
    JMS Message Listeners

    JMS Message Listeners allow you to listen for incoming JMS messages. You specify the source of the messages (JMS Topic or JMS Queue) and a task that will be executed for each incoming message.

    JMS messaging requires a JMS API (jms.jar) and specific third-party libraries. Every one of these libraries must be available on a classpath of an application server. Some application servers contain these libraries by default; however, some do not. In such a case, libraries must be added explicitly before starting the CloverDX Server.

    [Note]JMS Message Listeners on Worker

    JMS Message Listeners can be used with Worker as well. In such a case, make sure that the required .jar file and libraries are available on the Worker's classpath as well. For more information, see Adding Libraries to the Worker's Classpath.

    JMS is a complex topic that goes beyond the scope of this document. For more detailed information about JMS, refer to the Oracle website:

    Note that the JMS implementation is dependent on the application server that the CloverDX Server is running in.

    In Cluster, you can either explicitly specify which node will listen to JMS or not. If unspecified, all nodes will register as listeners. In the case of JMS Topic, all nodes will get the message and trigger the task (multiple instances) or, in the case of JMS Queue, a random node will consume the message and run the task (just one instance).

    Table 32.2. Attributes of JMS message task

    Initialize by

    This attribute is useful only in a cluster environment. It is a node ID where the listener should be initialized. If it is not set, the listener is initialized on all nodes in the cluster.

    In the Cluster environment, each JMS event listener has a Node IDs attribute which may be used to specify the cluster node which will consume messages from the queue/topic. There are the following possibilities:

    • No failover: Just one node ID specified - Only the specified node may consume messages, however the node status must be "ready". When the node isn't ready, messages aren't consumed by any cluster node.

    • Failover with node concurrency: No node ID specified (empty input) - All cluster nodes with status "ready" consume messages concurrently.

    • Failover with node reservation: More node IDs specified (separated by a comma) - Just one of the specified nodes consumes messages at a time. If the node fails for any reason (or its status isn't "ready"), any other "ready" node from the list continues with consuming messages.

    In a standalone environment, the Node IDs attribute is ignored.

    JNDI Access
    Initial contextDefault or custom
    Initial context factory class

    A full class name of the javax.naming.InitialContext implementation. Each JMS provider has its own implementation. For example, Apache MQ has org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory. If it is empty, the Server uses a default initial context.

    The specified class must be on the web-app classpath or application-server classpath. It is usually included in one library with a JMS API implementation for each specific JMS broker provider.

    Broker URLA URL of a JMS message broker
    Listen To
    Connection factoryA JNDI name of a connection factory. It depends on a JMS provider.
    UsernameA username for a connection to a JMS message broker
    PasswordA password for a connection to JMS message broker
    Queue/TopicA JNDI name of a message queue/topic on the Server
    Durable subscriber

    If false, the message consumer is connected to the broker as 'non-durable', so it receives only messages which are sent while the connection is active. Other messages are lost.

    If the attribute is true, the consumer is subscribed as 'durable' so it receives even messages which are sent while the connection is inactive. The broker stores such messages until they can be delivered or until the expiration is reached.

    This switch is useful only for Topics destinations, because Queue destinations always store messages until they can be delivered or the expiration is reached.

    Please note that consumer is inactive e.g. during server restart and during short moment when the user updates the "JMS message listener" and it must be re-initialized. So during these intervals, the message in the Topic may get lost if the consumer does not have the durable subscription.

    If the subscription is durable, client must have ClientId specified. This attribute can be set in different ways in dependence on JMS provider. E.g. for ActiveMQ, it is set as a URL parameter tcp://localhost:1244?jms.clientID=TestClientID.

    Subscriber name

    Available only when Durable subscriber is true. By default, a durable subscriber name is generated automatically in the subscr_[clusterNodeId]_[listenerId] format; therefore, a subscriber has a different name on each cluster node. Using this attribute, you can specify a custom subscriber name that will be identical on all cluster nodes.

    Message selector This query string can be used as a specification of conditions for filtering incoming messages. Syntax is well described on Java EE API web site. It has different behavior depending on the type of consumer (queue/topic):

    Queue: Messages that are filtered out remain in the queue.

    Topic: Messages filtered out by a Topic subscriber's message selector will never be delivered to the subscriber. From the subscriber's perspective, they do not exist.

    Message Processing
    Number of consumersE.g. 1
    Groovy code A Groovy code may be used for additional message processing and/or for refusing a message. Both features are described below.

    Optional Groovy code

    Groovy code may be used for additional message processing or for refusing a message.

    • Additional message processing Groovy code may modify/add/remove values stored in the containers "properties" and "data".

    • Refuse/acknowledge the message If the Groovy code returns Boolean.FALSE, the message is refused. Otherwise, the message is acknowledged. A refused message may be redelivered, however the JMS broker should configure a limit for redelivering messages. If the Groovy code throws an exception, it’s considered a coding error and the JMS message is NOT refused because of it. So, if the message refusal is to be directed by some exception, it must be handled in Groovy.

    Table 32.3. Variables accessible in groovy code

    javax.jms.Messagemsginstance of a JMS message
    java.util.Propertiesproperties See below for details. It contains values (String or converted to String) read from a message and it is passed to the task which may then use them. For example, the execute graph task passes these parameters to the executed graph.
    java.util.Map<String, Object>data See below for details. Contains values (Object, Stream, etc.) read or proxied from the message instance and it is passed to the task which may then use them. For example, the execute graph task passes it to the executed graph as dictionary entries.
    javax.servlet.ServletContext servletContext An instance of ServletContext.
    com.cloveretl.server.api.ServerFacade serverFacade An instance of serverFacade usable for calling CloverDX Server core features.
    java.lang.StringsessionToken SessionToken needed for calling serverFacade methods

    Message data available for further processing

    A JMS message is processed and the data it contains is stored into two data structures: Properties and Data.

    Table 32.4. Properties Elements

    JMS_PROP_[property key] For each message property, one entry is created where "key" is made of the JMS_PROP_ prefix and property key.
    JMS_MAP_[map entry key] If the message is an instance of MapMessage, for each map entry, one entry is created where "key" is made of the JMS_MAP_ prefix and map entry key. Values are converted to String.
    JMS_TEXT If the message is an instance of TextMessage, this property contains content of the message.
    JMS_MSG_CLASSA class name of a message implementation
    JMS_MSG_CORRELATIONID Correlation ID is either a provider-specific message ID or an application-specific String value
    JMS_MSG_DESTINATION The JMSDestination header field contains the destination to which the message is being sent.
    JMS_MSG_MESSAGEID JMSMessageID is a String value that should function as a unique key for identifying messages in a historical repository. The exact scope of uniqueness is provider-defined. It should at least cover all messages for a specific installation of a provider, where an installation is some connected set of message routers.
    JMS_MSG_REPLYTO A destination to which a reply to this message should be sent.
    JMS_MSG_TYPEA message type identifier supplied by the client when the message was sent.
    JMS_MSG_DELIVERYMODEThe DeliveryMode value specified for this message.
    JMS_MSG_EXPIRATION The time the message expires, which is the sum of the time-to-live value specified by the client and the GMT at the time of the send.
    JMS_MSG_PRIORITY The JMS API defines ten levels of priority value (0 = lowest, 9 = highest). In addition, clients should consider priorities 0-4 as gradations of normal priority and priorities 5-9 as gradations of expedited priority.
    JMS_MSG_REDELIVEREDtrue if this message is being redelivered.
    JMS_MSG_TIMESTAMP The time a message was handed off to a provider to be sent. It is not the time the message was actually transmitted, because the actual send may occur later due to transactions or other client-side queueing of messages.

    Note that all values in the “Properties” structure are stored as a String type – however they are numbers or text.

    For backwards compatibility, all listed properties can also be accessed using lower-case keys; however, it is a deprecated approach.

    Table 32.5. "Data" elements

    JMS_DATA_MSGAn instance of javax.jms.Message.

    An instance of Accessible only for TextMessage, BytesMessage, StreamMessage, ObjectMessage (only if a payload object is an instance of String). Strings are encoded in UTF-8.


    An instance of String. Only for TextMessage and ObjectMessage, where a payload object is an instance of String.


    An instance of java.lang.Object - message payload. Only for ObjectMessage.

    The Data container is passed to a task that can use it, depending on its implementation. For example, the task execute graph passes it to the executed graph as dictionary entries.

    In a Cluster environment, you can explicitly specify node IDs, which can execute the task. However, if the data payload is not serializable and the receiving and executing node differ, an error will be thrown as the Cluster cannot pass the data to the executing node.

    Inside a graph or a jobflow, data passed as dictionary entries can be used in some component attributes. For example, the File URL attribute would look like: "dict:JMS_DATA_STREAM:discrete" for reading the data directly from the incoming JMS message using a proxy stream.


    If the graph is executed on Worker, the dictionary entries must be serialized; otherwise, they cannot be passed to the graph.

    For backwards compatibility, all listed dictionary entries can also be accessed using lower-case keys; however, it is a deprecated approach.