Mathematical functions


integer abs( integer arg );
long abs( long arg );
number abs( number arg );
decimal abs( decimal arg );

The abs() function returns the absolute value of a given argument of numeric data type (integer, long, number, or decimal).

If the given argument is null, the function fails with an error.

The abs() function behaves in the same way as the abs() function in Java or C/C++.

For the minimal integer, it returns minimal integer value: abs(-2147483648) returns -2147483648.

For the minimal long, it returns minimal long value: abs(-9223372036854775808L) returns -9223372036854775808


The abs(integer), abs(long), abs(decimal), abs(number) functions are available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

Example 117. Usage of abs

The function abs(-123) returns 123 as integer.

The function abs(-1234L) returns 1234 as long.

The function abs(-1234.5) returns 1234.5 as number (double).

The function abs(-1234.6D) returns 1234.6 as decimal.


number acos( decimal angle );
number acos( number angle );

The acos() function returns arc cosine of an angle.

If a given argument is null, the function fails with an error.


The acos(decimal|number) function is available since CloverETL 3.5.0-M2.

Example 118. Usage of acos

The function acos(0) returns 1.5707963267948966.

The function acos(1L) returns 0.0.

The function acos(sqrt(2)*0.5) returns 0.7853981633974483.

The function acos(0.5D)) returns 1.0471975511965979.

The function acos(5) returns null.

The function toDegrees(acos(0.5)) returns 60.

See also: asin, atan, cos, toDegrees


integer addNoise( integer value, integer noise );
long addNoise( long value, long noise );
number addNoise( double value, double noise );
decimal addNoise( decimal value, decimal noise );
date addNoise( date value, long noise );
date addNoise( date value, long noise, unit timeunit );

The addNoise() function returns 'anonymized' value of the original value.

The parameter 'noise' allows to set ranges the return value can obtain - 'value +- noise'.

Example 119. Usage of addNoise

The function addNoise(null, 10) returns null.

The function addNoise(1, 10) returns value between -9 and 11.

The function addNoise(2.5D, 0.5D) returns value between 2.0 and 3.0.

The function addNoise(2023-01-01, 1, year) returns value between 2022-01-01 and 2024-01-01.


number asin( decimal angle );
number asin( double angle );

The asin() function returns arc sine of an angle.

If the given argument is null, the function fails with an error.


The asin() function is available since CloverETL 3.5.0-M2.

Example 120. Usage of asin

The function asin(0) returns 0.0.

The function asin(1L) returns 1.5707963267948966.

The function asin(sqrt(2)*0.5) returns 0.7853981633974484.

The function asin(0.5D) returns 0.5235987755982989.

the function asin(5) returns null.

The function toDegrees(asin(0.5)) returns 30.

See also: acos, atan, sin, toDegrees


number atan( decimal angle );
number atan( double angle );

The atan() function returns arc tangent of an angle.

If the given argument is null, the function fails with an error.


The atan() function is available since CloverETL 3.5.0-M2.

Example 121. Usage of atan

The function atan(0) returns 0.0.

The function atan(1L) returns 0.7853981633974483.

The function atan(sqrt(3)) returns 0.7853981633974483.

The function atan(0.5D) returns 0.4636476090008061.

The function toDegrees(atan(1)) returns 45.

See also: acos, asin, tan, toDegrees


integer bitAnd( integer arg1, integer arg2 );
long bitAnd( long arg1, long arg2 );
byte bitAnd( byte arg1, byte arg2 );

The bitAnd() function returns the number corresponding to the bitwise and of given integer, long or byte arguments.

For example, bitAnd(11,7) returns 3. As decimal 11 can be expressed as bitwise 1011, decimal 7 can be expressed as 111, thus the result is 11 which corresponds to decimal 3.

If one of the arguments is long, the function returns the long data type.

If one of the argument is null, the function fails with an error.

If the byte arguments are of different length, the length of returned byte is a minimum of the lengths of the arguments.


The bitAnd(integer,integer) and bitAnd(long,long) functions are available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

The byte bitAnd(byte, byte) function is available since CloverETL 4.0.0-M2.

Example 122. Usage of bitAnd

The function bitAnd(6, 3) returns 2 as integer.

The function bitAnd(12L, 6L) returns 4 as long.

The function bitAnd(15L, 1) returns 1 as long.

Let b1 = hex2byte("4545") and b2 = hex2byte("464646"). The function bitAnd(b1, b2) returns a result that can be displayed in hexa as 4444.


boolean bitIsSet( integer arg, integer index );
boolean bitIsSet( long arg, integer index );

The bitIsSet() function determines the value of the bit of the first argument located on the index and returns true or false, if the bit is 1 or 0, respectively.

If the index is greater than the number of bits in the data type, functions bitIsSet(integer, integer) and bitIsSet(long, integer) return false.

For example, bitIsSet(11,3) returns true. As decimal 11 can be expressed as bitwise 1011, the bit whose index is 3 (the fourth from the right) is 1, thus the result is true. And bitIsSet(11,2) would return false.

If one of the given arguments is null, the function fails with an error.


The bitIsSet(integer,integer) and bitIsSet(long,integer) functions are available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

Example 123. Usage of bitIsSet

The function bitIsSet(19, 1) returns true.

The function bitIsSet(18, 0) returns false.

The function bitIsSet(18, 1) returns true.

The function bitIsSet(256, 8) returns true.


integer bitLShift( integer arg, integer shift );
long bitLShift( long arg, long shift );

The bitLShift() function returns the number corresponding to the original number with bits shifted to the left.

The new bits added to the number on the right side are set to 0. (Shift number of bits on the left side are added and set to 0.) For example, bitLShift(11,2) returns 44. As decimal 11 can be expressed as bitwise 1011, thus the two bits on the right side (00) are added and the result is 101100 which corresponds to decimal 44.

If one of the argument is long, the function returns the long data type.

If one of the argument is null, the function fails with an error.


The bitLShift(integer,integer) and bitLShift(long,long) functions are available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

Example 124. Usage of bitLShift

The function bitLShift(4, 3) returns 32.

The function bitLShift(4, 28) returns 1073741824.

The function bitLShift(4, 29) returns null.

The function bitLShift(4, 29L) returns 2147483648.

The function bitLShift(4L, 60) returns 4611686018427387904.

The function bitLShift(5L, 61) returns -6917529027641081856.

The function bitLShift(4L, 61) returns null.


integer bitNegate( integer arg );
long bitNegate( long arg );
byte bitNegate( byte arg );

The bitNegate() function returns the number corresponding to its bitwise inverted number.

All ones are set up to zeros and all zeros are changed to ones.

If a given argument is null, the function fails with an error.


The bitNegate(integer) and bitNegate(long) functions are available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

The bitNegate(byte) function is available since CloverETL 4.0.0-M2.

Example 125. Usage of bitNegate

The function bitNegate(11) returns -12. The function inverts all bits in an argument. The result is integer.

The function bitNegate(6L) returns -7. The result value is long.

Let b1 = hex2byte("989c9cdfd2a89e9393"). The function bitNegate(b1) returns 676363202d57616c6c.


integer bitOr( integer arg1, integer arg2 );
long bitOr( long arg1, long arg2 );
byte bitOr( byte arg1, byte arg2 );

The bitOr() function returns the bitwise or of both arguments.

For example, bitOr(11,7) returns 15. As decimal 11 can be expressed as bitwise 1011, decimal 7 can be expressed as 111, thus the result is 1111 which corresponds to decimal 15.

If one of the given argument is long, the function returns the long data type.

If one of the given argument is null, the function fails with an error.

If the byte arguments are of different length, the length of returned byte is a minimum of the lengths of arguments.


The bitOr(integer,integer) and bitOr(long,long) functions are available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

The function byte bitOr(byte, byte) is available since CloverETL 4.0.0-M2.

Example 126. Usage of bitOr

The function bitOr(6, 3) returns 7 as integer.

The function bitOr(12L, 6L) returns 14 as long.

The function bitOr(15L, 1) returns 15 as long.

Let b1 = hex2byte("4545") and b2 = hex2byte("464646"). The function bitOr(b1, b2) returns a result that can be displayed in hexa as4747.


integer bitRShift( integer arg, integer shift );
long bitRShift( long arg, long shift );

The bitRShift() returns the number corresponding to the original number with bits shifted to the right.

Shift number of bits on the right side are removed. (For example, bitRShift(11,2) returns 2.) As decimal 11 can be expressed as bitwise 1011, thus the two bits on the right side are removed and the result is 10 which corresponds to decimal 2.

If one of the given arguments is long, the function returns long data type.

If one of the given argument is null, the function fails with an error.


The bitRshift(integer,integer) and bitRShift(long,long) functions are available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

Example 127. Usage of bitRShift

The function bitRShift(4, 2)returns 1.

The function bitRShift(129L, 3)returns 16.


integer bitSet( integer arg1, integer index, boolean setBitTo1 );
long bitSet( long arg1, integer index, boolean setBitTo1 );

The bitSet() function sets the value of the bit of the first argument located on the index specified as the second argument to 1 or 0 if the third argument is true or false, respectively, and returns the result as an integer or long.

If one of the given arguments is null, the function fails with an error.


The bitSet(integer,integer,integer,boolean) and bitSet(long,long,long,boolean) functions are available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

Example 128. Usage of bitSet

The function bitSet(11,3,false) returns 3. As decimal 11 can be expressed as bitwise 1011, the bit whose index is 3 (the fourth from the right) is set to 0, thus the result is 11 which corresponds to decimal 3.

The function bitSet(11,2,true) returns 1111 which corresponds to decimal 15.

The function bitSet(0,1,33) returns 2.

The function bitSet(0,1,-23) returns 512.

The function bitSet(0L,1,33) returns 4294967296.


integer bitXor( integer arg, integer arg );
long bitXor( long arg, long arg );
byte bitXor( byte arg, byte arg );

The bitXor() function returns the bitwise exclusive or of both arguments.

For example, bitXor(11,7) returns 12. As decimal 11 can be expressed as bitwise 1011, decimal 7 can be expressed as 111, thus the result is 1100 which corresponds to decimal 15.

If one of the given argument is long, the function returns the long data type.

If one of the given arguments is null, the function fails with an error.

If the byte arguments are of different length, the length of returned byte is a minimum of the lengths of arguments.


The bitXor(integer,integer) and bitXor(long,long) functions are available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

The byte bitXor(byte,byte) function is available since CloverETL 4.0.0-M2.

Example 129. Usage of bitXor

The function bitXor(3, 7) returns 4.

The function bitXor(4, 10L) returns 14.

Let b1 = hex2byte("4545") and b2 = hex2byte("464646"). The function bitXor(b1, b2) returns a result that can be displayed in hexa as 0303.


decimal ceil( decimal arg );
number ceil( number arg );

The ceil() function returns the smallest (closest to negative infinity) value that is greater than or equal to the argument and is equal to a mathematical integer.

It returns number (double) for integer, long and number. It returns decimal for decimal.

If the given argument is null, the function fails with an error.


The ceil(number) and ceil(decimal) functions are available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

The function returns number for all input numeric data types in CloverDX 3.4 and older.

Example 130. Usage of ceil

The function ceil(-3.45D) returns -3.0.

The function ceil(3) returns 3.0.

The function ceil(34L) returns 34.0.

The function ceil(35.5) returns 36.0.


number cos( number angle );
number cos( decimal angle );

The cos() function returns the trigonometric cosine of a given angle.

Angle is in radians.

If the given argument is null, the function fails with an error.


The cos(decimal) and cos(number) functions are available since CloverETL 3.5.0-M2.

Example 131. Usage of cos

The function cos(0.0D) returns 1.0.

The function cos(pi()/4) returns 0.7071067811865476.

The function cos(toRadians(30)) returns 0.5773502691896257.

See also: acos, sin, tan, toRadians


number e(  );

The e() function returns the Euler number.


The e() function is available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

Example 132. Usage of e
The function e() returns 2.718281828459045.

See also: exp, pi


number exp( decimal arg );
number exp( integer arg );
number exp( long arg );
number exp( number arg );

The exp() function returns the result of the exponential function of the given argument.

The argument can be of any numeric data type (integer, long, number, or decimal).

If the given argument is null, the function fails with an error.


The exp(decimal) and exp(number) functions are available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

Example 133. Usage of exp

The function exp(1) returns 2.7182818284590455.

The function exp(0L) returns 1.0.

The function exp(0.5D) returns 1.6487212707001282.

The function exp(2.5) returns 12.182493960703473.

The function exp(-5) returns 0.006737946999085467.

See also: e, log, log10, pow


decimal floor( decimal arg );
number floor( number arg );

The floor() function returns the largest (closest to positive infinity) value that is less than or equal to the argument and is equal to a mathematical integer.

It returns number (double) for integer, long and number and it returns decimal for decimal.

If the given argument is null, the function fails with an error.


The floor(decimal) and floor(number) functions are available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

The function returns number for all input numeric data types in CloverETL 3.4 and older.

Example 134. Usage of floor

The function floor(5) returns 5.0 as number (double).

The function floor(-10L) returns -10.0 as number (double).

The function floor(4.5D) returns 4.00 as decimal.

The function floor(-7.4) returns -8.0 as number (double).

See also: ceil, round, roundHalfToEven


number log( decimal arg );
number log( number arg );

The log() function returns the result of the natural logarithm of a given argument.

If the given argument is null, the function fails with an error. If the argument is negative, the function returns null.


The log(decimal) and log(number) functions are available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

Example 135. Usage of log

The function log(1) returns 0.0.

The function log(10L) returns 2.302585092994046.

The function log(4.5D) returns 1.5040773967762742.

The function log(7.5) returns 2.0149030205422647.

The function log(-7.4) returns null.

The function log(0) returns -Infinity.

See also: exp, log10


number log10( decimal arg );
number log10( number arg );

The log10() function returns the result of the logarithm of a given argument to the base 10.

If the given argument is null, the function fails with an error. If the argument is negative, the function returns null.


The log10(decimal) and log10(number) functions are available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

Example 136. Usage of log10

The function log10(1) returns 0.0.

The function log10(10L) returns 1.0.

The function log10(7.5D) returns 0.8750612633917001.

The function log10(0.5) returns -0.3010299956639812.

The function log10(0) returns -Infinity.

The function log10(-75) returns null

See also: log, pow


decimal max( decimal arg1, decimal arg2 );
integer max( integer arg1, integer arg2 );
long max( long arg1, long arg2 );
number max( number arg1, number arg2 );
<element type> max( <element type>[] list );

The max() function returns one of the given arguments which is bigger.

If one of the given arguments is null, the function returns the other argument. If both of the given arguments are null, the function returns null.

If a given list contains only null values or is empty, the function returns null. If the given list has a null reference, the function fails with an error. The returned element is the same data type as elements in the list.


The max(integer, integer), max(long,long), max(number,number), max(decimal,decimal) and max(E[]) functions are available since CloverETL 3.5.0-M2.

Example 137. Usage of max

The function max(1, 2) returns 2 as integer.

The function max(3L, 4) returns 4 as long.

The function max(5.0, 8L) returns 8 as number (double).

The function max(5.25, 5.78D) returns 5.78 as decimal.

The function max(9, null) returns 9.

The list ints contains values 1, 3, 5, null, 4. The functions max(ints) returns 5.

The list nulls contains values null, null, null, null. The functions max(nulls) returns null.

See also: min


decimal min( decimal arg1, decimal arg2 );
integer min( integer arg1, integer arg2 );
long min( long arg1, long arg2 );
number min( number arg1, number arg2 );
<element type> min( <element type>[] list );

The min() function returns one of the given arguments which is smaller.

If one of the given arguments is null, the function returns the other argument. If both of the given arguments are null, the function returns null.

Null values in a list are omitted. The returned element is the same data type as elements in the list. If the given list contains only null values or is empty, the function returns null. If the given list has a null reference, the function fails with an error.


The min(integer),min(long), min(number), min(decimal) and min(E[]) functions are available since CloverETL 3.5.0-M2.

Example 138. Usage of min

The function min(2, 1) returns 1 as integer.

The function min(2L, 7) returns 2 as long.

The function min(4.5, 7L) returns 4.5 as number (double).

The function min(4.75, 5.6D) returns 4.75 as decimal.

The list ints contains values 1, 3, 5, null, 4. The functions min(ints) returns 1.

The list nulls contains values null, null, null, null. The functions min(nulls) returns null.

See also: max


number pi()(  );

The pi function returns the pi number.


The pi() function is available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

Example 139. Usage of pi
The pi() function returns 3.141592653589793.

See also: e


decimal pow( decimal base, decimal exp );
number pow( number base, number exp );

The pow() function returns the exponential function of the first argument as the exponent with the second as the base.

The arguments can be of any numeric data type, data type do not need to be of the same type (integer, long, number or decimal).

If one of the given arguments is null, the function fails with an error.

The function pow with decimal arguments uses the integer part of second argument only. Thus pow(4D, 2.5D) leads to a calculation of pow(4D, 2D).


The pow(decimal), pow(number), power(number,number) and pow(decimal,decimal). functions are available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

Example 140. Usage of pow

The function pow(2L, 3) returns 8.0 as number (double).

The function pow(4, 3.5D) returns 64.00 as decimal. The integer part of second argument is used. The result is same as a result of pow(4, 3).

The function pow(4, 3.5) returns 128.0 as number (double).

The function pow(2.7, 3.89) returns 47.64365186615171 as number (double).

The function pow(2, -1D) fails.

The function pow(2, -1) returns 0.5 as number (double).

See also: exp, log, log10, sqrt


number random(  );
number random( number minimum, number maximum );

The random() function generates random positive double greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than 1.0.

If the range of allowed values is specified, the result value will be greater than or equal to minimum and lower than or equal to maximum.

If one of the given arguments is null, the function fails with an error.


The random() function is available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

The random(number,number) function is available since CloverETL 6.4.0.

Example 141. Usage of random
The function random() returns for example 0.23096784138492643. It can return another random value, e.g. 0.7559335772251974.


boolean randomBoolean(  );

The randomBoolean() function generates true or false boolean values at random.

If these values are sent to any numeric data type field, they are converted to their numeric representation automatically (1 or 0, respectively).


The randomBoolean() function is available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

Example 142. Usage of randomBoolean
The function randomBoolean() returns true for example. It can return false too as the result is random.


decimal randomDecimal(  );
decimal randomDecimal( decimal minimum, decimal maximum );

The randomDecimal() function generates random positive decimal greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than 1.0.

If the range of allowed values is specified, the result value will be greater than or equal to minimum and lower than or equal to maximum.

If one of the given arguments is null, the function fails with an error.


The randomDecimal() and randomDecimal(decimal, decimal) functions are available since CloverETL 6.4.0.

Example 143. Usage of randomDecimal

The function randomDecimal() returns for example 0.23096784138492643.

The function randomDecimal(1D, 5D) returns for example 2.35885588812358749.


number randomGaussian(  );

The randomGaussian() function generates at random both positive and negative values of number data type in a Gaussian distribution.

The mean value is 0. The standard deviation is 1.


The randomGausian() function is available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

Example 144. Usage of randomGaussian
The function randomGaussian() can return e.g. -1.7478412353643376.


integer randomInteger(  );
integer randomInteger( integer minimum, integer maximum );

The randomInteger() function generates both positive and negative integer values at random.

If the range of allowed values is specified, the result value will be greater than or equal to minimum and lower than or equal to maximum.

If one of the given arguments is null, the function fails with an error.


The randomInteger() and randomInteger(integer,integer) functions are available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

Example 145. Usage of randomInteger

The function randomInteger() returns for example -767954592.

The function randomInteger(0, 10) returns for example 7.


long randomLong(  );
long randomLong( long minimum, long maximum );

The randomLong() function generates both positive and negative long values at random.

If the range of allowed values is specified, the result value will be greater than or equal to minimum and lower than or equal to maximum.

If one of the given arguments is null, the function fails with an error.


The randomLong() and randomLong(long,long) function is available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

Example 146. Usage of randomLong

The function randomLong() returns for example -7985800599050861074.

The function randomLong(0, 5000000000L) returns for example 4594415452.


decimal round( decimal arg );
long round( number arg );
integer round( integer arg, integer precision );
long round( long arg, integer precision );
number round( number arg, integer precision );
decimal round( decimal arg, integer precision );

The round() function returns a rounded value using the "half up" rounding mode: if both neighbors are equidistant, rounds up.

Positive precision denotes the number of places after the decimal point and negative precision stands for the number of places before the decimal point. Therefore it only makes sense to use negative precision for integer and long data type arguments, since it signals to round to tens, hundreds, thousands and so on. So round(123, -2) will result in 100 and round(123.123, 2) will result in 123.12.

If the parameter precision is missing, the function rounds to nearest integer value.

If the given argument is null, the function fails with an error.

See also roundHalfToEven(decimal, integer).


The round(decimal) and round(number) functions are available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

The round(int), round(long), round(int,int) and round(long,int) functions are available since CloverETL 3.5.0-M2.

Example 147. Usage of round

The function round(2.5D) returns 3.00 as decimal.

The function round(4.5) returns 5 as long.

The function round(6.25D, 1) returns 6.30 as decimal.

The function round(6.25, 1) returns 6.30 as number (double).

The function round(-124556.78D, -3) returns -125000.00 as decimal.

The function round(1253456.78, -6) returns 10000000 as double.

See also: ceil, floor, roundHalfToEven


decimal roundHalfToEven( decimal arg );
decimal roundHalfToEven( decimal arg, integer precision );

The roundHalfToEven() function returns decimal value rounded to the closest integer value.

Uses the "half to even" rounding mode (also called banker’s rounding), i.e. if both the neighbors are equidistant, rounds to the nearest even number.

If a given argument is null, the function fails with an error.

Positive precision denotes the number of places after the decimal point and negative precision stands for the number of places before the decimal point (tens, hundreds, thousands and so on).


The roundHalfToEven(decimal) and roundHalfToEven(number) functions are available since CloverETL 3.5.0-M2.

Example 148. Usage of roundHalfToEven

The function roundHalfToEven(2.5D) returns 2.

The function roundHalfToEven(3.5D) returns 4.

The function roundHalfToEven(2.25D, 1) returns 2.2.

The function roundHalfToEven(2.35D, 1) returns 2.4.

The function roundHalfToEven(12.25D, -1) returns 10.00.

See also: ceil, floor, round


void setRandomSeed( long arg );

The setRandomSeed() function generates the seed for all functions that generate values at random.

This function should be used in the init() function or method.

In such a case, all values generated at random do not change on different runs of the graph, they even remain the same after the graph is reset.

If the given argument is null, the function fails with an error.

The setRandomSeed() function sets random seed only for the CLT2 code of the component where it is used. It does not set the random seed for CTL2 functions in other components.


The setRandomSeed(long) function is available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

Example 149. Usage of setRandomSeed
function boolean init() { setRandomSeed(123456789012345678L); return true; }


integer signum( integer arg );
long signum( long arg );
number signum( number arg );
integer signum( decimal arg );

The signum() function returns signum of the argument.

If the argument is negative, the function returns -1. If the argument is positive, the function returns 1. It the argument is 0, the function returns 0.

If the argument is null, the function fails.


The signum(integer), signum(long), signum(number) and signum(decimal) functions are available since CloverETL 3.5.0-M2.

Example 150. Usage of signum

The function signum(-2147483648)returns -1.

The function signum(-123456789012345L) returns -1.

The function signum(0.0) returns 0.

The function signum(123.45d) returns 1.

The function signum(null) fails.


number sin( number angle );
number sin( decimal angle );

The sin() function returns the trigonometric sine of a given angle. The angle is in radians.

If the given argument is null, the function fails with an error.


The sin(decimal) and sin(number) functions are available since CloverETL 3.5.0-M2.

Example 151. Usage of sin

The function sin(0D) returns 0.0.

The function sin(pi()*0.5) returns 1.0.

The function sin(toRadians(45)) returns 0.7071067811865475.

See also: asin, cos, tan, toRadians


number sqrt( number arg );
number sqrt( decimal arg );

The sqrt() function returns the square root of a given argument.

The argument can be of any numeric data type; if the argument is integer or long, the argument will be converted to the number (double).

If a given argument is null, the function fails with an error.


The sqrt(decimal) and sqrt(number) functions are available since CloverETL 3.0.0.

Example 152. Usage of sqrt

The function sqrt(81) returns 9.0.

The function sqrt(40532396646334464L) returns 2.01326592E8.

The function sqrt(1.21) returns 1.1.

The function sqrt(1.44D) returns 1.2.

The function sqrt(0) returns 0.0.

the function sqrt(-1) returns null.

See also: log, log10, pow


number tan( number angle );
number tan( decimal angle );

The tan() function returns the trigonometric tangent of a given angle. The angle is in radians.

If the given argument is null, the function fails with an error.


The tan(decimal) and tan(number) functions are available since CloverETL 3.5.0-M2.

Example 153. Usage of tan

The function tan(0.0D) returns 0.0.

The function tan(pi()/3) returns 1.7320508075688767.

The function tan(toRadians(30)) returns 0.5773502691896257.

See also: atan, cos, sin, toRadians


double toDegrees( double angle );
double toDegrees( decimal angle );

The toDegrees function converts radians to degrees.

The angle is in radians. If the angle is null, the function fails.


The toDegrees(decimal) and toDegrees(number) functions are available since CloverETL 3.5.0-M2.

Example 154. Usage of toDegrees

The function toDegrees(0) returns 0.0.

The function toDegrees(pi()) returns 180.0.

See also: acos, asin, atan, toRadians


double toRadians( double angle );
double toRadians( decimal angle );

The toRadians function converts degrees to radians.

The angle is in degrees. If the angle is null, the function fails.


The toRadians(decimal) and toRadians(number) functions are available since CloverETL 3.5.0-M2.

Example 155. Usage of toRadians

The function toRadians(0) returns 0.

The function toRadians(90d) returns 1.5707963267948966.

See also: cos, sin, tan, toDegrees