

    CloverDX Data Profiler Reporting Console supports the following web containers:

    • Tomcat 9 (see)

    • IBM WebSphere 9 (see)

    • WebLogic 12cR2 (12.2.1) (see)

    • JBoss EAP 7 (see)


    Basic installation is fairly simple.

    1. Obtain the profiler.war file.

    2. Then place it to your web container's webapps dir.


    Deploy the Reporting Console:

    • Go to Integrated Solutions Console


    • Go to ApplicationsNew ApplicationNew Enterprise Application and follow the instructions on your screen.

    Configure application class loading:

    • Go to WebSphere Enterprise Applicationsprofiler_war (or other name of the Reporting Console application)Manage Modulesprofiler.serverServer-specific Application Settings. Here under Class loading mode select Classes loaded with local class loader first (parent last).

    With default configuration, the Reporting Console will try start an internal Apache Derby database for storing the profiling results. On WebSphere, this requires you to place derby.jar and derbynet.jar drivers into your [websphere]/lib directory. You can download these drivers here.


    Similarly to WebSphere, go to your server's administration and deploy your copy of profiler.war.


    Similarly to Tomcat, copy profiler.war to [jboss-home]/server/default/deploy.

    Default Configuration

    The Reporting Console needs to communicate with a running CloverDX Server instance to check for user permissions. By default, Reporting Console will try to contact CloverDX Server at the address http://localhost:8080/clover. If your CloverDX Server instance is running at different location, please refer to Configuration to change this configuration.

    By default, the Reporting Console will start an internal Apache Derby database for storing the profiling results. If you wish to store the profiling results into different database (which we recommend), please also refer to Configuration.

    The easiest default installation and configuration is therefore the one when you deploy both CloverDX Server and the Reporting Console to the same web container on port 8080. This way both applications will successfully use their default configurations to communicate with each other. More on this in Configuration.