
    12. Configuration

    configuration cloverdx 0010
    Figure 15. CloverDX Server Integration
    Table 2. General configuration
    Option Description Default Value

    Edge debug temp directory

    Use alternate debug folder

    Allows the user to specify the path to an alternate folder containing edge debug files (.dbg).


    OpenSSH configuration file

    Use OpenSSH configuration file

    Specifies the location of the OpenSSH configuration file which allows you to define SSH access outside of CloverDX Designer. The path to the file is ~/path/to/.ssh/ssh_config There is no default file; therefore, without proper specification, no configuration file is loaded. Enabling/disabling this option requires restart of the CloverDX Designer runtime to take effect.



    Show component icon

    Switches component icons on or off.


    Show component background

    Enables or disables the background color of components.


    Auto-resize components

    Automatically adjusts components' size to fit their name.


    Show component description

    Displays or hides components' description in a graph. If Display default component description is disabled, only user-defined description is visible.


    Display default component description

    When Show component description is enabled, it shows the components' default description (e.g. path to the file in Readers or Writers).


    Route edges to avoid overlap

    Enables or disables different edge-routing algorithm.


    Show rich tooltips

    Enables or disables detailed tooltips on edges.


    Check graph configuration

    Enables or disables graph configuration check. Without checking, errors on components are not displayed.


    Show graph configuration errors/warnings in Project Explorer

    Allows to suppress detected configuration errors and warnings in Project Explorer and Problems views.


    Detect unused graph elements

    Enables or disables updates and reporting of used/unused graph elements. Disabling can solve some specific performance issues.


    Validate classpath

    Checks whether the content of the classpath file is valid for both Designer and Server. Can be disabled in case it significantly slows down the working process (opening new projects, etc.) or indicates false positives.


    Generate component ID from its name

    Generates component identifier based on its name.


    Open context menu for newly created edge

    Opens the context menu after creating an edge between two components. In the menu, you can select metadata for the edge.
