
HL7Reader 64x64

Short description



HL7Reader attributes

See also

Short description

HL7Reader reads data in HL7® version 2 format. [1]

All HL7® v2 versions from 2.1 to 2.9 are supported.

Please note that HL7Reader component is only available in certain CloverDX plans. To find out more about licensing requirements, please contact sales@cloverdx.com.

Data source Input ports Output ports Each to all outputs Different to different outputs Transformation Transf. req. Java CTL Auto-propagated metadata

HL7® v2 file




Port type Number Required Description Metadata



For port reading. See Reading from input port.

One field (byte, cbyte, string) for specifying an input of the component.



For correct data records



For validation errors (if Strict validation is enabled)



Metadata have to have first field of the type variant. Metadata can use Autofilling functions.


HL7Reader propagates metadata on both output ports.

Metadata on optional input port must contain string, byte or cbyte field.

Metadata on first output port have to have first field of the type variant.

Metadata on first output port can use Autofilling functions.

HL7Reader attributes

Attribute Req Description Possible values


File URL

Attribute specifying what data source(s) will be read (HL7® v2 file, input port, dictionary). See Supported file URL formats for Readers.

Error mapping

Defines mapping of errors to the error output port.


Strict validation

Enables strict schema validation of the input messages. Reports missing required segments, fields, components and subcomponents. Also reports if there are more fields, components and subcomponents than expected. Produces error if any validation check finds a problem.

true (default) | false

Message schema URL

Attribute specifying XML schema used for parsing and validation of HL7® v2 message. By default the schema is auto-detected in the HL7® v2 message content.

Segments schema URL

Attribute specifying XML schema used for parsing and validation of HL7® v2 segments. By default the schema is auto-detected in the HL7® v2 message content.


HL7Reader reads data from HL7® version 2 files using SAX technology.

HL7Reader reads entire input file with the HL7® version 2 structure to structured variant field. All data types in the variant field will be string type.

Version and message type of the HL7® v2 standard are auto-detected. You can override auto-detection of version and message type by using external schema.

User defined message schema

HL7Reader can use user defined external schema. This schema has to have a XML structure defined internally in CloverDX Designer.

You can modify already existing message schema. Schema XML files are stored in jar file hl7v2schema-[version].jar which can be found in CloverDX Designer installation dir in path plugins/com.cloveretl.gui.commercial_[version]/lib/plugins/org.jetel.component.commercial/lib.

Schema files are organized in directories named by HL7® v2 version and each filename contains HL7® v2 message structure type. You can unpack required schema XML file, modify it and directly use it with HL7Reader. These files contain description of content and structure of particular HL7® v2 message. Content and structure of HL7® v2 segments is stored in segments.xml.

When modifying a schema the names of elements and attributes must stay the same, but their values can be changed.

When creating a new HL7® v2 segment the attribute name has to follow naming convention defined by HL7® standards.

Group segment is segment which serves as a logical group of segments. It’s never present in HL7® v2 message and unlike standard segments its name can be longer than 3 characters. For example PATIENT.

Standard HL7®v2 segment has to have an name in a form of 3 capital letters or numbers. For example EVN, PID or PV1.

When modifying segment structure in segments.xml its elements field, component and subcomponent has to be on a proper level since there can be only 3 levels. Field attribute name doesn’t have any fixed naming convention.


Version Compatibility Notice


HL7Reader is available since 5.16.0.


Format of XML schema used in Message schema URL and Segments schema URL was changed and schema from 5.16.0 can’t be used anymore.

See also



Common properties of components

Specific attribute types

Common properties of Readers

Readers comparison


HL7® and FHIR® are the registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Use of these trademarks do not constitute an endorsement from HL7®.