

    Short Description
    LDAPWriter Attributes
    See also

    Short Description

    LDAPWriter writes information to an LDAP directory.

    It provides the logic to update information on an LDAP directory. An update can be add/delete entries, add/replace/remove attributes. Metadata must match LDAP object attribute name. "DN" metadata attribute is required.

    ComponentData outputInput portsOutput portsTransformationTransf. requiredJavaCTLAuto-propagated metadata
    LDAPWriterLDAP directory tree10-1


    Port typeNumberRequiredDescriptionMetadata
    For correct data recordsAny

    For rejected records.

    If the rejected port is connected, input records rejected by LDAP server get copied to output with fields with autofilling "ErrText" populated with an error message.

    Input 0


    LDAPWriter does not propagate metadata.

    LDAPWriter has no metadata template.

    Metadata on the input must precisely match the LDAP object attribute name. The Distinguished Name metadata attribute is required. As the LDAP attributes are multivalued, their values can be separated by a pipe or a specified separator. String and byte are the only metadata types supported.

    LDAPWriter Attributes

    AttributeReqDescriptionPossible values
    LDAP URLyesThe LDAP URL of the directory. Can be a list of URLs separated by a pipe.pattern: ldap://host:port/
    Action Defines the action to be performed with the entry.replace_attributes (default) | add_entry | remove_entry | remove_attributes

    User DN to be used when connecting to the LDAP directory. Similar to the following: cn=john.smith,dc=example,dc=com.

    Password The password to be used when connecting to the LDAP directory. 
    Multi-value separator  LDAPWriter can handle keys with multiple values. These are delimited by this string or character. <none> is a special escape value which turns off this functionality, then only the first value is written. This attribute can only be used for string data type. When byte type is used, the first value is the only one that is written. "|" (default) | other character or string
    Fields to ignore 

    A semicolon-separated list of fields not to be sent to LDAP. For example, an ignored field which is optionally populated with an error message when sent out.

    Binary attributesno

    A list of field names containing binary attributes.

    By default objectGUID is added to the list of binary attributes.

    e.g. objectGUID
    LDAP Connection Propertiesno

    Java Property-like style of key-value definitions which will be added to LDAP connection environment.



    String, byte and cbyte are the only metadata types supported. Most of the LDAP types are compatible with CloverDX string; however, for instance, the userPassword LDAP type is necessary to populate from byte data field. LDAP rules are applied: to add an entry, required attributes (even object class) are required in metadata.


    LDAP attribute may be multivalued. The default value separator is a pipe and is reasonable only for string data fields.

    Multivalue fields

    LDAP attributes may be multivalued. It depends on the input field type how multi values are handled. If Single type, then separator in the field's value may be used. If List, then each item from the list becomes one value of an attribute.

    Only string and byte (cbyte) field types are supported, both in Single and List container types. If input data/record contains Map<String> field, then keys are mapped on attribute names and values become attribute values. In the case of a value string with multiValueSeparator (if defined), the value is first split into individual items which then become attribute's multivalues.