Parameters by Execution Type

Additional parameters are passed to the graph depending on how the graph is executed:

Executed from Web GUI
Executed by Launch Service Invocation
Executed by HTTP API Run Graph Operation Invocation
Executed by RunGraph Component
Executed by WS API Method executeGraph Invocation
Executed by Task Graph Execution by Scheduler
Executed from JMS Listener
Executed by Task Start a graph by Graph/Jobflow Event Listener
Executed by Task Graph Execution by File Event Listener
Executed from Web GUI

Graphs executed from the web GUI have no additional parameters.

Executed by Launch Service Invocation

Service parameters which have the Pass to graph attribute enabled are passed to the graph not only as "dictionary" input data, but also as a graph parameter.

Executed by HTTP API Run Graph Operation Invocation

Any URL parameter with the param_ prefix is passed to the executed graph, but without the param_ prefix. For example, param_FILE_NAME specified in the URL is passed to the graph as a property named FILE_NAME.

Executed by RunGraph Component

Since 3.0, only parameters specified by the paramsToPass attribute are passed from the parent graph to the executed graph. However common properties (RUN_ID, PROJECT_DIR, etc.) are overwritten with new values.

Executed by WS API Method executeGraph Invocation

Parameters with values may be passed to the graph with a request for execution.

Executed by Task Graph Execution by Scheduler

Table 33.2. passed parameters

EVENT_SCHEDULE_LAST_EVENT Date/time of a previous event
EVENT_SCHEDULE_DESCRIPTION A schedule description, which is displayed in the web GUI
EVENT_USERNAME The owner of the event. For schedule it is the user who created the schedule.
EVENT_SCHEDULE_ID The ID of the schedule which triggered the graph

Executed from JMS Listener

There are many graph parameters and dictionary entries passed, depending on the type of incoming message. See details in JMS Message Listeners.

Executed by Task Start a Graph by Graph/Jobflow Event Listener

Since 3.0, only specified properties from a "source" job are passed to the executed job, by default. This behavior can be changed by the graph.pass_event_params_to_graph_in_old_style Server config property so that all parameters from a "source" job are passed to the executed job. This switch is implemented for backwards compatibility. With the default behavior, in the editor of graph event listener, you can specify a list of parameters to pass. For more information, see Start a Graph.

The following parameters with current values are always passed to the target job:

Table 33.3. passed parameters

EVENT_RUN_SANDBOX A sandbox with the graph which is the source of the event
EVENT_RUN_JOB_FILE A jobFile of the job which is the source of the event.
EVENT_RUN_IDAn ID of the graph execution which is the source of the event.
EVENT_TIMEOUT A number of milliseconds which specifies an interval of timeout. Useful only for "timeout" graph event.
EVENT_RUN_RESULT A result (or current status) of the execution which is the source of the event.
EVENT_USERNAME The owner of the event. For graph events it is the user who created the graph event listener.

Executed by Task Graph Execution by File Event Listener

Table 33.4. passed parameters

EVENT_FILE_PATH A path to the file which is the source of the event. Does not contain a file name. Does not end with a file separator. Is passed only for the local file event listener.
EVENT_FILE_NAME A filename of the file which is the source of the event. Is passed only when the "grouping" mode is disabled. Otherwise there are more than one file event.
EVENT_FILE_URLS Contains string, which may be used "as is" in the file URL attribute of various CloverDX components. It may contain a URL to one or more (if grouping is enabled) files. It may contain local path(s) or remote URL(s) where credentials are replaced by placeholders (due to security reasons).
EVENT_FILE_AUTH_USERNAME The username/ID to the remote location.
EVENT_FILE_AUTH_USERNAME_URL_ENCODED The same as EVENT_FILE_AUTH_USERNAME, but the value is also URL encoded, so it may be used in the URL.
EVENT_FILE_AUTH_PASSWORD The password/key to the remote location. It's encrypted by the master password. It is passed only when the file listener uses user+password authentication.
EVENT_FILE_AUTH_PASSWORD_URL_ENCODED The same as EVENT_FILE_AUTH_PASSWORD, but the value is also URL encoded, so it may be used in the URL (EVENT_FILE_URLS parameter).
EVENT_FILE_PATTERN The pattern specified in a file event listener
EVENT_USERNAME The owner of the event. For file events, it is the user who created the file event listener.