
Short Description
MongoDBReader Attributes
See also

Short Description

MongoDBReader reads data from the MongoDB™ database using the Java driver.[1]

MongoDBReader reads data from the MongoDB database using the find database command. It can also perform the aggregate, count and distinct commands.

ComponentData sourceInput portsOutput portsEach to all outputsDifferent to different outputsTransformationTransf. req.JavaCTLAuto-propagated metadata


Port typeNumberRequiredDescriptionMetadata
Input data records to be mapped to component attributes.any


MongoDBReader does not propagate metadata.

This component has metadata templates available. See details on metadata templates.


Table 55.8. MongoDBReader_Attributes

Field numberField nameData typeDescription


Table 55.9. MongoDBReader_Result

Field numberField nameData typeDescription


Table 55.10. MongoDBReader_Error

Field numberField nameData typeDescription

MongoDBReader Attributes

AttributeReqDescriptionPossible values
ID of the MongoDB connection to be used. 
Collection nameyes  [ 1]The name of the source collection. 
Operation The operation to be performed.

find (default) | aggregate | count | distinct


A query that selects only matching documents from a collection. The selection criteria may contain query operators. To return all documents in a collection, omit this parameter.

For the aggregate operation, the attribute specifies the aggregation pipeline operators as a comma-separated list.

BSON document | comma-separated list of BSON documents (aggregate only)


Specifies the fields to return using projection operators:

{ field1: boolean, field2: boolean ... }

The boolean can take the following include or exclude values:

  • 1 or true to include. The _id field is included by default, unless explicitly excluded.
  • 0 or false to exclude.

The Projection cannot contain both include and exclude specifications except for the exclusion of the _id field.

To return all fields in the matching document, omit this parameter.

For the distinct operation, the attribute is required and specifies the name of the field to collect distinct values from.

BSON document | field name (distinct only)

Order by 

Sorts the result of the find operation. For each field in the Order by document, if the field's corresponding value is positive, then the query results will be sorted in ascending order for that attribute; if the field's corresponding value is negative, then the results will be sorted in descending order.

The attribute affects only the find operation.

BSON document

Set the starting point of a result of the find operation by skipping the first N documents.

The attribute affects only the find operation.


Specifies the maximum number of documents the find operation will return.

The attribute affects only the find operation.

Input mapping[ 2]Defines mapping of input records to component attributes. 
Output mapping
Defines mapping of results to the standard output port. 
Error mapping[ 2]Defines mapping of errors to the error output port. 
Query options 

Specifies the query options for the find operation. See com.mongodb.Bytes.QUERYOPTION_* for the list of available options.

The attribute is ignored by all operations other than find.

Field pattern 

Specifies the format of placeholders that can be used within the Query, Projection and Order by attributes. The value of the attribute must contain "field" as a substring, e.g. "<field>", "#{field}", etc.

During the execution, each placeholder is replaced using simple string substitution with the value of the respective input field, e.g. the string "@{name}" will be replaced with the value of the input field called "name" (assuming the default format of the placeholders).

@{field} (default) | any string containing "field" as a substring

[ 1] The attribute is required, unless specified in the Input mapping.

[ 2] Required if the corresponding edge is connected.


Format of the date Field Value

By default, MongoDBReader performs the find() operation.

It can also be used to execute the aggregate(), count() or distinct() operations.

The result set elements can be mapped one by one to the first output port using the Output mapping attribute.

Editing any of the Input, Output or Error mapping opens the Transform Editor.

Input mapping

The editor allows you to override selected attributes of the component with the values of the input fields.

Field NameAttributeTypePossible values
orderByOrder bystring 

Output mapping

The editor allows you to map the results and the input data to the output port.

If output mapping is empty, fields of input record and result record are mapped to output by name.

Field NameTypeDescription
stringValuestringContains the current element of the result set converted to a string.
jsonObjectmap[string, string]

Conditional. Contains the current result set element, if it is a JSON object. The values of the object are serialized to strings.


Only used for the count operation, contains the number of matching documents.

Error mapping

The editor allows you to map the errors and the input data to the error port.

If error mapping is empty, fields of input record and result record are mapped to output by name.

Field NameTypeDescription
errorMessagestringThe error message.
stackTracestringThe stack trace of the error.

In queries, you can use extended JSON, e.g. {_id: {$oid: "53b0e84b72a0ec06118b45fd"}} Similar format is used for passing long data type, timestamp, binary data, etc. See

Format of the date Field Value

A date value is in an ISO-8601 date format.

    withTZ : { "$date": "2018-11-22T14:25:11.541+02:00" },
    millis: { "$date": "2018-11-22T14:25:11.541" },
    seconds: { "$date": "2018-11-22T14:25:11" },
    dateLocal: { "$date": "2018-11-22" },
    dateUTC: { "$date": "2018-11-22+00:00" }


Let us assume that the documents in the source collection resemble the following:

    customer : "John",
    value : 123

Executing a Query

If executed without any parameter, the find operation will list all the documents in the source collection.

  • If the Query attribute is set to { customer: { $in: [ "John", "Jane" ] } }, the result set will only contain documents whose customer field has the value John or Jane.

  • If the Projection attribute is set to { customer: 1 }, the result set will only contain the _id and customer fields.

  • If the Order by attribute is set to { value: 1 }, the result set will be sorted by the value field in ascending order.

  • If the Skip attribute is set to 5, the first five documents in the result set will be skipped.

  • If the Limit attribute is set to 20, at most 20 documents will be returned.


Consider the following aggregation pipeline:

{ $group : { _id : "$customer", sum : { $sum : "$value" } } },
{ $match : { sum : { $gt : 1500 } } },
{ $sort : { sum : -1 } },
{ $limit : 10 },
{ $project : { _id : 0, name : { $toUpper : "$_id" }, total : "$sum" } }
  1. The first line groups documents by the customer field and computes the sum of the respective value fields.
  2. The second line filters the aggregated values and selects only those having the sum greater than 1500.
  3. The third line sorts the results by the sum in descending order.
  4. The fourth line limits the number of results to 10.
  5. The last line renames the fields and converts the names to upper case.


The count operation can be limited to documents matching the specified Query. For example, { value : { $gt : 150 } } will count the number of documents whose value field has a value greater than 150.

The result is returned as the count output field.

Distinct Values

We could use the distinct operation to retrieve the list of names of all the customers - set the value of the Projection attribute to customer (without quotes). Optionally, a Query may be specified to limit the input documents for the distinct analysis.

Reading Object with Specific ID

You can query for an object having the specific object ID.

{ _id: {"$oid" : "54ca707ceac6b571fb4aa285"}}

[1] MongoDB is a trademark of MongoDB Inc.