
    Chapter 35. Sequences

    Sequence is an object designed to create a sequence of numbers.

    Sequence can be used, for example, for numbering records or generating a unique identifier for records being stored in a database.

    The generated numbers can be unique within a single graph run (non persistent sequence) or across multiple graph runs (persistent sequence).

    The sequence can be created as internal (accessible from single graph) or external (shared among graphs). A conversion between internal and external sequences is possible.

    Editing a sequence in Sequence Dialog is described in Editing a Sequence.

    Sequences can be accessed from CTL, see Sequence Functions.


    Remember that you should not use sequences in the init(), preExecute() or postExecute() functions of CTL template and the same methods of Java interfaces.

    If you plan to use sequences on Cluster, see Sequences in Cluster Environment.