Parameters by Execution Type
Additional parameters are passed to the graph depending on how the graph is executed:
Executed from Web GUI
Graphs executed from the web GUI have no additional parameters.
Executed by HTTP API Run Graph Operation Invocation
Any URL parameter with the param_
prefix is passed to the executed graph,
but without the param_
prefix. For example, param_FILE_NAME
specified in the URL
is passed to the graph as a property named FILE_NAME
Executed by RunGraph Component
Since 3.0, only parameters specified by the paramsToPass attribute are passed from the parent graph to the executed graph. However common properties (RUN_ID, PROJECT_DIR, etc.) are overwritten with new values.
Executed by WS API Method executeGraph Invocation
Parameters with values may be passed to the graph with a request for execution.
Executed by Task Graph Execution by Scheduler
Table 35.2. passed parameters
Key | Description |
EVENT_SCHEDULE_LAST_EVENT | Date/time of a previous event |
EVENT_SCHEDULE_DESCRIPTION | A schedule description, which is displayed in the web GUI |
EVENT_USERNAME | The owner of the event. For schedule it is the user who created the schedule. |
EVENT_SCHEDULE_ID | The ID of the schedule which triggered the graph |
Executed from JMS Listener
There are many graph parameters and dictionary entries passed, depending on the type of incoming message. See details in JMS Message Listeners.
Executed by Task Start a Graph by Graph/Jobflow Event Listener
Since 3.0, only specified properties from a "source" job are passed to the executed job, by default.
This behavior can be changed by the graph.pass_event_params_to_graph_in_old_style
Server config property
so that all parameters from a "source" job are passed to the executed job.
This switch is implemented for backwards compatibility.
With the default behavior, in the editor of graph event listener, you can specify a list of parameters to pass.
For more information, see Start a Graph.
The following parameters with current values are always passed to the target job:
Table 35.3. passed parameters
Key | Description |
EVENT_RUN_SANDBOX | A sandbox with the graph which is the source of the event |
EVENT_RUN_JOB_FILE | A jobFile of the job which is the source of the event. |
EVENT_RUN_ID | An ID of the graph execution which is the source of the event. |
EVENT_TIMEOUT | A number of milliseconds which specifies an interval of timeout. Useful only for "timeout" graph event. |
EVENT_RUN_RESULT | A result (or current status) of the execution which is the source of the event. |
EVENT_USERNAME | The owner of the event. For graph events it is the user who created the graph event listener. |
Executed by Task Graph Execution by File Event Listener
Table 35.4. passed parameters
Key | Description |
EVENT_FILE_PATH | A path to the file which is the source of the event. Does not contain a file name. Does not end with a file separator. Is passed only for the local file event listener. |
EVENT_FILE_NAME | A filename of the file which is the source of the event. Is passed only when the "grouping" mode is disabled. Otherwise there are more than one file event. |
EVENT_FILE_URLS | Contains string, which may be used "as is" in the file URL attribute of various CloverDX components. It may contain a URL to one or more (if grouping is enabled) files. It may contain local path(s) or remote URL(s) where credentials are replaced by placeholders (due to security reasons). |
EVENT_FILE_AUTH_USERNAME | The username/ID to the remote location. |
EVENT_FILE_AUTH_USERNAME_URL_ENCODED | The same as EVENT_FILE_AUTH_USERNAME, but the value is also URL encoded, so it may be used in the URL. |
EVENT_FILE_AUTH_PASSWORD | The password/key to the remote location. It's encrypted by the master password. It is passed only when the file listener uses user+password authentication. |
EVENT_FILE_AUTH_PASSWORD_URL_ENCODED | The same as EVENT_FILE_AUTH_PASSWORD, but the value is also URL encoded, so it may be used in the URL (EVENT_FILE_URLS parameter). |
EVENT_FILE_PATTERN | The pattern specified in a file event listener |
EVENT_USERNAME | The owner of the event. For file events, it is the user who created the file event listener. |