
    Subgraph Functions

    Subgraph functions let user acquire details on input and output ports of subgraph.

    These functions are only available in subgraphs. If you use them out of a subgraph, the functions fail.

    If you work with subgraphs, you may need parse mapping. See Mapping Functions.


    integer getSubgraphInputPortsCount();

    The function getSubgraphInputPortsCount() returns the number of input ports.


    The function getSubgraphInputPortsCount() is available since CloverETL 4.1.0.

    Example 68.246. Usage of getSubgraphInputPortsCount

    There is a subgraph having two input ports and one output port. The function getSubgraphInputPortsCount() returns 2.

    See also:  getSubgraphOutputPortsCount, isSubgraphInputPortConnected, isSubgraphOutputPortConnected


    integer getSubgraphOutputPortsCount();

    The function getSubgraphOutputPortsCount() returns the number of output ports.


    The function getSubgraphOutputPortsCount() is available since CloverETL 4.1.0.

    Example 68.247. Usage of getSubgraphOutputPortsCount

    There is a subgraph having two input ports and one output port. The function getSubgraphOutputPortsCount() returns 1.

    See also:  getSubgraphInputPortsCount, isSubgraphInputPortConnected, isSubgraphOutputPortConnected


    boolean isSubgraphInputPortConnected(integer portNo);

    The function isSubgraphInputPortConnected() returns true if the particular subgraph input port is connected. Otherwise, it returns false.

    Port numbers start from zero.

    If portNo is not a valid port number of a particular subgraph (negative value or too big value), the function fails with an error.


    The isSubgraphInputPortConnected() function is available since CloverETL 4.1.0.

    Example 68.248. Usage of isSubgraphInputPortConnected

    There is a subgraph having two input ports: the first one is connected, the second one is not connected.

    The function isSubgraphInputPortConnected(0) returns true.

    The function isSubgraphInputPortConnected(1) returns false.

    The function isSubgraphInputPortConnected(2) fails.

    See also:  getSubgraphInputPortsCount, getSubgraphOutputPortsCount, isSubgraphOutputPortConnected


    boolean isSubgraphOutputPortConnected(integer portNo);

    The function isSubgraphOutputPortConnected() returns true if the particular subgraph output port is connected. Otherwise, it returns false.

    Port numbers start from zero.

    If portNo is not a valid port number of a particular subgraph (negative value or too big value), the function fails with an error.


    The isSubgraphOutputPortConnected() function is available since CloverETL 4.1.0.

    Example 68.249. Usage of isSubgraphOutputPortConnected

    There is a subgraph having two output ports: the first one is connected, the second one is not connected.

    The function isSubgraphOutputPortConnected(0) returns true.

    The function isSubgraphOutputPortConnected(1) returns false.

    The function isSubgraphOutputPortConnected(2) fails.

    See also:  getSubgraphInputPortsCount, getSubgraphOutputPortsCount, isSubgraphInputPortConnected