
    13. Runtime Configuration

    CloverDX Runtime is one of architectural layers of CloverDX Designer. It takes care of running graphs and subgraphs.

    Current state of CloverDX Runtime can be seen in the right bottom corner of the perspective.

    CloverDX Runtime is configured in the Preferences dialog: open Window  Preferences and choose CloverDX  CloverDX Runtime.

    The CloverDX Runtime Configuration serves to set up:

    Temporary Disk Space Settings

    The temporary disk space is necessary for debug files. You can store temporary files either into a temporary directory within the workspace directory or into a user-defined directory.

    Engine Configuration

    Change max record size, etc. See Engine Configuration.

    Java Runtime Environment to be Used

    You may define an alternative JRE to be used. Note that CloverDX Designer supports Eclipse Temurin JDK 17 only.

    Amount of Memory for Java Heap Size

    It is important to define some memory size, because Java Virtual Machine requires memory to run graphs.

    Additional Virtual Machine Parameters

    Additional libraries can be added to the classpath.

    cloverdx runtime
    Figure 15. CloverDX Runtime

    To take effect of the changes in runtime configuration, restart of CloverDX Runtime is needed. The runtime menu is accessible in the right bottom corner of CloverDX window.

    cloverdx runtime placement
    Figure 16. Accessing CloverDX Runtime menu
    cloveretl runtime restart
    Figure 17. Restarting CloverDX Runtime
    Example 1. Adding an External Library to Classpath

    To add an external library to the CloverDX runtime's classpath, the -Djava.library.path=path/to/library option should be used.

    To add libraries located in C:/path/to/lib, type -Djava.library.path=C:\path\to\lib into the VM parameters field.

    cloverdx runtime vm parameters
    Figure 18. Adding library to classpath using VM parameters

    Additional VM Parameter

    Server mode (-server)

    There are two flavors of JVM: client and server. The client system (default) is optimal for applications which need fast start-up times or small footprints. Switching to server mode is advantageous to long-running applications for which reaching the maximum program execution speed is generally more important than having the fastest possible start-up time. To run the server system, Java Development Kit (JDK) needs to be downloaded.


    CloverDX Runtime writes its logs into Console tab.

    Here you can set up messages of which severity are written down. If you set up a particular level, you can see messages of the specified level and more severe ones. For example, if you set up level to INFO, messages of INFO and WARN levels are logged.

    Do not forget to restart the CloverDX Engine to take effect of the change.

    runtime configuration 01
    Figure 19. CloverDX Runtime - Logging

    Master Password

    Master Password serves for encryption and decryption of Secure Graph Parameters.

    You need to set up the Master Password to be able to use the Secure parameters on CloverDX Designer.

    The maximum length of the master password is 255 characters; there are no other restrictions or complexity requirements.

    master password 01
    Figure 20. Setting the Master password

    If you use the Clear Master Password button, restart of CloverDX Runtime is required.

    User Classpath

    You can add your own libraries to the CloverDX Runtime classpath.

    User Entries

    Add your libraries under User Entries.

    runtime configuration 02
    Figure 21. CloverDX Runtime - User Classpath

    Add Projects

    Add Project adds the source code of a project and all libraries of the project which are marked as exported to the classpath.

    Note: Libraries can be marked as exported using Properties  Java Build path in context menu of corresponding project.

    Add JARs

    Adds .jar file(s). The files have to be within the workspace.

    Add External JARs

    Adds .jar file(s). The files do not have to be within the workspace, they may be placed within an arbitrary directory on the file system.


    The Advanced button opens an additional dialog to choose not frequently used options.

    runtime configuration 03
    Figure 22. User Classpath - Advanced Options

    Add Folder

    Adds a folder with .class files within the workspace.

    Add External Folder

    Adds a folder with .class files. The folder can be on arbitrary place within the system, it does not have to be in the workspace.

    Add Classpath Variables

    Adds a variable name pointing to a .jar file, folder with .class files. It may be within the workspace or out of the workspace.

    Add Library

    Adds a library (.jar file or set of .class files with a predefined name).

    Opens a wizard for adding a library. You can use it, for example, to add CloverDX Engine libraries.

    Add Variable String

    Adds an environment variable. The value of the variable will be added to the classpath.