
Jobflow Component

ExecuteWranglerJob 64x64

Short description


ExecuteWranglerJob attributes


Best practices

See also

Short description

ExecuteWranglerJob allows running of Wrangler job with user-specified settings and provides execution results to output ports.

Same input metadata Sorted inputs Inputs Outputs Each to all outputs Java CTL Auto-propagated metadata




Please refer to ExecuteGraph ports.

ExecuteWranglerJob attributes

Attribute Req Description Possible values


Wrangler Job URL


A path to an executed Wrangler job. Only a single job can be specified in this attribute. The value can be overridden by a value from input token, see the Input mapping attribute.

Execution type


Specifies a type of execution - synchronous (sequential) or asynchronous (parallel) execution model. Can be overridden by a value from input token, see the Input mapping attribute. See Execution type.

synchronous (default) | asynchronous

Timeout (ms)


The maximal amount of time dedicated for a job run; by default in milliseconds, but other time units may be used. If the timeout interval elapses, the job is aborted. The value can be overridden by a value from an input token, see the Input mapping attribute.

The Timeout attribute is ignored for asynchronous execution type.

0 (unlimited) | positive number

Input mapping


Input mapping defines how data from an incoming token overrides default execution settings. See Input mapping.

CTL transformation

Output mapping


Output mapping maps results of successful job to the first output port. See Output mapping.

CTL transformation

Error mapping


Error mapping maps results of unsuccessful job to the second output port. See Error mapping.

CTL transformation

Redirect error output


By default, results of failed jobs are sent to the second output port (error port). If this switch is set to true, results of unsuccessful jobs are sent to the first output port in the same way as successful jobs.

false (default) | true


Execution group


The name of an execution group to which the executed job belongs. An execution group can be used by KillGraph component as a named handler for a set of jobs to be interrupted.


Execution label


A text displayed in an execution view before a job name.

E.g. MyLabel

Cluster node ID


A Cluster node ID which will be used for execution of a job.


Execute Wrangler job as daemon


By default, all jobs are executed in non-daemon mode, so none of them can live longer than the parent graph. CloverDX Server automatically ensures for finished jobs that all non-daemon jobs are interrupted if they have not finished yet. If you want to start a job which can live longer than the parent graph, set this switch to true.

false (default) | true

Stop processing on fail


By default, any failed job causes the component to stop executing other jobs; information about skipped tokens is sent to the error output port. This behavior can be turned off by this attribute. Note: this function works only if an edge is connected to the component’s error port.

true (default) | false

Number of executors


By default, jobs executed in synchronous mode are triggered one after the other - the next job is executed right after the previous one finishes. This option allows to increment the number of simultaneously running jobs. The Number of executors attribute defines how many jobs can be executed at once. All of them are monitored and once one of the running jobs finishes processing, another one is executed. This option is applied only to jobs executed in a synchronous mode.

positive number (1 is default)

Best practices

If you drag a .wjob file and drop it into the jobflow pane, you will add the ExecuteWranglerJob component.


ExecuteWranglerJob offers an alternative way of executing Wrangler jobs. Wrangler jobs are usually executed directly from Wrangler where they have been created. If there is a need to orchestrate execution of Wrangler jobs as part of a larger hierarchy or manually schedule them the ExecuteWranglerJob component is the universal tool for that.

This component works similarly to ExecuteGraph. See ExecuteGraph component documentation.