Delete column(s)

Delete column(s) step allows you to delete columns from the data set.

  • Select column(s) to be deleted: required, select the column(s) to be removed or kept (depending on the Mode of operation) from the data set.

    • Display the list of columns by clicking in the Select column(s) field.

    • To quickly find the desired column, start typing the column name.

    • Select all the columns to be deleted or kept by clicking on them.

    • To unselect a column either click on the column name in the column list or click on X on the right side of the column name in the Select column(s) to be deleted field.

    • To quickly select or unselect all the columns, click on the check box next to the column name lookup field.

  • Mode of operation: by default, the selected columns are deleted.

    • Remove selected columns, keep the others (default option)

    • Keep selected columnns, remove all others


To delete the Type and Contact columns, configure the step like this:

delete column

To delete all columns but the Type and Contact columns, configure the step like this:

delete column keep