Mandatory Cluster Properties

Besides mandatory Cluster properties, you need to set other necessary properties which are not specifically related to the Cluster environment. Database connection must be also configured; however, besides direct connection, it is alternatively possible to configure proxing using another Cluster node/nodes. For details, see the property cluster.datasource.type.

Mandatory properties

These properties must be properly set on each node of the Cluster.

Table 50.1. Mandatory Cluster properties

cluster.enabledboolean Switch whether the Server should start in the standalone or Cluster node mode. By default, the property isn't set (empty value), which means that the mode is chosen according to your license. It is strongly recommended to set the property to true if the other Cluster properties are configured, as well. Thus the Cluster node will be initialized regardless of the license.  
cluster.node.idStringEach Cluster node must have a unique ID.node01
cluster.jgroups.bind_addressString, IP address An IP address of the Ethernet interface which is used for communication with another Cluster nodes. Necessary for inter-node messaging.
cluster.jgroups.start_portint, portPort where a jGroups server listens for inter-node messages.7800
cluster.http.urlString, URL The URL of the CloverDX Cluster node. It must be an HTTP/HTTPS URL to the root of a web application. Typically it would be http://[hostname]:[port]/clover. Primarily, it is used for synchronous inter-node communication from other Cluster nodes. It is recommended to use a fully qualified hostname or IP address, so it is accessible from a client browser or CloverDX Designer. http://localhost:8080/clover
cluster.jgroups.tcpping.initial_hostsString, in format: "IPaddress1[port1],IPaddress2[port2],..." The list of IP addresses (with ports) where we expect running and listening nodes. It is related to other nodes "bind_address" and "start_port" properties. Necessary for inter-node messaging.[7800]
sandboxes.homeString, URLFor more information, see sandboxes.home.