1. What is CloverDX Server?
CloverDX Server is an enterprise runtime, monitoring and automation platform for the CloverDX data integration suite. It is a Java application built to J2EE standards with HTTP and SOAP Web Services APIs providing an additional automation control for integration into existing application portfolios and processes.
CloverDX Server provides necessary tools to deploy, monitor, schedule, integrate and automate data integration processes in large scale and complex projects. CloverDX Server supports a wide range of application servers: Apache Tomcat, IBM WebSphere, JBoss EAP and Oracle WebLogic Server.
CloverDX Server simplifies the process of:
Operation - CloverDX Server allows you to set up and monitor the status of the Server and jobs and notify you via an email if the job fails;
Automation - It allows you to efficiently handle jobflow events via listeners and schedule tasks to be triggered as one-time events or repeatedly, as required;
Administration - It helps you manage users and groups and their privileges, create and configure sandboxes and export the configuration to another instance of the Server. Furthermore, the Server provides API and allows you to create it via Data Services;
Security - For better control over CloverDX Server, you can set up user lockout and encrypt sensitive data.
To learn more about the architecture of CloverDX Server, see CloverDX Server Architecture.