoo", "o") returns [cuck]. The empty terminating list item is discarded.

The function split("cuckoos", "o") returns [cuck, , s]

The function split("oak,spruce,larch,,", ",") returns [oak, spruce, larch].

The function split("oak,spruce,larch,,maple", ",") returns [oak, spruce, larch, , maple]. The empty list item has not been discarded as there is non-empty string maple following the empty list item.

The function split("rabbit", "b{2}[aeiou]") returns [ra, t].

The function split("woodcock", "oo") returns [w, dcock].

The function split("woodcock", "[oo]") returns [w, , dc, ck].

The function split("frog,blowfish,serpent",";") returns [frog,blowfish,serpent]. The first string does not contain a semicolon, thus the content of the first list item is frog,blowfish,serpent.

The function split("/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin::", ":", -1) returns [/bin, /sbin, /usr/bin, /usr/sbin, /usr/local/bin, , ].

The function split("/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin::", ":", 0) returns [/bin, /sbin, /usr/bin, /usr/sbin, /usr/local/bin].

The function split("/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin::", ":", 1) returns [/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin::].

The function split("/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin::", ":", 2) returns [/bin, /sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin::].

The function split("/bin:/sbin", ":", 5) returns [/bin, /sbin].


boolean startsWith( string str, string sub );

The startsWith() function returns true if the parameter str starts with string sub.

If the parameter str is null, the function returns false.

If the parameter sub is null, the function fails.


The startsWith(string) function is available since CloverETL 4.0.0-M1.

Example 232. Usage of startsWith

The function startsWith("quadratic", "quad") returns true.

The function startsWith("quadratic", "linear") returns false.

The function startsWith(null, "a") returns false.

The function startsWith("quadratic", null) fails.

See also: contains, endsWith


string substring( string arg, integer fromIndex );
string substring( string arg, integer fromIndex, integer length );

The substring() function returns a substring of an input string.

The function substring(arg, fromIndex) returns a substring of arg starting at the position fromIndex.

The function substring(arg, fromIndex, length) returns a substring of arg starting at the position fromIndex limited by length.

If the original string arg is null, the function returns null. If the arg is empty string, the function returns empty string. See the compatibility notice.

The parameter fromIndex defines the starting position of the substring. If fromIndex is negative or null, the function fails. See compatibility notice.

The parameter length is a maximal length of the returned substring. If length is negative or null, the function fails.


The function substring() works differently in CloverETL 3.5.x and earlier.

The function substring() fails, if the input string arg is null in CloverETL 3.5.x and earlier.

The function substring() fails, if any of integer parameters is null or out of range of the input string in CloverETL 3.5.x. Since CloverETL 4.0.0.M1, it fails only with negative or null values.

The substring(string,integer,integer) function is available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

The substring(string, integer) function is available since CloverETL 4.0.0-M1.

Example 233. Usage of substring

The function substring("elfish", 2) returns fish.

The function substring("network", 20) returns empty string.

The function substring("network", null) fails.

The function substring("minute", 2, 3) returns nut.

The function substring("text", 1, 2) returns "ex".

The function substring("network", 3, 0) returns empty string.

The function substring("network", 20, 2) returns empty string. This fails in CloverETL 3.5.x, see compatibility notice.

The function substring("network", 6, 5) returns k. This fails in CloverETL 3.5.x, see compatibility notice.

The function substring("network", null, 1)fails.

The function substring("network", -2, 1)fails.

The function substring("network", 3, null)fails.

The function substring("network", 3, -4) fails.

The function substring(null, 1, 1) returns null. This fails in CloverETL 3.5.x, see compatibility notice.

See also: charAt, cut, left, right, trim


string toProjectUrl( string path );

The toProjectUrl() function converts a relative path, e.g. data-in/file.txt to a full URL containing the name of the sandbox: sandbox://mysandbox/data-in/file.txt.

The parameter path is a relative path to the file.

If the parameter path is null, the function toProjectUrl() returns null.


The toProjectUrl() function is available since CloverETL 4.0.

Example 234. Usage of toProjectURL

Following examples use sandbox called documentation. If you use examples in your sandbox, you will see yourSandboxName instead of documentation.

The function toProjectUrl("") returns sandbox://documentation/.

The function toProjectUrl(null) returns null.

The function toProjectUrl(".") returns sandbox://documentation/.

The function toProjectUrl("/") returns file:/.


string translate( string arg, string searchingSet, string replaceSet );

The translate() function replaces the characters given in the second string of the first argument with characters from the third string.

If one or both of the second or the third argument is null, the function fails with an error.

If the input of the function is null, the function returns null.


The translate(string,string,string) function is available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

Example 235. Usage of translate
The function call translate('Hello','eo','is') results in the string Hills.


string trim( string arg );

The trim() function takes one string argument and returns another string with leading and trailing white spaces removed.

If the input of the function is an empty string, the function returns an empty string.

If the input of the function is null, the function returns null.


The trim(string) function is available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

Example 236. Usage of trim
The function trim(" Text and space chars ") returns Text and space chars.


string unescapeUrl( string arg );

The unescapeUrl() function decodes escape sequences of illegal characters within components of a specified URL.

Escape sequences consist of a percent (%) symbol, followed by the two-digit hexadecimal representation (case-insensitive) of the ISO-Latin code point for the character, e.g. %20 is the escaped encoding for the US-ASCII space character. For the URL component description, see isUrl.

Function accepts a valid URL only. For an invalid URL, empty string or null input, the function fails with an error.


The unescapeUrl(string) function is available since CloverETL 3.1.0.

Example 237. Usage of unescapeUrl
The function unescapeUrl("") returns file.html


string unescapeUrlFragment( string  input );
string unescapeUrlfragment( string input, string encoding );

The function unescapes a string escaped by escapeUrlFragment.

The parameter input is a string to be unescaped. It the parameter is null, the function returns null.

The parameter encoding is an encoding to be used in conversion. If the encoding is null, the conversion fails.


The unescapeUrlFragment(string) function is available since CloverETL 4.0.0-M1.

Example 238. Usage of unescapeUrlFragment

The function unescapeUrlFragment(null) returns null.

The function unescapeUrlFragment("") returns empty string.

The function unescapeUrlFragment("the+URL") returns "the URL".

The function unescapeUrlFragment("cook+book", null) fails.


string unescapeXML( string input );

The unescapeXML(string) function is designed to convert XML-escaped entities back into their original, unescaped characters. This function is useful when you need to extract or display the original content from an XML document that has previously been processed with the escapeXML function.

List of reserved characters: ' , ", &, <, >


The unescapeXML(string) function is available since CloverDX 6.4.0.

Example 239. Usage of unescapeXML

The function unescapeXML("&lt;element name=&quot;&amp;myname;&quot;&gt;") returns <element name="&myname;">.

The function unescapeXML("Peter O&apos;Brian") returns Peter O’Brian.

The following example:

  string nameOfCustomer = "Progress &amp; Prosperity, Co. &gt; Expectations";

Returns the following:

Progress & Prosperity, Co. > Expectations

See also: escapeXML


string unicodeNormalize( string input, string form );

The unicodeNormalize() normalizes an input string using a specified normalization form.

The parameter input contains the string to be normalized. If the parameter input is null, the function returns null.

The parameter form defines the normalization form to be used. Following normalization forms are available:

  • NFD: Canonical Decomposition

  • NFC: Canonical Decomposition followed by Canonical Composition

  • NFKD: Compatibility Decomposition

  • NFKC: Compatibility Decomposition followed by Canonical Composition

If the parameter form is null, the function fails.


The unicodeNormalize(string) function is available since CloverETL 4.0.0-M1.

Example 240. Usage of unicodeNormalize

The function unicodeNormalize("\u00C5", "NFD") returns "\u0065\u030A".

The function unicodeNormalize("\u0041"+"\u030A", "NFD") returns "\u0065\u030A".

The function unicodeNormalize("\u00C5", "NFC") returns "\u00C5".

The function unicodeNormalize("\u0041"+"\u030A", "NFC") returns "\u00C5".

The function unicodeNormalize("\u00C5", null) fails.

The function unicodeNormalize(null, "NFD") returns null.


string upperCase( string arg );

The upperCase() function takes one string argument and returns another string with cases converted to upper cases only.

The function returns null for a null input.


The upperCase(string) function is available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

Example 241. Usage of upperCase
The function upperCase("Some string") returns SOME STRING.

See also: lowerCase, properCase


string validateCreditCard( string creditCard, boolean acceptEmpty );

The validateCreditCard() function takes string argument and uses Luhn algorithm, also known as 'modulus 10', to determine whether the argument is a valid credit card number.

The function returns null if the validation passes or an error message if it fails.

If the second parameter is true an empty string value is considered to be a valid value.

Example 242. Usage of validateCreditCard

The function validateCreditCard("5305-7204-2019-5319", false) returns null.

The function validateCreditCard("1234-5678-9012-3456", false) returns Checksum is not valid.

The function validateCreditCard(" ", true) returns null.

The function validateCreditCard(" ", false) returns Empty card number is not allowed.


string validateEmail( string email, boolean acceptEmpty );

The validateEmail() function takes string argument and performs syntactic check according to RFC822 standard to determine whether the argument is a valid email address. It does not try to connect or to send any message to the syntactically valid argument.

The function returns null if the validation passes or an error message if it fails.

If the second parameter is true an empty string value is considered to be a valid value.

Example 243. Usage of validateEmail

The function validateEmail("", false) returns null.

The function validateEmail("john.doeexamplecom", false) returns Missing final '@domain'.

The function validateEmail(null, true) returns null.

The function validateEmail(null, false) returns Empty email is not allowed.


string validatePhoneNumber( string email, string phoneRegion, boolean acceptEmpty );

The validatePhoneNumber() function takes string argument and validates if its a phone number.

The second parameter is phone region in a form of two letters ISO Alpha 2 code. Its ignored and may be left empty if the phone number is written in international format.

The function returns null if the validation passes or an error message if it fails.

If the third parameter is true an empty string value is considered to be a valid value.

Example 244. Usage of validatePhoneNumber

The function validatePhoneNumber("(800) 555-0111", null, false) returns null.

The function validatePhoneNumber("8005550111", null, false) returns null.

The function validatePhoneNumber("+1 (800) 123-4567", null, false) returns Invalid phone number.

The function validatePhoneNumber(null, "US", true) returns null.

The function validatePhoneNumber(null, "US", false) returns Empty phone number is not allowed.