Indicates whether the listener is enabled or disabled. Clicking the icon enables/disables the listener.
44. Listeners
Listeners can be seen as 'hooks'. They wait for a specific event and take a used-defined action if the event occurs.
Created listeners are shown in the Event Listener list (see Figure below). The list has the following columns:
Column name | Description |
Enabled |
Name |
Shows the name of the listener, task type and event the listener is waiting for. |
Last run |
Shows the date and time of the listener’s last run. |
OK |
Shows the number of successful runs. |
Shows the number of failed runs. |
… |
Click the three vertical dots to open a submenu where you can create an email notification or delete the listener. |
Figure 174. Listeners
The event is specific to the particular listener.
The available actions taken by the listeners are common for all listeners. The actions, that can be taken are: