

    Temp space management offers an interface with options to add, disable, enable and delete a temp space.

    Adding Temp Space
    Using environment variables and system properties
    Disabling Temp Space
    Enabling Temp Space
    Removing Temp Space


    When CloverDX Server is starting the system checks temp space configuration: in case no temp space is configured a new default temp space is created in the directory where system property points. The directory is named as follows:

    • ${}/clover_temp in case of a standalone Server
    • ${}/clover_temp_<node_id> in case of Server Cluster

    Adding Temp Space

    In order to define new temp space, click the New Temp Space button and specify its path. In case of Cluster environment, specify the node on which the new temp space should be created. If the directory entered does not exist, it will be created.

    The main point of adding additional temp spaces is to enable higher system throughput - therefore the paths entered should point to directories residing on different physical devices to achieve maximal I/O performance.

    Using environment variables and system properties

    Environment variables and system properties can be used in the temp space path as a placeholder; they can be arbitrarily combined and resolved paths for each node may differ in accord with its configuration.

    The environment variables have higher priority than system properties of the same name. The path with variables are resolved after system has added new temp space and when the Server is starting. In case the variable value has been changed, it is necessary to restart the Server so that the change takes effect.
    • Given that an environment variable USERNAME has a value cloverdxUser. and is used as a placeholder in the path C:\Users\${USERNAME}\tmp, the resolved path is C:\Users\cloverdxUser\tmp.

    • Given that Java system property has a value C:\Users\cloverdxUser\AppData\Local\Temp and the property is used as a placeholder in the path ${}\temp_folder, the resolved path is C:\Users\cloverdxUser\AppData\Local\Temp\temp_folder.

    • Node node01 has been started with -Dcustom.temporary.dir=C:\tmp_node01 parameter. Node node02 has been started with -Dcustom.temporary.dir=C:\tmp_node02 parameter. The declared path is ${custom.temporary.dir}. The resolved path is different for each node, C:\tmp_node01 for node01 and C:\tmp_node02 for node02.

    • When the declared path is ${}\${USERNAME}\tmp_folder, the resolved path is C:\tmp\cloverdxUser\tmp_folder.

    Disabling Temp Space

    To disable a temp space, click on the three vertical dots menu on the right side of the respective temp space and select Disable. Once the temp space has been disabled, no new temporary files will be created in it, but the files already created may be still used by running jobs. In case there are files left from previous or current job executions a notification is displayed.

    The system ensures that at least one enabled temp space is available.

    Enabling Temp Space

    To enable a temp space, click on the three vertical dots menu on the right side of the respective disabled temp space and select Enable. Enabled temp space is active, i.e. available for temporary files and directories creation.

    Removing Temp Space

    To remove a temp space, click on the three vertical dots menu on the right side of the respective temp space and select Delete. Only disabled temp spaces may be removed. If there are any running jobs using the temp space, the system will not allow its removal.