
    HTTP Request Parameters

    Any HTTP request parameters will be automatically resolved as regular graph parameters. Use the standard ${PARAM} notation when using them in component attributes or in your graph logic.

    In case of a name conflict, i.e. having both a regular graph parameter and an HTTP request parameter with identical name, use the request prefix to explicitly reference an HTTP request parameter, e.g. ${request.PARAM}.

    Parameters can also be accessed in CTL code using the getRequestParameter function. For multivalue parameters, use the getRequestParameters(param_name) function which returns a list of values.

    Using the Parameters

    There are two approaches to use the parameters in Data Services: you can use the parameters values as data to be processed or as the configuration of the job.

    Parameter values as Configuration

    If you intend to use a parameter value as a variable part of a graph configuration, use graph parameters directly in the attributes of components (e.g. File URL), in condition of the Filter component or in the CTL code.

    Parameter Values as Data

    If you intend to use parameter values as data to be processed, connect an edge to output port of the RestJobInput component and process records in the same way as you know from CloverDX graphs.