Chapter 15. List of Configuration Properties
Below you can find the configuration properties available in CloverDX Server. The properties can be configured using the Setup GUI or by directly editing one of the several configuration sources.
In CloverDX Server UI, you can view the properties and their values in Configuration > CloverDX Info > Server Properties.
Additional properties used for Cluster configuration can be found in Chapter 42, Cluster Configuration.
Important | |
Configuration property and system property are not the same.
Configuration properties can be configured in Setup section or in |
General Configuration Properties
Configuration file |
License |
Engine |
Sandboxes |
Database connection |
Security |
Logging |
Thread Manager |
Archivator |
Properties resolver |
Data Services |
Misc |
Table 15.1. General configuration
Key | Description | Default Value |
Configuration | ||
clover.config.file | Absolute path to location of a CloverDX Server configuration file | /absolute/path/to/ |
configuration.autoimport.file | Absolute path to an XML file containing exported CloverDX Server configuration (users, schedulers, event listeners, data services, etc.). If the property is set and the target file exists, it is automatically imported during the first startup with an empty database. Any error during the import causes CloverDX Server startup to fail. The property is not set by default. | empty |
clover.home |
By default, this property is commented out and has a dynamically computed value:
path containing If defined by the user, value has a higher priority. The property can be overridden using:
environment variable
context parameter
or system property | ${}/CloverETL or ${}/CloverDX |
License | ||
license.file | Absolute path to location of a CloverDX Server license file (license.dat) | |
license.context_names | A comma-separated list of web-app contexts which may contain license. Each of them has to start with a slash! Works only on Apache Tomcat. | /clover-license,/clover_license |
Engine | ||
engine.config.file | location of a CloverDX engine configuration properties file | properties file packed with CloverDX |
engine.plugins.additional.src | This property may contain an absolute path to some "source" of additional CloverDX engine plugins. These plugins are not a substitute for plugins packed in WAR. "Source" may be a directory or a zip file. Both, a directory and a zip, must contain a subdirectory for each plugin. Changes in the directory or the ZIP file apply only when the server is restarted. For details see Chapter 34, Extensibility - CloverDX Engine Plugins. | empty |
Sandboxes | ||
sandboxes.home |
This property is primarily intended to be used as a placeholder in the sandbox root path specification. So the sandbox path is specified with the placeholder and it's resolved to the real path just before it's used. The sandbox path may still be specified as an absolute path, but placeholder has some significant advantages: * sandbox definition may be exported/imported to another environment with a different directory structure * user creating sandboxes doesn't have to care about physical location on the filesystem * each node in Cluster environment may have a different "sandboxes.home" value, so the directory structure doesn't have to be identical For backward compatibility, the default value uses the content of the clover.home configuration property. | ${clover.home}/sandboxes |
sandboxes.access.check.boundaries.enabled |
true | false If it is set to false, then the path relative to a sandbox root may point out of the sandbox. No file/folder outside of the sandbox is accessible by the relative path otherwise. | true |
sandboxes.autoimport |
If enabled, the Server scans the | false |
Database connection | ||
datasource.type | Set this explicitly to JNDI if you need CloverDX Server to connect to a DB using JNDI datasource. In such case, "datasource.jndiName" and "jdbc.dialect" parameters must be set properly. Possible values: JNDI | JDBC | JDBC |
datasource.jndiName | JNDI location of a DB DataSource. It is applied only if "datasource.type" is set to "JNDI". | java:comp/env/jdbc/clover_server |
jdbc.driverClassName | class name for JDBC driver name | |
jdbc.url | JDBC URL used by CloverDX Server to store data | |
jdbc.username | JDBC database user name | |
jdbc.password | JDBC database password | |
jdbc.dialect | hibernate dialect to use in ORM | |
quartz.driverDelegateClass | SQL dialect for quartz. Value is automatically derived from "jdbc.dialect" property value. | |
Security | ||
openssh.config.file |
Specifies the location of the OpenSSH configuration file which allows you to define SSH access outside of CloverDX Server.
The path to the file is | | | List of server properties which are used only by the CloverDX Server code. So these properties are not accessible outside of the ServerFacade. By default, there are all properties which may contain password in the list, so their values are not visible for web GUI users. The values are replaced by a single star "*". Changes in this list may cause unexpected behavior of some server API. | jdbc.password, executor.password, security.ldap.password, clover.smtp.password |
security.session.validity | Session validity in milliseconds. When the request of logged-in user/client is detected, validity is automatically prolonged. | 14400000 | | Interval for exchange of invalid tokens in milliseconds. | 360000 |
security.default_domain | Domain in which all new users are included. Stored in user's record in the database. Shouldn't be changed unless the "clover" must be white-labelled. | clover |
security.basic_authentication.features_list |
List of features which are accessible using HTTP and which should be protected by Basic HTTP Authentication. The list has form of semicolon separated items; Each feature is specified by its servlet path. | /request_processor;/simpleHttpApi;/launch;/launchIt;/downloadStorage;/downloadFile;/uploadSandboxFile;/downloadLog;/webdav |
security.basic_authentication.realm |
Realm string for HTTP Basic Authentication. | CloverDX Server |
security.digest_authentication.features_list |
List of features which are accessible using HTTP and which should be protected by HTTP Digest Authentication. The list has form of semi-colon separated items. Each feature is specified by its servlet path. Please keep in mind that HTTP Digest Authentication is feature added to the version 3.1. If you upgraded your older CloverDX Server distribution, users created before the upgrade cannot use the HTTP Digest Authentication until they reset their passwords. So when they reset their passwords (or the admin does it for them), they can use Digest Authentication as well as new users. | |
security.digest_authentication.storeA1.enabled | Switch whether the A1 Digest for HTTP Digest Authentication should be generated and stored or not. Since there is no CloverDX Server API using the HTTP Digest Authentication by default, it's recommended to keep it disabled. This option is not automatically enabled when any feature is specified in the security.digest_authentication.features_list property. | false |
security.digest_authentication.realm | Realm string for HTTP Digest Authentication. If it is changed, all users have to reset their passwords, otherwise they won't be able to access the server features protected by HTTP digest Authentication. | CloverDX Server |
security.digest_authentication.nonce_validity | Interval of validity for HTTP Digest Authentication specified in seconds. When the interval passes, server requires new authentication from the client. Most of the HTTP clients do it automatically. | 300 |
security.lockout.login.attempts | The number of failed login attempts after which a next failed login attempt will lock the user. Set the value to 0 to disable the function. Since 4.8.0M1. | 50 |
security.lockout.reset.period | Period of time in seconds during which the failed login attempts are counted. Since 4.8.0M1. | 60 |
security.lockout.unlock.period | Period of time in seconds after which a successful login attempt will unlock the previously locked user. Since 4.8.0M1. | 300 | |
Enable/disable protection of Simple HTTP API against CSRF attacks, enabled by default.
The CSRF protection requires presence of the For more details, see the section called “CSRF Protection”. | true |
SMTP | ||
clover.smtp.transport.protocol | SMTP server protocol. Possible values are "smtp" or "smtps". | smtp | | SMTP server hostname or IP address | |
clover.smtp.port | SMTP server port | |
clover.smtp.authentication | true/false If it is false, username and password are ignored. | |
clover.smtp.username | SMTP server username | |
clover.smtp.password | SMTP server password | |
clover.smtp.additional.* |
Properties with the clover.smtp.additional. prefix are automatically added (without the prefix) to the Properties instance passed to the Mailer.
May be useful for some protocol specific parameters.
The prefix is removed. | |
Logging | ||
logging.project_name | Used in log messages where it is necessary to name the product name. | CloverDX |
logging.default_subdir | Name of a default subdirectory for all server logs; it is relative to the path specified by system property "". Don't specify as an absolute path, use properties which are intended for absolute path. | cloverlogs |
logging.logger.performance.enabled | Enables logging of informations about server performance, e.g. memory and CPU usage. The name of the output file is "performance.log". It is stored in the same directory as other CloverDX Server log files by default. See Performance Log for more details. | true |
logging.logger.server_audit.enabled | Enables logging of operations called on ServerFacade and JDBC proxy interfaces. The name of the output file is "server-audit.log". It is stored in the same directory as other CloverDX Server log files by default. The default logging level is DEBUG so it logs all operations which may process any change. | false |
logging.logger.server_integration.enabled | Enables logging of Designer-Server calls. The name of the output file is "server-integration.log". It is stored in the same directory as other CloverDX Server log files by default. The default logging level is INFO. Username is logged, if available. JDBC and CTL debugging is not logged. | true |
launch.log.dir | Location, where server should store launch requests logs. See Chapter 39, Launch Services for details. | ${}/[logging. default_subdir]/launch where ${} is system property |
graph.logs_path | Location, where server should store Graph run logs. See Chapter 17, Logging for details. | ${}/[logging. default_subdir]/graph where ${} is system property | | Pattern of the jobs' log messages | %d %-5p %-3X{runId} [%t] %m%n | | Encoding of the jobs' log files | UTF-8 |
logging.mem_appender.WORKER.pattern_layout |
Format of log that can be seen in Monitoring > Logs > Worker. | |
logging.mem_appender.WORKER.size_limit |
Size of log that can be seen in Monitoring > Logs > Worker. | |
Thread Manager | ||
threadManager.pool.corePoolSize |
Number of threads which are always active (running or idling). Related to a thread pool for processing server events. | 4 |
threadManager.pool.queueCapacity |
Max size of the queue (FIFO) which contains tasks waiting for an available thread. Related to a thread pool for processing server events. For queueCapacity=0, there are no waiting tasks, each task is immediately executed in an available thread or in a new thread. | 0 |
threadManager.pool.maxPoolSize |
Max number of active threads. If no thread from a core pool is available, the pool creates new threads up to "maxPoolSize" threads. If there are more concurrent tasks then maxPoolSize, thread manager refuses to execute it. | 8192 |
threadManager.pool.allowCoreThreadTimeOut |
Switch for idling threads timeout. If true, the "corePoolSize" is ignored so all idling threads may be time-outed | false |
threadManager.pool.keepAliveSeconds |
timeout for idling threads in seconds | 20 |
Archivator | ||
task.archivator.batch_size | Max number of records deleted in one batch. It is used for deleting of archived run records. | 50 |
task.archivator.archive_file_prefix | Prefix of archive files created by the archivator. | cloverArchive_ |
Properties resolver | ||
properties_resolver.placeholders.server_props_list_default | A list of properties from a subset of properties, that may be used as placeholders and shall be resolved if used in paths. The properties can be used if you define a path to the root of a sandbox, or to locations of local or partitioned sandboxes, or path to a script, or path in archiver job. Users are strongly discouraged from modification of the property. The property name changed since CloverDX 4.2, however the obsolete name is also still accepted to maintain backwards compatibility. | clover.home, sandboxes.home, sandboxes.home.local, sandboxes.home.partitioned, |
Data Services | ||
dataservice.invocation.record.max.age | It sets the maximal age in minutes before the record is removed from the database. The default is 1440 min = 24 h. | 1440 |
dataservice.failure.ratio.min.record.count | Used for Data Service failure indication. It represents the minimum number of invocations required to evaluate whether the percentage of failures is over the threshold. Ensures that during periods of low traffic the endpoint does not switch to failing state. 10 by default. | 10 |
API | ||
launch.http_header_prefix | Prefix of HTTP headers added by launch services to the HTTP response. | X-cloveretl |
http.api.enabled |
Enables or disables simple HTTP API.
If the HTTP API is disabled,
there is no link to HTTP API operations in login page,
the HTTP API tab in Launch Service that is accessible under Test button is not visible,
and the HTTP API, the Available since 4.8.0M1. See Chapter 36, Simple HTTP API. | true |
webDav.method.propfind.maxDepth |
Maximum depth for webDAV method PROPFIND. When the depth is not specified, the default is supposed to be infinite (according to the rfc2518), however it's necessary to set some limit, otherwise the webDav client might overload the server filesystem. Also if the depth value specified by webDAV client in the request is higher than the pre-configured max depth, only the pre-configured maximum is used. | 40 |
JVM | ||
server.env.min_heap_memory | Sets the required minimal heap memory threshold. If the configuration of CloverDX Server is set to less heap memory, a warning is displayed. Experienced users can change the default value to avoid the warning when running the server on a system with lower memory. The threshold is in megabytes. | 900 |
server.env.min_nonheap_memory | Sets the required minimal non-heap memory threshold. If the configuration of CloverDX Server is set to less non-heap memory, a warning is displayed. Experienced users can change the default value to avoid the warning when running the server on a system with lower memory. The threshold is in megabytes. | 256 |
Miscellaneous | ||
temp.default_subdir | Name of a default subdirectory for server tmp files; it is relative to the path specified by system property "". | clovertmp |
graph.pass_event_params_to_graph_in_old_style | Since 3.0. It is a switch for backwards compatibility of passing parameters to the graph executed by a graph event. In versions prior to 3.0, all parameters are passed to executed graph. Since 3.0, just specified parameters are passed. Please see Start a Graph for details. | false | | Sets the interval for synchronization of the Data Services health state between the Cluster nodes. The time is in milliseconds. | 30000 |
clover.event.fileCheckMinInterval | Interval of the timer, running file event listener checks (in milliseconds). See File Event Listeners (remote and local) for details. | 1000 |
clover.event.groovyCheckMinInterval |
The periodicity of Groovy checks for Groovy event listeners (in milliseconds). | 1000 |
clover.inDevelopment |
Displays/hides the debug window. | false |
cluster.node.sendinfo.stats.interval |
The maximum time interval (in hours) for which the data in Performance Tab is recorded. Note: longer time intervals increase Server memory consumption and may increase latency when using Server GUI. | 24 |
launchservices.visible |
Display Launch Services in the main menu in Server UI.
Can be true or false .
| false |
task.jms.callback.timeout | A JMS Message Listener property. Sets the time (in milliseconds) for which a JMS message listener waits for a triggered task to finish. After this time, the listener continues in processing the next message from the source queue/topic. | 3600000 (1 hour) |
webGui.instance.color | Sets the background color of the Instance Indicator.
Possible values are: For the changes to take effect, you must log out and then back in the Server. | |
webGui.instance.label | Sets the label of the Instance Indicator. Note that too long label will be cropped in the GUI. For the changes to take effect, you must log out and then back in the Server. |
Worker - Configuration Properties
Table 15.2. Server - Worker configuration
Key | Description | Default Value |
worker.initialWorkers |
Enable/disable the Worker. To enable Worker, set to 1 (this is the default). To disable Worker and run all jobs in Core Server, set to 0. Starting more than one Worker is currently (in 4.9.0) not supported. | 1 |
worker.portRange |
Port range used for communication between Server Core and Worker and between Workers on different Cluster nodes. Communication between Server Core and Worker is done on localhost. Workers on different Cluster nodes communicate directly with each other over these ports - in Cluster setup, this port range should be open in firewall for other Cluster nodes. This property can be easily configured in the Worker tab of Setup.
If more Cluster nodes run on the same machine, make sure that there are enough free ports for Workers of all Cluster nodes on the machine.
The default configuration of | 10500-10600 |
worker.connectTimeout |
Timeout for connection initialization between Worker and Server Core, in both directions. The timeout is in milliseconds. This setting can be useful when handling communication issues between Server Core and Worker, typically under high load you might want to increase the timeout. | 60000 |
worker.readTimeout |
Read timeout for communication requests between Worker and Server Core, in both directions. If a request is not completely served before reaching this limit, the connection is terminated. The timeout is in milliseconds. This setting can be useful when handling communication issues between Server Core and Worker, typically under high load you might want to increase the timeout. | 600000 |
worker.classpath |
A directory with additional The Worker's classpath is separate from Server Core (i.e. application container classpath). Any libraries needed by jobs executed on Worker need to be added on the Worker's classpath. For backward compatibility, the default value uses the content of the clover.home configuration property. The property can contain paths to multiple directories. The separator between the directories can be a colon (on Linux and Mac) or semicolon (Linux, Mac and Windows), e.g.:
If a directory is added on the Worker's classpath, its subdirectories are automatically added too.
Some basic wildcards are supported: | ${clover.home}/worker-lib |
worker.maxHeapSize |
The maximum Java heap size of Worker in MB, it will be translated to the See our recommendations for heap sizes of Worker and Server Core. This property can be easily configured in the Worker tab of Setup. Setting to 0 uses Java default heap size (automatically determined by Java). This setting is not recommended for production usage. | 0 |
worker.initHeapSize |
The initial Java heap size of Worker in MB,
it will be translated to the This property can be easily configured in the Worker tab of Setup. Setting to 0 uses Java default initial heap size (automatically determined by Java). This setting is not recommended for production usage. | 0 |
worker.jvmOptions |
Adds Java command line options for the Worker's JVM. This property is useful to tweak the configuration of the Worker's JVM, e.g. to tune garbage collector settings. These command line options override default options of the JVM.
For example to enable parallel garbage collector: See Additional Diagnostic Tools section for useful options for troubleshooting and debugging Worker. This property can be easily configured in the Worker tab of Setup. | |
worker.enableDebug | Remote Java debugging of Worker, enables JDWP. Enabling this allows you to connect a Java debugger remotely to the running Worker process, to debug your Java transformations, investigate issues, etc. The port used by the debugger is determined dynamically and can be seen in the Worker section of the Monitoring or Setup page. | false |
worker.inheritSystemProperties |
Sets whether system Java properties are inherited from the Server Core process to the Worker process. We automatically inherit some system properties to simplify the Worker configuration. For the list of system Java properties inherited from the Server Core to Worker, see properties passed from Server Core if worker.inheritSystemProperties is true. This functionality is enabled by default. Use this property to disable this behavior in case some of the inherited properties would cause issues. | true |
worker.javaExecutable |
Absolute path to the Java binary for Worker process, e.g.
Use this property if you need to use a specific Java binary for running the Worker. Note: Make sure that Worker uses the same major Java version as the Server Core (e.g. Java 11). Using different major Java versions is not supported. | Value is automatically determined based on $JAVA_HOME environment variable. |
Worker Health Related Properties
Below is a list of properties defining timeouts and limits related to the Worker's health.
For Expert Users Only | |
These properties are for expert users only. Default values should be sufficient. Modification of the values could conceal the real cause of the problem; therefore, we strongly discourage users from changing the values. |
Table 15.3. General configuration
Key | Description | Default Value |
---|---|---| | Time before Worker is pronounced unresponsive because of a missing heartbeat (in milliseconds). | 120000 | | Time before Worker is pronounced unresponsive because it is not sending any information to Server Core (in milliseconds). | 60000 | | Time before Worker is pronounced unresponsive because all requests are failing (i.e. throwing exceptions) (in milliseconds). | 60000 | | Number of requests in a row which must fail to pronounce Worker unresponsive (amount of failures). | 30 |
Worker - JNDI Properties
The Worker has its own JNDI pool separate from the application container JNDI pool. If your jobs use JNDI resources (to obtain JDBC or JMS connections), you have to configure the Worker's JNDI pool and its resources.
The worker JNDI properties must be configured using the
configuration file.
Libraries used by the JNDI resources must be added to the Worker's classpath,
see worker.classpath.
It is possible to define multiple datasources pointing to different databases or JMS queues, see examples below. The datasources are indexed in configuration, their properties have suffix [0], [1], etc. Even a single datasource must have the [0] index.
JDBC Datasources
Worker uses the Apache DBCP2 pool for its JNDI functionality. Any DBCP2 configuration attribute is supported,
see DBCP attributes.
The only mandatory properties are jndiName
and url
See table below for basic JNDI properties.
You can monitor the state of the datasources via JMX.
See Additional Diagnostic Tools for details on how to enable JMX
on Worker. Then you can connect to the Worker's JMX interface with tools
like jconsole
and monitor the JNDI datasources,
e.g. for the number of currently open connections.
The related MBeans are under the Tomcat/DataSource/localhost///javax.sql.DataSource
Figure 15.1. MBean for a JNDI datasource in jconsole
Table 15.4. Properties for JDBC JNDI Resources in Worker
Key | Description | Example |
worker.jndi.datasource[0].jndiName | The name of the JNDI datasource. Mandatory. | jdbc/database_name |
worker.jndi.datasource[0].url | The JDBC connection URL. Mandatory. | jdbc:postgresql://hostname:5432/database_name |
worker.jndi.datasource[0].username | The user name for a database connection. | clover |
worker.jndi.datasource[0].password | The password for a database connection. The password value can be encrypted using the secure configuration tool, see Secure Configuration Properties. | clover |
worker.jndi.datasource[0].driverClassName | The database driver classname. The database driver must be on the Worker classpath, see worker.classpath. | org.postgresql.Driver |
worker.jndi.datasource[0].maxIdle | The maximum number of idle database connections in a pool. Set to -1 for no limit. | 10 |
worker.jndi.datasource[0].maxTotal | The maximum number of database connections in a pool. Set to -1 for no limit. | 20 |
worker.jndi.datasource[0].maxWaitMillis | The maximum time Worker waits for a database connection to become available. In milliseconds, set to -1 for no limit. | 30000 |
worker.jndi.datasource[0].dbcpAttribute |
Any DBCP2 attribute, e.g. worker.jndi.datasource[0].initSQL .
See DBCP attributes.
The following example shows configuration of two JDBC Datasources.
worker.jndi.datasource[0].jndiName=jdbc/postgresql_finance worker.jndi.datasource[0].url=jdbc:postgresql:// worker.jndi.datasource[0].maxIdle=5 worker.jndi.datasource[0].maxTotal=10 worker.jndi.datasource[0].maxWaitMillis=-1 worker.jndi.datasource[0].username=finance_user worker.jndi.datasource[0].password=conf#eCflGDlDtKSJjh9VyDlRh7IftAbI/vsH worker.jndi.datasource[0].driverClassName=org.postgresql.Driver worker.jndi.datasource[1].jndiName=jdbc/MysqlDB worker.jndi.datasource[1].url=jdbc:mysql:// worker.jndi.datasource[1].maxIdle=10 worker.jndi.datasource[1].maxTotal=20 worker.jndi.datasource[1].maxWaitMillis=-1 worker.jndi.datasource[1].username=marketing_user worker.jndi.datasource[1].password=conf#JWsMa2okg7Dq2gtLBM84sE== worker.jndi.datasource[1].driverClassName=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
JMS Connections
Worker can use any JMS broker to define JMS connections in JNDI.
Any JMS broker configuration attribute is supported. The mandatory properties are
, factory
and type
See table below for basic JNDI properties for JMS resources.
Table 15.5. Properties for JMS JNDI Resources in Worker
Key | Description | Example |
worker.jndi.jms[0].jndiName | The name of the JNDI JMS resource. Mandatory. | jms/jms_queue |
worker.jndi.jms[0].factory | Factory class for creating the JMS resource. This is JMS broker specific. Mandatory. | org.apache.activemq.jndi.JNDIReferenceFactory |
worker.jndi.jms[0].type | Implementation class of the JMS resource. This is JMS broker specific. Mandatory. | org.apache.activemq.command.ActiveMQQueue |
worker.jndi.jms[0].jmsProperty | Configuration property for the JMS resource. Any configuration property supported by the JMS broker can be used. |
worker.jndi.jms[0].brokerUrl .
The following example shows configuration of several JMS resources.
worker.jndi.jms[0].jndiName=jms/CloverConnectionFactory worker.jndi.jms[0].type=org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory worker.jndi.jms[0].factory=org.apache.activemq.jndi.JNDIReferenceFactory worker.jndi.jms[0].brokerUrl=tcp://localhost:61616?jms.prefetchPolicy.queuePrefetch=1 worker.jndi.jms[0].brokerName=LocalActiveMQBroker worker.jndi.jms[1].jndiName=jms/CloverQueue worker.jndi.jms[1].type=org.apache.activemq.command.ActiveMQQueue worker.jndi.jms[1].factory=org.apache.activemq.jndi.JNDIReferenceFactory worker.jndi.jms[1].physicalName=TestQueue
Worker - SSL Properties
In Cluster, Workers of each node communicate with each other directly for increased performance. This communication is used to transport data of Cluster remote edges in Clustered jobs between the nodes. For increased security, it is possible to use SSL for the remote edge communication.
SSL communication between Workers needs to be enabled and configured separately
from SSL of the application container that runs Server Core.
The worker.ssl.enabled
property is used to enable/disable SSL.
If a Cluster node's "self" URL is using HTTPS, we automatically set the property to true.
Configuration of SSL consists of setting paths and passwords of KeyStore and
TrustStore, see the table below for details.
Note that if the standard SSL related system properties (
are used to configure KeyStore/TrustStore for the Server Core, they are propagated to Worker; therefore,
their respective worker.ssl
properties do not need to be configured.
Recommended steps to enable SSL for inter-worker communication are:
Enable SSL for each Cluster node, via the application container settings. Configure TrustStore and KeyStore via the standard*
for each node to point to its own HTTPS URLCheck that communication between Cluster nodes over SSL works and that the nodes can correctly see each other. The Monitoring page of Server Console should show the whole Cluster group and its nodes correctly.
Worker should automatically inherit the above SSL configuration.
Run a Clustered job on Worker
Table 15.6. Properties for SSL communication in Worker
Key | Description | Example |
worker.ssl.enabled | Enables or disables an SSL connection for Worker. Note that if the Server runs on HTTPS, SSL is enabled automatically; however, this property has a higher priority. | true /false |
worker.ssl.keyStore | Absolute path to the KeyStore file. | path/to/keyStore.file |
worker.ssl.keyStorePassword | The KeyStore password. | |
worker.ssl.keyAlias | The alias of the key in keyStore. Optional - the property does not have to be specified if there is only one key in the KeyStore. | |
worker.ssl.port | The port for SSL communication with Worker. The property is configured automatically and the value is set from worker.portRange. | |
cluster.ssl.disableCertificateValidation | Disables validation of certificates in HTTPS connections of remote edges. Disabling the validation affects jobs run on both Worker and Server Core. | true /false |
Properties on Worker's Command Line
To ensure proper functionality of CloverDX Worker, there is a number of parameters which can appear on its command line. These can be hard-coded, passed from the configuration file, propagated from Server Core or added manually for a specific purpose, see the list below.
Note that the list does not include internal system parameters not configurable by the user.
Table 15.7. List of Properties on Worker's Command Line
Property | Note |
Passed from Server Core if worker.inheritSystemProperties is true | | | Standard SSL related properties. Values of the properties containing passwords are encrypted.
See also SSL properties for Worker. | | | | | | | | |
-Djava.library.path | Standard Java properties | | |
-Dhttps.protocols | |
-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize | |
-Djava.rmi.server.hostname | |
-Dfile.encoding | The charset for file contents. |
-DsocksProxyHost | Properties for proxy configuration. The properties with * are passed for http, https and ftp. |
-DsocksProxyPort | |
-DsocksProxyVersion | | | | | | | |
-D*.proxyHost | |
-D*.proxyPort | |
-D*.proxyUser | |
-D*.proxyPassword | |
-D*.nonProxyHosts | |
Hard-coded Properties | |
-Djdk.nio.maxCachedBufferSize | Limits the memory used by the temporary buffer cache; prevents memory leaks. |
Added for Java 8 | |
-XX:+UseG1GC | Setting G1 garbage collector as default for Java 8. See garbage collector for Worker. |
Added for Java 9 and Newer | |
--add-opens=java.base/java.lang | Parameters for suppressing illegal reflective access warning. |
--add-opens=java.base/java.util | |
--add-exports=java.xml/ | |
--add-opens=java.rmi/sun.rmi.transport | |
Added from / | |
-Xms*m | From the worker.initHeapSize property; * is the property value. |
-Xmx*m | From the worker.maxHeapSize property; * is the property value. |
-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=*,suspend=n | From the worker.enableDebug property; * is a dynamically determined port used by the debugger. The port can be seen in the Worker section of the Monitoring or Setup page. |
-Dworker.ssl.enabled | Worker-specific SSL configuration properties. Values of the properties containing passwords are encrypted. If the standard SSL properties are used (see above), the Worker-specific properties don't have to be configured. See also SSL properties for Worker. |
-Dworker.ssl.keyStore | |
-Dworker.ssl.keyStorePassword | |
-Dworker.ssl.keyAlias | |
-Dworker.ssl.trustStore | |
-Dworker.ssl.trustStorePassword | |
-Dsecurity.config_properties.encryptor.providerClassName | Encryption provider and algorithm for secure parameters. See Secure parameters configuration. |
-Dsecurity.config_properties.encryptor.algorithm | |
Added if worker.ssl.enabled is true | |
-Dworker.ssl.port | The port for SSL communication with Worker is taken from the port range set by the worker.portRange property. |
Job Execution Properties
Table 15.8. Defaults for job execution configuration - see Job Config Properties for details
Key | Description | Default Value |
executor.tracking_interval | An interval in milliseconds for scanning of a current status of a running graph. The shorter interval, the bigger log file. | 2000 |
executor.log_level | Log level of graph runs. TRACE | DEBUG | INFO | WARN | ERROR | INFO |
executor.max_job_tree_depth | Defines maximal depth of the job execution tree, e.g. for recursive job it defines the maximal level of recursion (counting from root job). | 32 |
executor.max_running_concurrently | Amount of graph instances which may exist (or run) concurrently. 0 means no limits. | 0 |
executor.max_graph_instance_age |
Specifies how long can a graph instance be idling before it is released from memory. Interval is in milliseconds. 0 means no caching. This property has been renamed since 2.8. Original name was executor.maxGraphInstanceAge | 0 |
executor.classpath | Classpath for transformation/processor classes used in the graph. Directory [Sandbox_root]/trans/ does not have to be listed here, since it is automatically added to a graph run classpath. | |
executor.skip_check_config | Disables check of graph configuration. Increases performance of a graph execution; however, it may be useful during graph development. | true |
executor.password | This property is deprecated. The password for decoding encoded DB connection passwords. | |
executor.verbose_mode | If true, more descriptive logs of graph runs are generated. | true |
executor.use_jmx | If true, the graph executor registers JMX mBean of the running graph. | true |
executor.debug_mode | If true, edges with enabled debug store data into files in debug directory. | false |