Chapter 36. Simple HTTP API
The Simple HTTP API is a basic Server automation tool that lets you control the Server from external applications using simple HTTP calls.
Most operations are accessible using the HTTP GET method and return plain text.
Thus, both request
and response
can be conveniently sent and parsed using very simple tools (wget, grep, etc.).
If global security is on (on by default), the Basic HTTP authentication is used. Authenticated operations will require valid user credentials with corresponding permissions.
Note that the Graph-related operations graph_run
, graph_status
and graph_kill
also work for jobflows and Data Profiler jobs.
The generic pattern for a request URL:
example: http://localhost:8080/clover/simpleHttpApi/help
Note | |
For backward compatibility, you can also use |
CSRF Protection
The Simple HTTP API provides protection against Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks. An example of such an attack is a case where the user is logged into the Server Console, and an attacker sends him a link to the Simple HTTP API such that it runs a graph. Clicking on such a link would call the Simple HTTP API and re-use the session of the logged-in user. There are also more complex variants of the attack that are harder to detect by the user.
The protection against such an attack is that the Simple HTTP API requires the presence of the
header in the HTTP request.
Value of the header can be arbitrary (it is not checked).
Such a header cannot be set by CSRF attack vectors, i.e. by clicking on a link in an email.
Examples of calling the API with the X-Requested-By
curl --header "X-Requested-By: arbitrary_value" http://user:password@hostname:port/clover/simpleHttpApi/graph_run?sandbox=project&graphID=migration.grf
wget --header "X-Requested-By: arbitrary_value" --user=$USER --password=$PASS -O ./$OUTPUT_FILE $REQUEST_URL
The CSRF protection of Simple HTTP API can be disabled via the configuration property.
It is enabled by default.
If the protection is disabled, it is not necessary to set the X-Requested-By
The Server Console's page for testing the Simple HTTP API uses a different CSRF protection mechanism.
The requests contain a csrftoken
This is intended for usage only in the testing page.
List of Operations
The HTTP API is enabled by default.
You can disable it with the configuration property http.api.enabled
In the Server GUI, switch to →
and add the following line
to the properties file.
Operation help
a list of possible operations and parameters with its descriptions
Operation graph_run
Call this operation to start an execution of the specified job. The operation is called graph_run for backward compatibility, however it may execute a graph, jobflow or profiler job.
Table 36.1. Parameters of graph_run
Name | Mandatory | Default | Description |
graphID | yes | - | The file path to the job file, relative to the sandbox root. |
sandbox | yes | - | The text ID of sandbox. |
additional job parameters | no |
Any URL parameter with the | |
additional config parameters | no |
URL parameters prefixed with
| |
nodeID | no | - | In Cluster mode, it is the ID of a node which should execute the job. However it is not final. If the graph is distributed or the node is disconnected, the graph may be executed on another node. |
verbose | no | MESSAGE | MESSAGE | FULL - how verbose should possible error message be. |
run ID: incremental number, which identifies each execution request
Operation graph_status
Call this operation to obtain a status of a specified job execution. The operation is called graph_status for backward compatibility; however, it may return status of a graph or jobflow.
Table 36.2. Parameters of graph_status
Name | Mandatory | Default | Description |
runID | yes | - | Id of each graph execution |
waitForStatus | no | - | Status code which we want to wait for. If it is specified, this operation will wait until the graph is in the required status. |
waitTimeout | no | 0 |
If |
verbose | no | MESSAGE | MESSAGE | FULL - how verbose should possible error message be. |
Status of a specified graph.
It may be a number code, text code or a complex description in dependence on the optional parameter returnType
Description is returned as a plain text with a pipe as a separator, or as XML.
A schema describing XML format of the XML response is accessible on
CloverDX Server URL: http://[host]:[port]/clover/schemas/executions.xsd
Depending on the waitForStatus
it may return a result immediately or wait for a specified status.
Operation graph_kill
Call this operation to abort/kill a job execution. The operation is called graph_kill for backward compatibility; however, it may abort/kill a graph, jobflow or profiler job.
Table 36.3. Parameters of graph_kill
Name | Mandatory | Default | Description |
runID | yes | - | The ID of each graph execution |
verbose | no | MESSAGE | MESSAGE | FULL - how verbose should possible error message be. |
The status of the specified graph after an attempt to kill it. It may be a number code, text code or a complex description in dependence on optional parameter.
Operation server_jobs
a list of runIDs of currently running jobs.
Operation sandbox_list
List of all sandbox text IDs. In the next versions, it will return only accessible ones.
Operation sandbox_content
Table 36.4. Parameters of sandbox_content
Name | Mandatory | Default | Description |
sandbox | yes | - | text ID of sandbox |
verbose | no | MESSAGE | MESSAGE | FULL - how verbose should possible error message be. |
A list of all elements in the specified sandbox. Each element may be specified as a file path relative to the sandbox root.
Operation executions_history
Table 36.5. Parameters of executions_history
Name | Mandatory | Default | Description |
sandbox | yes | - | The text ID of a sandbox. |
from | no | - | Lower datetime limit of start of execution. The operation will return only records after (and equal to) this datetime. Format: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm" (must be URL encoded). |
to | no | - | The upper datetime limit of start of execution. The operation will return only records before (and equal to) this datetime. Format: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm" (must be URL encoded). |
stopFrom | no | - | The lower datetime limit of stop of execution. The operation will return only records after (and equal to) this datetime. Format: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm" (must be URL encoded). |
stopTo | no | - | The upper datetime limit of stop of execution. The operation will return only records before (and equal to) this datetime. Format: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm" (must be URL encoded). |
status | no | - |
Current execution status.
The operation will return only records with specified |
sandbox | no | - | Sandbox code. The operation will return only records for graphs from a specified sandbox. |
jobFile | no | - | The text Id, which is unique in a specified sandbox. The file path is relative to the sandbox root. |
orderBy | no | - |
An attribute for list ordering. Possible values: |
orderDescend | no | true | A switch which specifies ascending or descending ordering. If true (default), ordering is descending. |
returnType | no | IDs |
Possible values are: |
index | no | 0 | An index of the first returned records in a whole record set. |
records | no | 1000 |
The maximum amount of returned records.
Set the value to |
verbose | no | MESSAGE | MESSAGE | FULL - how verbose should possible error message be. |
List of executions according to filter criteria.
For returnType==IDs
returns a simple list of runIDs (with new line delimiter).
For returnType==COUNT
returns only the number of entries.
Note that filtering works, but the parameters orderBy
, orderDescend
and records
are silently ignored.
For returnType==DESCRIPTION
returns complex
response which describes current status of selected executions,
their phases, nodes and ports.
execution|[runID]|[status]|[username]|[sandbox]|[graphID]|[startedDatetime]|[finishedDatetime]|[clusterNode]|[graphVersion](1) phase|[index]|[execTimeInMilis] node|[nodeID]|[status]|[totalCpuTime]|[totalUserTime]|[cpuUsage]|[peakCpuUsage]|[userUsage]|[peakUserUsage]|[label] port|[portType]|[index]|[avgBytes]|[avgRows]|[peakBytes]|[peakRows]|[totalBytes]|[totalRows]
CloverDX no longer stores graphVersion, so the value is |
example of request
example of DESCRIPTION (plain text) response
execution|13108|FINISHED_OK|clover|def|test.grf|2008-09-16 11:11:19|2008-09-16 11:11:58|nodeA|2.4 phase|0|38733 node|DATA_GENERATOR1|FINISHED_OK|0|0|0.0|0.0|0.0|0.0|label_text port|Output|0|0|0|0|0|130|10 node|TRASH0|FINISHED_OK|0|0|0.0|0.0|0.0|0.0|label_text port|Input|0|0|0|5|0|130|10 node|SPEED_LIMITER0|FINISHED_OK|0|0|0.0|0.0|0.0|0.0|label_text port|Input|0|0|0|0|0|130|10 port|Output|0|0|0|5|0|130|10 execution|13107|ABORTED|clover|def|test.grf|2008-09-16 11:11:19|2008-09-16 11:11:30 phase|0|11133 node|DATA_GENERATOR1|FINISHED_OK|0|0|0.0|0.0|0.0|0.0|label_text port|Output|0|0|0|0|0|130|10 node|TRASH0|RUNNING|0|0|0.0|0.0|0.0|0.0|label_text port|Input|0|5|0|5|0|52|4 node|SPEED_LIMITER0|RUNNING|0|0|0.0|0.0|0.0|0.0|label_text port|Input|0|0|0|0|0|130|10 port|Output|0|5|0|5|0|52|4
returns a complex data structure describing one or more selected executions in XML format.
A schema describing XML format of the XML response is accessible on CloverDX Server URL: http://[host]:[port]/clover/schemas/executions.xsd
Operation suspend
Suspends the Server or sandbox (if specified). No graphs may be executed on suspended Server/sandbox.
Table 36.6. Parameters of suspend
Name | Mandatory | Default | Description |
sandbox | no | - | The text ID of a sandbox to suspend. If not specified, it suspends the whole Server. |
atonce | no | If this parameter is set to true, running graphs from suspended Server (or just from sandbox) are aborted. Otherwise it can run until it is finished in standard way. |
Result message
Operation resume
Table 36.7. Parameters of resume
Name | Mandatory | Default | Description |
sandbox | no | - | The text Id of a sandbox to resume. If not specified, the Server will be resumed. |
verbose | no | MESSAGE | MESSAGE | FULL - how verbose should the possible error message be. |
Result message
Operation sandbox_create
This operation creates a specified sandbox. If it is a sandbox of "partitioned" or "local" type, it also creates locations by "sandbox_add_location" operation.
Table 36.8. Parameters of sandbox create
Name | Mandatory | Default | Description |
sandbox | yes | - | The text ID of a sandbox to be created. |
path | no | - | A path to the sandbox root if the Server is running in a standalone mode. |
type | no | shared | Sandbox type: shared | partitioned | local. For a standalone Server may be left empty, since the default "shared" is used. |
createDirs | no | true | Switch whether to create a directory structure of the sandbox (only for a standalone Server or "shared" sandboxes in a Cluster environment). |
verbose | no | MESSAGE | MESSAGE | FULL - how verbose should possible error message be. |
Result message
Operation sandbox_add_location
This operation adds a location to the specified sandbox. Can be only used with partitioned or local sandboxes.
Table 36.9. Parameters of sandbox add location
Name | Mandatory | Default | Description |
sandbox | yes | - | A sandbox which we want to add a location to. |
nodeId | yes | - | A location attribute - a node which has direct access to the location. |
path | yes | - | A location attribute - a path to the location root on the specified node. |
location | no | - | A location attribute - a location storage ID. If not specified, a new one will be generated. |
verbose | no | MESSAGE | MESSAGE | FULL - how verbose should possible error message be. |
Result message
Operation sandbox_remove_location
This operation removes a location from the specified sandbox. Only sandboxes of the partitioned or local type can have locations associated.
Table 36.10. Parameters of sandbox add location
Name | Mandatory | Default | Description |
sandbox | yes | - | Removes a specified location from its sandbox. |
location | yes | - | A location storage ID. If the specified location isn't attached to the specified sandbox, the sandbox won't be changed. |
verbose | no | MESSAGE | MESSAGE | FULL - how verbose should possible error message be. |
Result message
Operation download_sandbox_zip
This operation downloads the content of a specified sandbox as a ZIP archive.
Table 36.11. Parameters
Name | Mandatory | Default | Description |
sandbox | yes | - | A code of the sandbox to be downloaded. |
a content of a specified sandbox as a ZIP archive
wget --http-user=username --http-password=password http://localhost:8080/clover/simpleHttpApi/download_sandbox_zip?sandbox=my-sandbox
Operation upload_sandbox_zip
This operation uploads the content of a ZIP archive into a specified sandbox.
Table 36.12. Parameters
Name | Mandatory | Default | Description |
sandbox | yes | - | A code of the sandbox the ZIP file will be expanded to. |
zipFile | yes | - | The ZIP archive file. |
overwriteExisting | no | false | If true , the files already present in the sandbox will be overwritten. |
deleteMissing | no | false | If true , the files not present in the ZIP file will be deleted from the sandbox. |
fileNameEncoding | no | UTF-8 | The encoding that was used to store file names in the ZIP archive. |
Result message
an example of request (with using curl CLI tool (
curl -u username:password -F "overwriteExisting=true" -F "zipFile=@/tmp/" http://localhost:8080/clover/simpleHttpApi/upload_sandbox_zip
Operation cluster_status
This operation displays Cluster's nodes list.
A list of Cluster nodes with information in the following format:
<Node Name>|<Node HTTP URL>|<System Load Average>|<Node Status>
Note: The value of system load average is calculated from the minute preceding the call. If it cannot be obtained, a negative value is returned (may be caused by the calculation's unacceptable performance impact or lack of support by operating system).
Operation export_server_config
This operation exports a current server configuration in XML format.
Table 36.13. Parameters of server configuration export
Name | Mandatory | Default | Description |
include | no | all | Selection of items that will be included in the exported XML file; the parameter may be specified multiple times. Possible values are:
Current server configuration as an XML file.
wget --http-user=username --http-password=password http://localhost:8080/clover/simpleHttpApi/export_server_config
Operation import_server_config
This operation imports server configuration.
Table 36.14. Parameters of server configuration import
Name | Mandatory | Default | Description |
xmlFile | yes | - | An XML file with server's configuration. |
dryRun | no | true | If true , a dry run is performed with no actual changes written. |
verbose | no | MESSAGE |
MESSAGE | FULL - how verbose should the response be: |
newOnly | no | false |
If |
include | no | all | Selection of items that will be imported from the XML; the parameter may be specified multiple times. Possible values are:
Result message or XML report
an example of request (with using curl CLI tool (
curl -u username:password -F "dryRun=true" -F "verbose=FULL" -F "xmlFile=@/tmp/clover_configuration_2013-07-10_14-03-23+0200.xml" http://localhost:8080/clover/simpleHttpApi/import_server_config