AWS Marketplace
The CloverDX Server offering on AWS Marketplace provides an easy way to create a CloverDX Server instance in the AWS cloud infrastructure. The offering spins-up a recommended cloud architecture that contains a standalone CloverDX Server with good defaults and recommended environment. The server uses PostgreSQL in RDS as its system database, which is automatically created and configured. The server instance uses AWS resources of the user, who is charged for them by Amazon.
The CloverDX Server AWS offering consists of an AMI image of a virtual machine and of a CloudFormation template that provides a simple configuration user interface and creates the required cloud infrastructure as a CloudFormation stack.
The following templates are provided:
CloverDX Server Deployment New VPC - deploys a new instance of CloverDX Server with newly created network infrastructure (VPC, Subnets etc.), see Quickstart. This is the easiest deployment option.
CloverDX Server Deployment Existing VPC - deploys a new instance of CloverDX Server into existing network infrastructure selected by the user, see Deployment into existing infrastructure. This is the option to use if you already have existing infrastructure in AWS and want to integrate CloverDX with it.
CloverDX Server Upgrade - upgrades a CloverDX Server instance to a new version of CloverDX Server, see Upgrade in AWS.
license for
CloverDX Server - this is a BYOL (Bring Your Own License) offering so you need to get your license from us - start here .
basic familiarity with AWS EC2 infrastructure
basic familiarity with AWS RDS infrastructure
basic familiarity with AWS CloudFormation
account on AWS and permissions to use EC2, RDS and CloudFormation services
key pair registered in EC2
High-level overview of steps:
Subscribe to CloverDX Server on AWS Marketplace
Configure and deploy the CloudFormation stack
Activate and configure the server instance
Subscribe to CloverDX Data Management Platform - Server BYOL offering on the AWS Marketplace, use the CloverDX Server Deployment New VPC Cloudformation template. Use the Continue to Subscribe button on the offering marketplace page and proceed through the wizard to the Launch action (meanwhile accepting Terms and Conditions, selecting CloverDX version and template etc).
Deploy the CloudFormation stack
First step: Specify template - a CloudFormation template is already selected from the marketplace offering, continue with Next
Second step: Specify stack details - configure the stack:
Figure 13. Stack details-
Stack name - unique name of the stack.
EC2 Instance type - type of EC2 instance where the server will run. A default instance type is pre-selected. You can select one of the supported instance types - larger instances have better performance but at a higher cost.
EC2 Availability zones - you must select 2 availability zones where the whole stack will be run. The first availability zone will be used for the CloverDX Server EC2 instance, both will be used for the system RDS database. An availability zone is basically a data center. Some availability zones might not support the selected EC2 instance type or the instance type might be unavailable due to capacity reasons - in such case select a different availability zone. Such issue would manifest during startup of the stack in its Events log.
Key Pair name - select a public key registered in your EC2 infrastructure. This key will be used to administer the EC2 instance via SSH.
Collect logs in CloudWatch - set to yes to enable centralized collection of logs to CloudWatch, see Server logs in AWS CloudWatch for more details.
Allow connections from - the CloudFormation template creates a Security Group automatically that allows only connections from specific IP ranges to specific ports on the instance. We recommend that you provide a range of IP addresses from which the instance should be available - typically your offices or data centers. For evaluation purposes you can use your public IP, obtained e.g. from myip.com. We do not recommend making the instance visible to the whole internet.
Admin user name - specify the user name of CloverDX Server administration user (or keep the default
). This user is the first user available in Server Console, for administration of the server itself. This is NOT the operating system user - you must use the above public key to SSH to the instance. -
Admin user password - specify the password for the above admin user.
Confirm admin user password - re-type the above password to confirm it.
Database master user name - specify the master user name of the RDS database that will be created as the server’s system database. This user name and below password will be used by CloverDX Server to connect to the database.
Database master user password - specify the password for the above database master user.
Confirm database master user password - re-type the above password to confirm it.
Configure stack options and review the stack - next 2 pages allow you to set-up additional more advanced stack options, and review the whole stack configuration.
Create stack - click the final Create Stack button to start the stack. Creation of the whole stack takes some time (up to a few minutes). You will see a CloudFormation log of resources being created. The stack is created and ready to use when it gets into the
Success. CloverDX Server is now available in AWS.
You can find its URL in the Outputs
tab of the CloudFormation stack - the ServerURL
There you can also find its hostname for SSH access.
On the Server’s URL you will see the login page where you can:
Activate the server - the Server is licensed in BYOL (Bring Your Own License) mode, so you need to get your license from us - start here.
To login, use the credentials set in the CloudFormation configuration wizard.
The Server is running with default settings, and is immediately usable. It can be configured further to get it into full production quality.
The CloverDX Server AWS offering consists of an AMI image of a virtual machine and of a CloudFormation template that orchestrates the required cloud resources:
Details of the AWS topology:
The instance runs in the AWS cloud, in the Region selected by user and in its 2 selected Availability Zones. The first AZ is used by the server’s EC2 instance, both AZs are used by the RDS database (for potential Multi-AZ deployment, see database details below).
A new VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) is created to isolate the CloverDX instance from other resources present in the AWS cloud. The VPC has an Internet Gateway for connectivity to the internet (also for the users to connect to the Server Console).
A new public Subnet is created in the VPC for the server’s network resources.
A single EC2 instance is created from an AMI. The
CloverDX Server is running in this instance and uses an RDS instance of PostgreSQL, see below.
The EC2 instance is available via an Elastic IP - this IP address doesn’t change between restarts of the instance.
The EC2 instance uses a Security Group to limit access only to specific ports (22, 80, 443) and only from IP addresses from a defined CIDR range.
2 new private Subnets are created in the VPC for the RDS database. The database currently uses just one of them, the second one is prepared for multi-AZ deployment of the database.
An RDS PosgreSQL database is created with recommended settings, and is used as the server’s system database.
The RDS database uses a Security Group to limit access only from the server’s EC2 instance.
EC2 instance details (for additional information, see Common cloud architecture):
Operating system: Amazon Linux 2
Eclipse Temurin JDK 17 (formerly AdoptOpenJDK)
Tomcat 9
2 disks - OS disk (10GB), data disk (128GB), both are Provisioned IOPS SSD EBS volumes. It is possible to increase the size of the disks or change the provisioned IOPS, just follow the documentation Encryption is enabled on both disks, see Security for more details.
RDS database details:
Database type - PostgreSQL 15
DB instance class - db.m5.large (2 vCPUs, 8GB RAM)
Storage - 100GB SSD allocated storage, can autoscale to 200GB
Automated backups enabled - performed every day, backups retained for 7 days
Available only from the server’s EC2 instance, not visible from the Internet
Server uses SSL to communicate with the database
Multi-AZ deployment is disabled by default. Multi-AZ deployment runs multiple replicas of the database in different availability zones for high availability, which is why 2 availability zones have to be selected when creating the stack. The architecture and configuration is prepared for Multi-AZ deployment, and its possible to enable it in the RDS configuration later.
For details about CloverDX Server configuration, see Common cloud configuration.
Instance type
The EC2 instance type can be changed after the stack is deployed. To use a different instance type, stop the VM instance in EC2 console, change its instance type (via right-clicking > Instance settings > Change instance type) and start it again. It’s also possible to modify the CloudFormation template to use different instance types than the ones we offer by default. However, behavior and performance on other instance types than the default ones is not guaranteed.
Heap sizes for Server Core and Worker are set automatically based on the instance memory size, see Common cloud memory configuration. It is possible to change the instance type of the VM and the memory sizes will be re-calculated - for this stop the VM instance in EC2 console, change its instance type and start it again.
Server logs
By default, server logs are collected in /var/clover/cloverlogs
directory, and Tomcat logs in /var/clover/tomcatlogs
The VM is pre-configured to send some specific logs to Amazon CloudWatch for centralized log collection and analysis. However, it is necessary to start the VM with an IAM role that allows it to send the logs to CloudWatch. The following steps create the IAM role and fully enable the CloudWatch integration:
set the Collect logs in CloudWatch stack parameter to yes. The template will automatically create an IAM role that allows the EC2 instance to send the logs to CloudWatch.
This operation requires that the user starting the stack has permissions to manipulate with IAM roles. Example of IAM policy that allows the user to do that:
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "VisualEditor0", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "iam:CreateInstanceProfile", "iam:DeleteInstanceProfile", "iam:PassRole", "iam:DetachRolePolicy", "iam:RemoveRoleFromInstanceProfile", "iam:CreateRole", "iam:DeleteRole", "iam:AttachRolePolicy", "iam:PutRolePolicy", "iam:AddRoleToInstanceProfile" ], "Resource": "*" } ] }
acknowledge that the template might create IAM resources in the last step of launching the stack. If you don’t aknowledge that, you’ll see an error message
Requires capabilities : [CAPABILITY_IAM]
The CloudWatch integration creates a log group called /cloverdx/stack-name
, with the following logs:
- main CloverDX Server log -
- contains performance metrics that are useful for diagnostics of incidents, see Performance log. -
- contains metrics useful for analysing behavior of the job queue, see Job queue log -
- log of CloveDX Worker which executes jobs -
- Tomcat logs, useful primarily in case that CloverDX Server doesn’t start
The CloudWatch integration is done via the CloudWatch Agent which is automatically configured and installed on the VM. Useful files and commands:
- configuration of CloudWatch Agent, e.g. which logs are collected. Note that this file is on the OS disk, so changes to it will be overwritten when upgrading to new version (see Upgrade in AWS). -
- log file of the CloudWatch Agent, useful for diagnostics in casethe logs are not collected. -
sudo systemctl restart amazon-cloudwatch-agent.service
- restart the CloudWatch Agent service. This is needed after manual assignment of roleto the EC2 server instance or after changes to the above configuration file.
The IAM role that allows CloudWatch integration can be assigned to the VM also manually in the EC2 console later.
The role must allow write access to CloudWatch, e.g.
by using the CloudWatchAgentServerPolicy
managed policy.
After assigning the role, you need to restart the CloudWatch Agent (see above).
JMX monitoring
To successfully establish a JMX connection over SSL to the server (e.g. for troubleshooting via VisualVM, see Common JMX monitoring), the client needs to trust the server’s certificate. One option would be to replace the default server’s self-signed certificate with production-quality certificate (see HTTPS in AWS). In such case, no further configuration is required.
To use JMX with the default self-signed certificate, follow these steps:
Export the server’s certificate from the keystore:
keytool -export -keystore $CLOVER_HOME/conf/serverCertificate.jks -storepass changeit -alias clover -rfc -file clover.cert
Transfer the
certificate to the client machine. -
On the client machine, import the server certificate into client’s truststore:
Into default Java truststore:
sudo keytool -import -file clover.cert -alias clover -storetype JKS -keystore $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts -storepass changeit
Into a custom truststore:
keytool -import -file clover.cert -alias clover -storetype JKS -keystore clover.truststore -storepass changeit
In this case, the JMX client needs to be configured to use this custom truststore via properites:
-Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=clover.truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit
Users available in the EC2 instance:
- standard AWS administrator user of the instance. Usesudo
torun commands that require root privileges. Login via SSH using the public key selected when starting the stack. -
- not recommended to be used, cannot login to it directly. -
- user that runs the CloverDX Server (i.e. it runs Tomcat). All files that CloverDX uses are owned by theclover
user. It is not possible to login asclover
The EC2 instance uses UTC timezone by default. The instance runs on Amazon Linux, so to change the timezone follow the documentation.
This section describes security related aspects of the CloverDX Marketplace offering.
Disk encryption
Both OS and data disks are encrypted by default via EBS encryption. No configuration is necessary, the disks are encrypted with the default key managed by AWS.
Security Group
The CloudFormation template creates a security group that serves as a virtual firewall. The security group allows connections to the following ports:
- SSH -
- HTTP for Server Console and Server API -
- HTTPS for Server Console and Server API
The connections are allowed only from the IP range specified when configuring the stack during its startup.
The security group settings can be modified - you can find the security group in the Resources section of the CloudFormation stack and click on its configuration.
The CloverDX Server running in the stack has both HTTP and HTTPS enabled by default.
You can find the server’s HTTPS URL in the Outputs section of the CloudFormation stack under ServerHttpsURL
The HTTPS connector is running on port 443
The default HTTPS connector is using a self-signed certificate.
So it is useful for encryption of communication between client (e.g.
Designer) and the Server, but not for server identity verification.
When connecting from a browser to the Server Console you will first see a warning about the certificate (e.g. Your connection is not private, NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID
), after accepting this certificate you can work as usual and following accesses will not see this error.
When first connecting from Designer you will need to accept the certificate.
You can use your own production-quality certificate for the HTTPS connector:
Add your certificate to
keystore (via thekeytool
command), with an alias that is different fromclover
Modify the
Tomcat configuration file to use the new certificate alias for its HTTPS connector.
To disable usage of plain HTTP connectivity, modify the security group of the stack to block all connections to port 80
Deployment into existing Infrastructure
If you’re already operating services and instances in AWS and want to deploy CloverDX Server alongside them, e.g. to integrate several data sources, then the deployment is performed with the CloudFormation template CloverDX Server Deployment Existing VPC. The template does not create a new VPC, Subnets and some other networking infrastructure, but lets you select existing ones. The template creates a new CloverDX Server EC2 instance and a new RDS system database and deploys them into the selected network resources.
Deployment steps and settings in this case are the same as described in Quickstart with these differences:
Subscribe to CloverDX Data Management Platform - Server BYOL offering on the AWS Marketplace - use the CloverDX Server Deployment Existing VPC template
Configure the stack:
VPC - select a VPC where the stack will be deployed.
Subnet - select a Subnet which will be used by the CloverDX Server EC2 instance. The Subnet must be in the VPC selected above.
Database Subnets - select 2 Subnets which will be used by the RDS system database. Typically the subnets are private and not visible from the internet. The subnets must be in the VPC selected above.
Security Group - select a Security Group which will be used by the CloverDX Server EC2 instance. The RDS system database will use its own Security Group that is created by the template and allows connections only from the Server.