Send a JMS Message

This type of task is useful for notifications about result of a graph execution. For example, you can create a graph event listener with this task type to be notified about each failure in a specific sandbox or failure of a particular graph.

JMS messaging requires JMS API (jms.jar) and third-party libraries. All these libraries must be available on the application server classpath. Some application servers contain these libraries by default, some do not, thus the libraries must be added explicitly.

Name Description
Table 42. Attributes of JMS message task

Task type

"JMS message"

Initial context

Choose between the default and custom initial context.

Initial context class name

A full class name of javax.naming.InitialContext implementation. Each JMS provider has its own implementation. For example, in the case of Apache MQ, it is org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory. If it is empty, the Server uses the default initial context.

Broker URL

A URL of the broker.

Connection factory JNDI name

The JNDI name of a connection factory. It depends on a JMS provider.

Destination JNDI name

The JNDI name of a message queue/topic on the server


A username for connection to a JMS message broker


A password for connection to a JMS message broker


A URL of a JMS message broker

JMS pattern

This select box is available only when the user is creating a new record. It contains all predefined JMS message patterns. If the user chooses any of them, the text field below is automatically filled with a value from the pattern.


The body of a JMS message. It is also possible to use placeholders. For details of a send email task, see Placeholders.

Figure 142. Web GUI - Task JMS message editor
Name Description
Table 43. Parameters of "Send a JMS Message"


The event that triggered the task.


Current date-time


The triggered task.


The object representing the owner of the schedule. It contains sub-properties that are accessible using dot notation (i.e. ${}) email, username, firstName, lastName, groups (list of values).


The object representing the schedule that triggered this task. It contains sub-properties that are accessible using dot notation (i.e. ${schedule.description}) description, startTime, endTime, lastEvent, nextEvent, fireMisfired.


The username of the user who caused the event


A numeric ID of the user who caused the event.


A description of the schedule


The type of the schedule - SCHEDULE_ONETIME or SCHEDULE_PERIODIC.


A numeric ID of the schedule.


Date-time of the latest schedule triggering (in java.util.Date.toString() format).