
    Graph Parameter Editor

    Detailed List of Available Operations

    Properties of Graph Parameters

    Graph Parameter Type Editor

    Graph parameters are managed by Graph parameters editor. Main purpose of this editor is to create, edit and remove internal graph parameters, link and unlink external parameter files and edit particular graph parameters inside parameter files.

    Graph parameter editor is available via Outline view. Just double-click on the Graph parameters section.

    parameters dialog
    Figure 225. Graph parameters editor

    Both internal and external graph parameters are managed by this editor at once. Internal parameters are on top-level of tree and external parameter files are represented by sub-trees (for example workspace.prm in the figure above).

    Order of graph parameters defines usage priority. In the case of parameters name collision, the parameter above the other has a higher priority. The order of graph parameters can be changed using drag and drop or move actions available on left-side toolbar.

    If an error is detected in graph parameters setting, yellow exclamation mark icon is shown over affected graph parameters and an error message is displayed in a tooltip on corrupted graph parameter.

    Detailed List of Available Operations

    • Adding a new graph parameter use

      To add a new parameter to the end of the list, use in-line editing of Add new parameter cell at the end of each parameter section. To insert a new graph parameter above current position, use Plus button on the left side.

    • Removing a graph parameter

      Use the Minus button or Delete key to remove selected parameters. Multi-selection is supported. If you would like to remove unused graph parameters, use Cleanup Unused Elements.

    • Name and value editing

      Edit the name and value of a graph parameter directly in parameters viewer.

    • Changing the order of parameters

      Use left-side toolbar (Move top, Move up, Move down, Move bottom) or Drag&Drop to move the selected graph parameter. Order of parameter files can be changed as well. Multi-selection is supported.

    • Creating a new parameter file

      Create a new parameter file using the New parameter file button.

    • Linking an existing parameter file

      Link an existing parameter file using the Link parameter file button.

    • Filtering parameters

      Parameters filtering is based on a substring of parameter name and value.

    Dialog supports commonly used operations known from graph editor:

    • Copy (Ctrl+C), Cut (Ctrl+X) and Paste (Ctrl+V) operation on selected graph parameters.

    • Undo (Ctrl+Z) and Redo (Ctrl+Y) operations.

    Properties of Graph Parameters

    • Name

      Identifier of the parameter.

    • Value

      Value of the parameter. The Value field can use different editors to edit the value. The editors are set up using property Editor type.

    • Secure

      The parameter is considered as a Secure parameter. See Secure Graph Parameters

    • Description

      Description is user defined text for a graph parameter or for a graph parameter file. Contrary to the label the description can be several paragraphs long.

    • Public

      Public parameters serve for configuration of subgraphs. See Configuring Subgraphs.

    • Required

      This field is available in public parameters only. If a parameter of a subgraph is marked as required and the subgraph is used as a component, the corresponding attribute of the subgraph component is mandatory and the user has to set it up.

    • Label

      Label is a short description of the field appearing as an attribute name in a subgraph component. This field is available in public parameters only.

    • Value Hint

      This value is displayed in the value column in the properties of subgraphs component. The value helps the user of subgraph to decide which value should be filled in to the user-defined graph attribute. The field is available in public parameters only.

    • Category

      Category of component attributes in which the parameter is displayed: Basic or Advanced. Basic is the default category. This field is available in public parameters.

    • Editor Type

      The public parameters can use a type of editor corresponding to the field of the component using the parameter. For example, you can use File URL Editor or Transform Editor. This field is available for all parameters.

      The editor type is primarily used for public parameters when setting them in parent graph (when configuring a subgraph).

    Graph Parameter Type Editor

    Simple type

    Component Binding

    Graph Parameter Type Editor serves to set up correct editor to particular graph parameters. You can choose between Simple Type or Component binding. The dialog is opened from the parameter property Editor type in Graph parameters editor.

    Figure 226. Graph Parameters Type Editor
    Simple type

    Simple type can be one of:

    • Basic

      • String - inline editing or external dialog (Edit Parameter Value or Edit Parameter CTL2 Value)

      • Multiline string - external dialog Multiline String Editor.

      • Integer - inline editor, allows to insert whole numbers only

      • Decimal - inline editor, allows to insert decimal numbers

      • Boolean - inline editor - user selects true, false or empty value

    • Advanced

      • File URL - external dialog (File Url Dialog). A configuration of the dialog is described in File URL. For details on File URL Dialog, see URL File Dialog.

      • Date/Time - inline editor, allows user to set up date using calendar.

      • Properties - inline editor, serves to set up key-value pairs. See Properties.

    • Metadata Related

      • Single Field - external dialog, allows to choose one metadata field. See Single Field.

      • Multiple Fields - external dialog, allows to choose one or more fields. See Multiple Fields.

      • Sort Key - external dialog, lets the user define sort key. See Sort Key.

      • Field Mapping - external editor, allows the user to set up field mapping. See Field Mapping.

      • Join Key - external editor, allows the user to set up fields to be joined. See Join Key

    • Enumerations

      • Enumeration - inline or external editor, allows the user to choose one option from a list; the user may be allowed to define its own value. See Enumeration.

      • Character set - external dialog, for choosing character set. See Character Set.

      • Time Zone - external dialog, for choosing time zone. See Time Zone.

      • Field Type - inline editor, for choosing field data type. See Field Type.

      • Locale - external dialog, for choosing locale. See Locale.

    To store the password, use secure graph parameters. See Secure Graph Parameters

    parameters 22
    Figure 227. Select Editor Type Dialog
    Component Binding

    Component binding serves to bind the parameter to an attribute of existing component of subgraph. For example, you can set up the Transform parameter in the Map component using public graph parameters.

    Content of lists of components available in Component binding depends on components available in subgraph.

    Edit Parameter Value

    Edit Parameter Value serves to set up a parameter value. The value of the parameter can be converted to the CTL2 code using the Convert to dynamic button.

    parameters 04
    Figure 228. Edit Parameter Value

    If the Convert to dynamic button is used, the editor is changed.

    Edit Parameter CTL2 Value

    The Edit Parameter CTL2 Value dialog serves to place a CTL2 code as a parameter value.

    parameters 05
    Figure 229. Edit Parameter Value

    The value can be converted to string using the Convert to static button. If the button is used, the editor changes.

    Multiline String Editor

    Multiline string parameter type lets you use a multiline string as a parameter value. If the parameter value is in xml or json format, its syntax can be checked.

    Use Validation configuration property to switch on XML or JSON syntax validation.

    parameters 25
    Figure 230. Multiline string parameter - configuration

    To enable the support for JSON highlighting, please install the JavaScript Development Tools plugin. Help  Install New Software…​ and choose Luna in the drop-down list and search for JavaScript Development Tools.

    File URL

    File URL parameter type lets you configure File URL Dialog.

    File Extension makes a File URL dialog to display files with particular suffix. It can be utilized to display files matching some pattern too. For example, you can display file having txt suffix (*.txt) or XML files whose name starts with "a" (a*.xml).

    Selection Mode displays files or directories or files or directories.

    The Allow Multiple Selection checkbox lets you deny multiple file selection. If you uncheck the checkbox, you cannot select multiple files.

    parameters 23
    Figure 231. File URL Dialog - Configuration

    In the Select Types dialog, tick the file extensions to be available in File URL Dialog.

    If a suffix is not available in the list, use the Other extensions field below. The suffix you define should start with an asterisk. If more extensions are defined, separate them with a comma.

    parameters 24
    Figure 232. Select Types Dialog - Choosing file extension(s)

    See also URL File Dialog.


    Properties type lets you use key-value pairs.

    Properties can be parsed with the function parseProperties.

    parameters 16
    Figure 233. Properties - Usage
    Single Field

    The Single Field type allows to choose one metadata field from the list.

    Configuration of Single Field specifies subset of fields of one existing metadata; the user chooses one field of the set. The metadata can be either static or referenced from a particular edge of subgraph. Available metadata fields can be filtered depending on metadata field type or container type.

    parameters 08
    Figure 234. Single Field - Configuration

    If you use the parameter, you can choose one field using the following dialog.

    parameters 07
    Figure 235. Single Field - Choosing the Field
    Multiple Fields

    The Multiple Fields parameter type serves to choose one or more metadata fields from the set.

    Available fields are a subset of fields of existing metadata. The fields can be of static metadata or metadata of an edge. Available metadata fields can be filtered depending on metadata field type or container type.

    parameters 09
    Figure 236. Multiple Fields - Configuration

    Use arrows to add fields to the list or add field(s) using drag and drop.

    parameters 10
    Figure 237. Multiple Fields - Choosing the Field
    Field Mapping

    The Field Mapping type requires metadata of both sides of mapping. You specify fields of which metadata could be mapped using the parameter.

    parameters 11
    Figure 238. Field Mapping - Configuration

    In the Field Mapping dialog, you can define mapping for transformation.

    parameters 12
    Figure 239. Field Mapping - Choosing the Field

    See also Mapping Functions.

    Join Key

    When you define the Join Key parameter type, choose which metadata take part in joining:

    parameters 14
    Figure 240. Join Key - Configuration

    The Join Key parameter value specifies joining fields.

    parameters 15
    Figure 241. Join Key - Configuration

    See also Mapping Functions.


    The dialog below serves to set up available values in the selection list of enumeration. Values available in the list are defined in Values. The pipe character is displayed escaped, the semicolon is surrounded by the " character.

    User-defined values are allowed using the Allow Custom Value checkbox.

    You can choose the value using inline editor. If there are more than 10 (ten) values defined, choose the value using external dialog.

    parameters 13
    Figure 242. Enumeration - Configuration
    Character Set

    The Character set parameter type lets you choose one of the available character sets.

    parameters 17
    Figure 243. Character set
    Time Zone

    Time Zone lets you choose time zone from a list. You can use either Java time zones or Joda time zones.

    parameters 18
    Figure 244. Time Zone - Configuration
    parameters 19
    Figure 245. Time Zone - Usage
    Field Type

    Field Type lets you choose field type from a list.

    parameters 20
    Figure 246. Field Type

    Locale lets you set locale.

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    Figure 247. Locale