CloverDX Server Project Basic Principles

  1. A sandbox must exist on CloverDX Server. If a sandbox does not exist, you can create it from CloverDX Designer. See CloverDX Server Project.

  2. For each CloverDX Server sandbox, only one CloverDX Server project can be created within the same workspace. If you want to create more than one CloverDX Server projects for a single CloverDX Server sandbox, each of these projects must be in different workspace.

  3. In one workspace, you can have more CloverDX Server projects created using your Designer.

    Each of these CloverDX Server projects can even be linked to different CloverDX Server.

  4. CloverDX Designer uses HTTP/HTTPS protocols to connect to CloverDX Server. These protocols work well with complex network setups and firewalls. Remember that each connection to any CloverDX Server is saved in your workspace. For this reason, you can use only one protocol in one workspace. You have your login name, password and some specified user rights and/or keys.

    In case the Server login credentials were changed while connected to a Server project, Designer throws an exception. In such a case, convert the project to local and then to Server again and provide correct login credentials.

  5. Remember that if multiple users are accessing the same sandbox (via Designer), they must cooperate to not overwrite their changes made to the same resources (e.g. graphs). If anyone changes the graph or any other resource on CloverDX Server, the other users may overwrite such resources on Server. However, a warning is displayed and each user must decide whether they really want to overwrite such resource on CloverDX Server. The remote resources are not locked and the user must decide what should be done in the case of such a conflict.