
    43. Listeners

    Listeners can be seen as 'hooks'. They wait for a specific event and take a used-defined action if the event occurs.

    Created listeners are shown in the Event Listener list (see Figure below). The list has the following columns:

    Table 51. Event Listeners Table Description
    Column name Description


    Indicates whether the listener is enabled or disabled. Clicking the icon enables/disables the listener.


    Shows the name of the listener, task type and event the listener is waiting for.

    Last run

    Shows the date and time of the listener’s last run.


    Shows the number of successful runs.


    Shows the number of failed runs.


    Click the three vertical dots to open a submenu where you can create an email notification or delete the listener.

    listeners table
    Figure 165. Listeners

    The event is specific to the particular listener.

    Graph Event Listeners

    Jobflow Event Listeners

    JMS Message Listeners

    Kafka Message Listeners

    Universal Event Listeners

    File Event Listeners (remote and local)

    Task Failure Listeners

    The available actions taken by the listeners are common for all listeners. The actions, that can be taken are:

    Send an Email

    Execute Shell Command

    Start a Graph

    Start a Jobflow

    Abort job

    Archive Records

    Send a JMS Message

    Execute Groovy Code