Types of CloverDX Projects
CloverDX (Local) Project |
CloverDX Server Project |
CloverDX (Local) Project
CloverDX Project is a local CloverDX project. The whole project structure is only on your local computer. All data and graphs reside locally in a project in a workspace, graphs runs locally with help of CloverDX Runtime.
Local projects can be easily versioned with version system of your choice (Git, Mercurial, SVN, Bazaar, CVS, etc.).
CloverDX Server Project
CloverDX Server Project is a CloverDX project corresponding to a CloverDX Server sandbox. The whole project structure is on CloverDX Server. The files are on the server and on your local computer.
You save the file locally and CloverDX Designer synchronizes its content with CloverDX Server. When a file is created on the server, the file content is automatically downloaded and you see it in Designer.
You can choose files that will not be synchronized with server.
These files are chosen according to the file name. For example, you can
avoid downloading the data-tmp
directory. See Ignored Files.
You can avoid downloading files above specified size limit with help of placeholder files.
Placeholder Files
Placeholder file is a dummy file in Designer. A file exceeding a user-defined size limit becomes a placeholder file. The placeholder file can be viewed in Navigator, but it cannot be modified within Eclipse. The file content only exists on CloverDX Server. When you open the placeholder file, you can view the several lines from the file in a special editor.
Placeholder file saves disk space - you download files up to specified size. The files exceeding the limit are displayed in Navigator as placeholder files: you see that the file exists, but its content is only on the server. You can download the content of placeholder file from CloverDX Server explicitly. The file size limit can be changed in Chapter 15, CloverDX Server Integration.
As you copy, move, rename, or delete the placeholder file, the corresponding file on CloverDX Server is copied, moved, renamed, or deleted.
Graph Run
The graphs run on the CloverDX Server, therefore you need working connection to the server to run graphs.
As the project files are available on your computer, the projects can be versioned with your preferred versioning system, e.g. SVN or Git. See Versioning of Server Project Content
This kind of server projects is available since version 4.2.0-M1.
Old Server Projects (RSE Projects)
The old server projects, known as RSE projects, access files remotely. The files are stored on CloverDX Server, and Designer serves to view the content of the files. The graphs run remotely on the server.
With RSE projects, you can also access local and partitioned sandboxes.
To create this type of server project, check Do not cache sandbox files locally in project wizard.